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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/618488-The-Super-Awesome-and-Possible-Confusing-Freewrite
by Alias
Rated: E · Book · Teen · #1490764
A blog on how my days are going! Sometimes my life could be a TV show, people say...
#618488 added November 14, 2008 at 9:00am
Restrictions: None
The Super Awesome (and Possible Confusing) Freewrite!
Things are sooo creppy with a stalker, a girl you like, and another of each at different schools. Why is this place so freakin weird? First, my stalker here asked me out a couple days ago and I said no, but she still likes me! Whats up with that? She still follows me in the hallway all la-de -DA-Dun-dun....grrrrrrrr..the sopa opera ness. And I have another stalker at the middle school, but she's not as bad...i actually want to be friends with her. We've got a lot in common and wahtever.

But I also like this chick in the same grade as my first stalker who acts like my second stalker but I like her more than both, and to top it all off, there is the girl that goes to a catholic school that is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awsome!!!!!!!! But we can't ever see each other and our relationship is so confusing I can't even tell what's up and down! So that's why I like the one at this school, but I know I'll always like the catholic school one! and my stlakers are going to get jealous if they find out....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...GRRRRRRR!!! its sooooooooooo confusing, i can't make sense of it it

I......really want some chocolate! oh! i forgot a coke in my locker yesterday! It's probably really warm...yuk. o well. caffiene. I have money for linch, today, 2!!!! YES! But wait...my friend can't hook me up with a novel today! She always lets me borrow her graphic novels (my first girl i like, not the stalkers or the catholic one). Shes not here today. Sob.... RRRAAAWWRR!

I can't stop typing! It's addicting! What do I do? Well, whatever. I don't care. Wow, I don't sound emo at all. :) Well, whatever. i'm usually happy. but you know what;'s weird? You never find guy romance writers. it's just unheard of and then theres...me. Does that make me some kind of super freaky...freak? I don't know,. what I really want (besides love, of course) is to fit in.

isn't it funny how the things you want most usually don't happen? Does that mean every romance novel is a lie!?? IT BETTER NOT BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will not let love be a lie! I swear to find the keys and open the hearts of people! That's my purpose in life!

Have you ever seen the wedding planner? It's a movie. The wedding planner should have a romantic life, but she doesn't have a husband. That's how I feel like, except I don't have a girlfriend. I could...(stalkers) but I'm not that desperate.

Or am I? don't worry, I'm not. Oh...I'm so on a sugar high or something. I have no idea what's going on. Let's see...yesterday what happened? I gues I have short term memory loss or something. Well, after school I went to church band practice but I guess it was cancelled. Oh well. we went back and for some reason got on the subject of Obama.

Ooo! there's this new little game thing on this little website thing that my friends found. It's SUPER OBAMA WORLD! I haven't played it, I don't have time. I have too much stufgf going on to...to...breathe! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow...am I suicidal or something? Not really!

I really want to do art or music or something right now. No idea why. I know writing is an art, so I'll just keep on typing! But the bells about to ring.

Why does our lives at school have to be governed by the bell? A bell to enter school...to ebneter class...to get out...five minute wrning...one minute wrning...GRRR! Curse the bell!! who needs the bell? Well, i do. I usually talk to me firends waaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much. Oh well. .Nothing really matters to me,..........Bohemian Rhapsody moment. It's a good song.

Wow....looking back at this...I must be bipolar or something.

AHH@! I looked behind me and somebody's playing Super Obama World!!! TOO COINCIDENTAL!! Another! Obama is taking oveR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boredom...boredom...boredom...boredom....argh.....let soemthing happen!!!! Does anyone have a lighter??? HAHAHAHA!!! just kidding. I'm not an arsonist like my friend who is looking at me and is to the right of me...JOSH MCENTEE!!! I f I spelled your name right. Oh well. IDC....if you don't know what that stands for it means i don't care!!! i dont care, idont care, i dont care, i dont care!!!!!! thats from POorak and Beans, by Weezer. Wow...today is very song-y.

Whatever. Bye folks at WDC!

© Copyright 2008 Alias (UN: catcrazy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/618488-The-Super-Awesome-and-Possible-Confusing-Freewrite