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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/612863-An-odd-question
by Eli
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #1402285
Just a journal for me to write,vent, or express.
#612863 added October 15, 2008 at 12:22pm
Restrictions: None
An odd question
Here I sit, or lay rather with my laptop in front of me and nothing to write about. I figured if I just continuously write about how I have nothing to write about, one day something will come along.
Actually you know what, I do have something. It's rather trivial but fun nonetheless. The other day I had taken two guys who are working for me ( otherwise known as my cousins) out to eat for the effort they had put forth in the days prior. My youngest cousin, who is a quirky individual to say the least, had ordered some chicken tacos. While minding his own business,enjoying his meal, I noticed something which I thought was weird. The meal came with three tacos some rice and beans, a normal taco plate but really this is of no importance. Like I said I noticed something weird, well at least I thought it was weird.
Wait before I dive into this I should probably point out the fact that my mother is Kay Jordan, a beautifully intelligent,interesting,and funny mother, that subject is a whole other blog in itself which I will save for another time. Wow, look at all the ideas that are coming to me. Anyways like I was saying....proudly saying. She is my mother and if you frequent her blog you have probably read her entry about "weird stuff" or the idiosyncrasies she has. After reading about them, which are all true she is odd sometimes but I guess we all are, I realized that I to have many idiosyncrasies. That realization lead me into a phase of further investigation of myself and things I realized I am weird about to, all of which are escaping me at the moment, but that is a good thing because I am attempting to stay on topic.
Back on topic.
So, my cousin had ordered chicken tacos and as I said he was minding his own business enjoying his meal when I noticed something weird. He had finished his first taco, not that they are numbered or anything but the first one you grab becomes the first taco and thus forth. Then moved on to his second taco.All was normal and I continued to look around and observe things taking place in the restaurant. When I looked back at my cousins plate all was not normal ! I was surprised to see that he had moved onto the third taco without finishing the second taco which made me wonder why and honestly bothered me. You see all three tacos were chicken and all three tacos were prepared the same way, and obviously he was still hungry because he moved onto the third taco.So, my confusion and curiosity were driving me crazy, and I was forced to ask him why he chose to move onto the third, tossing out the second as if it were no good. He simply replied " I dunno". Which confused me even more.
You see the way that I believe tacos should be eaten is in the order you grab them....remember once you have picked up a taco that designates its number which should follow suit in the order you eat the tacos. There are no fractions in tacos, you cant go to a restaurant and order 1.42 tacos and a cold beer. Anyways, I am not saying that if you order 3 tacos you are forced by some divine taco law to eat all three, by all means eat as many or as little as you want. But once you have designated a taco number two why, if your still hungry, would you move onto taco 3. Because if you have 3 tacos and you have already designated 2 of them then by default the third taco is, of course, number 3, it's simple math.
Now, I would understand and would have presented no further interrogation if the tacos were made of different meats or maybe had a special taco twist that the previous taco didn't have. However all three of these tacos were indeed prepared the same none were better, worse, or different then any of its companions. So why, why , why would he have moved on to the third taco? I never received an explanation and still to this day don't understand why he chose to take this course of consumption, nor does it really matter. Of course I would like to know what was so more enticing about the triplet taco, but I understand I never will and I am okay with that.
As weird as this whole situation was to me, the really weird thing about all this is why do I care. Haha. I just feel strongly that you should follow a certain order in your taco consumption! So I guess I am curious to know how do you eat your tacos. Do you follow a set plan and once you designate your tacos do you continue in that designation, or do you haphazardly grab tacos consuming them in a tornado like manner leaving some tacos feeling used and less important than other tacos? Furthermore have you ever even once had this thought or begun to even think that there was a sequence in taco eating, or any other food that is served in numbers.
I anxiously await answers...I need some closure on this! haha

I questioned some friends about this and this what I

A. If the second taco for some reason tasted weird then they would move on, but they all said they all said they follow order when eating tacos
B. No, he didn't go back and finish the third taco.

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