Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills. |
What counts Going blind, one hears the fish below the ripples one could not see when sighted. Eye blight they told me. I'm growing old, I said. Instead of images of youth, I inhale the fragrances of fish now laughing up at me, exhale the blight of growing old. Not what's done to us, but the memories we make I'm told. © 2008 Kåre Enga [165.304] 2008-10-19 Oh, I was standing by the Higgins Street bridge .. what can I say (my eyes have been giving me trouble though ...). Sushi: Alas, poor Sushi, no Sushi.6 ... yet. I have the paper idea down. An accordian fold held together by scüncies. But, I don't have the energy to pick out the likely suspects among all my poems. So ... later this week ... ... after the Montana Festival of the Book. That begins Thursday night with full days on Friday and Saturday. I made a bunch of business cards with my poem "Sentinel" . They came out good. I'll need to consider making more. And either making more "Smile City" booklet/business cards or doing a quick 'zine. I hope to have copies of Sushi.5 and Sushi.3 ready too. ME: I cooked lamb, feta, pear, lobster mushrooms. I went out for coffee. Good day. The reading last night at the Palace went better than the previous week. The sound system was excellent; that helped tremendously. Abi Keller read a chilling short story taking place on a fictional? Bear Island (Maine?) about stoic Swedish immigrants. Very chilling ... Beverly Lowry did a wonderful job with excerpts (the night of the Leonid shooting stars, November 13, 1833) from her Harriet Tubman book. She also wanted us to know that she would never wear a beige pant suit like Diane Keaton did in the TV movie "Crossed Over" (she played the part of Beverly) and read from her new work-in-progress, "In the Time of Was Not Was" Blogville At a loss for words describing how you feel? Read Debi Wharton : "652 Different Feelings" IMAGES: Well, I don't post them anymore in this blog. Three recent entries in "Nurture your Nature" : "Autumn along the Clark Fork, Clark Fork Natural Park" "East Fourth Street" "Madison Bridge to Kiwanis Park" Montana: 44.3º at 23:18. Damp. 8536 |