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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1372191
#624616 added December 16, 2008 at 3:39pm
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pull up a chair
A survey I found on Facebook.

1. If your mom was a teacher would you want to be in her class?
My mom is a teacher; one evening a week, she teaches super-remedial math classes at Strayer University. Her students are mostly working adults at career standstills because they lack math skills, so, no, I wouldn't want to be in her class.

2. What movie do you feel like everyone else has seen but you haven't?
Say Anything. People are always quoting Lloyd Dobler, but there, again, I see the clips, and I just, I have no desire. Whatsoever.

3. What do you wish your city had more of?
Um...attractive, available men who aren't afraid of relationships?

4. Has your school ever ben state champs in anything?
Georgetown? The Hoyas? Probably, but, and I promise I'm not being funny, I don't care enough to know what. I feel like they have a good basketball record, I think. Just because you hear so much about the Hoyas in pop culture.

5. What is the most prestigious college in your state?
The District of Columbia is not a state.

6. If you could create a new version of Monopoly, what would it be?
I don't think I would, because I think all those special theme versions are redundant, but I will say I think it's tragic that they've done away with the paper money and switched over to what is basically a debit-card system. The whole thing of having to count and make change was one of few aspects of the game that gave it any educational value.

7. Should drivers ALWAYS have to yield to pedestrians?
I mean, it's better than accidentally hitting them because of legal ambiguity, but nothing annoys me more than having to inch through a crosswalk because of teenagers sauntering across.

8. What word do you always forget how to spell?
None. Any word I know how to spell, I always know how to spell it.

9. You get pulled over. What's the most probable reason?
Outdated tags, which, thanks for reminding me, I need to take care of over winter break.

10. What movie has too many sequels?
The third installment really weakened the Back to the Future trilogy. I wish they had taken it in a different direction after Marty saved 1985.

11. Did you ever get into the Livestrong Bracelet craze?
No, because they're ugly, but I have donated dollars and not taken a bracelet.

12. What's the weirdest place you've found something you lost?
You know belly button rings, the little balls you screw on top to keep the rods in place? Well, I am constantly enduring a severe shortage of balls, and it's because, every time I sleep with Justin, the ball somehow gets unscrewed and falls off in his bed.

13. Have you ever wondered why no school colors are pink?
I never thought about that before, but it's probably because pink isn't the strongest, proudest color the planners could imagine.

14. What's the earliest you've gotten up to shop on Black Friday?
We've never done that.

15. On a scale of one to ten, how good are you at wrapping gifts?
About a five. I'm decent, but I do it very slowly, and one end always comes out kind of sloppy.

16. Describe the funniest ringtone you've ever heard.
I think it's funny, generally, that ringtone purchases account for ten percent of the music industry over the past five years. People really, really don't know how much money they're wasting when they only do it ninety-nine cents at a time.

17. What was your favorite recess activity when you were little?
Wandering around alone, talking to myself. I was the weird kid who only had friends about one week out of every month. Terrible times.

18. Have you ever ordered personalized M&Ms?

19. Does your local grocery store have a Red Box for movies?
Not to my knowledge, because I'd be all over that shit if it did. I love the Red Box.

20. What night of the week is best for TV?

21. Should the US have a four-day, ten-hour work week, or a five-day, eight-hour one?
I find that I appreciate weekends much less when they're too long. Two semesters ago, when I didn't have class on Fridays, I was always finding myself getting really antsy by Sunday, and not getting any work done most of the time because of that perception of having so much unscheduled time.

22. Did you receive any racist texts after Obama won?
No, but God, you should have seen how the KKK website freaked out. In fact, take a look: http://www.kkk.bz--scroll down to the section labeled "The Disgrace of It All," or something.

23. If you could give your state a new nickname, what would it be?
The District of Columbia is not a state.

24. If you became deaf what sound would you miss most?

25. Do you have to have a fine arts credit to graduate at your school?
A writing credit, yes.

26. What's the worst airline you've ever flown on?
By the end of it, Delta was the worst, definitely. And now they charge you two dollars for a drink, even.

27. If you could be the mascot for any sports team, which would you choose?
The Hoya, but only because that is literally the only one I can call to mind on command.

28. Do your postage stamps have anything cool on them?
In all my twenty-three years, I have not ever once purchased my own postage stamps.

29. Have you ever been to a city that DIDN'T have a Starbucks?
Bolivar, Tennessee.

30. Have you ever ridden in a gondola?

31. Is there a song that you hate yet know all the words to?
A great many. Avril Lavigne's "Complicated." Duke Ellington's "Misty." Et cetera, et cetera. Most of the songs I hate, I hate them because of some prolonged period of having to listen to them over and over, like in high school, when we had to learn "Complicated" on the guitar, or college, when my friends were rehearsing "Misty" to perform on tour.

32. What song would you sing if you auditioned for American Idol?
I wouldn't, because I can't sing a lick, but if I had to, something really poppy and light, maybe a Britney Spears song, because I can hold a tune at least as well as she can.

33. If you've gone to a concert, what's the closest you've been to the singer?
Four rows from the Venga Boys. Long story.

34. Do you want to be in a fraternity/sorority?
I very much did not want to, which is my grandmother's only real beef with me.

35. Food drive: What items do you donate?
Anything I have that's canned?

36. What sport is most popular where you live?
I guess it's not baseball, since it took us till like two years ago to get a team.

37. Sudoku is in the dictionary? Should "lol" be in there too?
I don't see why not. If the dictionary is a reference book, why shouldn't we be able to refer to it to define commonly used words and phrases? People say "lol" at least as often as they say "capricious."

38. What term of endearment would you NOT want to be called?
By a significant other? I wouldn't want to be called "dear"; it sounds very old and married and sexless.

39. Which store has the coolest shopping bags?
Tina would know better than I would. All I can think of are Vicky's, Bloomingdale's, Tiffany.

40. Do you have any license plate covers or frame on your car?
Yeah, one that says the name of my college. It came in the mail after I moved out and my dad put it on without asking.

41. Would it be harder to tell your parents you're pregnant or gay?
At this point, gay. I've finally reached an age where it wouldn't be such a tragedy if I got pregnant, and they hope I do someday anyway, but they wouldn't ever be happy to hear I was gay.

42. Would you ever want to ride in a hot air balloon?
No thanks!

43. Have you ever worked up a sweat playing a Wii game?
I actually never have, which sucks.

44. What member of N*Sync would you name your son after?
Of Justin, JC, AJ, Chris, Lance? Well, Chris and Lance are definitely out, and I don't know what JC or AJ stand for. I wouldn't mind having a son named Justin.

45. If you were born a day later, would you be born in a new month/year?
No, just closer to the middle of February.

46. Do you think you would be able to recognize a counterfeit bill?
I don't see why I should.

47. Have you ever tried to sell your Halloween candy?
No, but my brother and I did have an elaborate trading ritual that took place every November first.

48. Did you ever have a lemonade stand when you were a kid?
One time. Didn't make any money. No one trusts anyone anymore.

49. Did you know that George Bush speaks Spanish? If not, does it surprise you?
It doesn't surprise me, but only because it would be pretty disgraceful if the leader of the free world didn't speak the second most common language of the nation. Also, Spanish is pretty much the easiest language to learn if you already speak any Romance language. So he earns no points for that.

50. Can you beatbox?
Not for longer than about two bars.

51. Say "If You Seek Amy" fast. Do you know what you're saying?
Yes, yes, I get it.

52. Have you had your golden birthday yet?
Am I fifty? No.

53. If you could give your enemy a Disney villain's name, which would you choose?
I don't have an enemy. But maybe I'd call her Maleficent, if I did. It's the most descriptive, followed closely by Cruella Deville.

54. You're in an arcade with a roll of quarters. What game do you play?
Any game that yields tickets I can then trade in for a prize. I never believed in wasting time at one of those places without something to show for it afterward.

55. Do you ever pose for the photos taken while on a rollercoaster?

56. Do you put any thought into what you write in people's yearbooks?
When I wrote in yearbooks, yes, I did.

57. Should we get Valentine's Day/St. Patty's Day off from work?
No and no, but, to the point of the guy who took this survey before me, we should probably get off the day after St. Patrick's Day.

58. If you could job shadow anyone, who would you choose?
Stacy London!

59. What food is most closely associated with your race?
Fried chicken.

Okay, I lied. I got this survey from bloopdiary.

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