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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/611198-Appreciate-the-small-things
by Eli
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #1402285
Just a journal for me to write,vent, or express.
#611198 added October 5, 2008 at 8:32pm
Restrictions: None
Appreciate the small things
I am sure everyone has been holding their breather waiting to hear...or read I guess I should say, more of my thoughts. So I'll give you a moment to catch your breathe.
    I am glad I decided to come back, I am not sure what prompted this decision but it probably has to do with the lack of intellectual interaction I currently have in my life. I do love and cherish my friends but they are not  all at the better end of the I.Q. spectrum.
      I just took a minute to go and read my previous blog entries and as I read them I was rather impressed with what I had written. It also reminded me of the way I felt at that time and my desire to continue feeling that way. I am glad to say I once again posses a zeal and zest for life that I tend to lose every now and again.
    it is so easy to get caught up in everything going on in the world and begin to concentrate on the negative aspect of everything rather than the positive. I recently turned 24 so I would not say I am the most knowledgeable or insightful person in the world but I do consider myself rather intelligent. Over the last few months of my life however I had been a little less positive about myself and my life. Things really took a turn for the worse and I allowed myself to become somebody I did not want to be. I mean I am not saying you would find me with a needle in my arm or strong arming some old lady, but I was not leading the life I should or wanted to be. Fortunately I was given an opportunity to get back to who I truly am  and am glad I did. I still struggle with things, as we all do, but I am making positive head way once again and intend to continue in that. Ofcourse now that I am trying so hard to continually better my life there are many obstacles, but a good challenge is healthy for me so I now appreciate those obstacles rather then allow defeat.
    A few weeks ago I had a great conversation with a friend I really am glad to have. She is wise beyond her age and one of the few people I feel I can honestly speak with and seek advice from. That conversation really stuck with me and I replay it my head a lot. This conversation was about myself and my outlook and I spoke negatively of myself and allowed a defeatist attitude to temporarily control me.  During this conversation she spoke about a book she had read  that had really helped her, in particular she spoke about a quote that stuck with her and she sent the quote to me.

"Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry — all forms of fear — are cause by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of nonforgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence."

    I cant even begin to explain the volumes that this spoke to me, it is a perfect and spot on statement. One that I will never forget. In light of my newly acquired exigence for success and positivity in my life this quote could not have found me at a better time. You see allowing negativity into your life affects you in more ways than you realize I had really underestimated the havoc that a negative outlook can wreak on your life and relationships. Especially for the people who love and care for you and desire nothing more than to see you be happy and successful. If you indulge in a negative outlook and continuously focus on the things your not doing in your life and the accomplishment you are not attaining then you are essentially destroying yourself and any possibility you do have of succeeding. I have come to learn that in life you have to first train yourself to appreciate the things you accomplish daily and enjoy the small moments in your life  and to be happy when you realize those daily goals. Eventually you will forget about what your not doing and feel good about what you are doing. Once that has become habit those daily accomplishments begin to turn into larger accomplishments you have always dreamed of, and the best part of it all is that you will begin to like your life and more importantly yourself. If you spend all your time concentrating on what your not doing then your life simply becomes inundated with negativity, and in the end you only beat yourself  up and cause your life to be miserable and a waste.
    I only say all this because I because I know how much it sucks to feel as if you are doing nothing with your life. Furthermore I  now know how it feels to be on both sides of this monster. The realization that things can get better and you can do the things you want to with your life is a great weight off  your shoulders.
    I really don't know why I wrote all this, I guess with the hopes that someone that needs to hear this will, and it will help them the way it helped me. So hopefully somebody does read this and it does help them out.

© Copyright 2008 Eli (UN: maverik at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/611198-Appreciate-the-small-things