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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/626102-Dec-25---What-I-did-for-Christmas
by SWPoet
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #1501759
SWPoet's Journal
#626102 added December 25, 2008 at 11:03pm
Restrictions: None
Dec 25 - What I did for Christmas
How was your holiday season so far? No matter what you celebrate, if anything, let us know how it's going for you! Having fun with family and friends or celebrating alone? We want to know!

Lets just say, my husband and I finally got the boys to bed, in their sleeping bags in a small 2 man tent in their bedroom.  They were so cute.  They both got what the asked for-a bb gun (as much as I am cringing being a bit pacifist myself) for the 7 yo and a tent and fire truck (little old fashioned wooden one) for my 3 yo.  We woke up, stalled the 7 yo in our bed from 6-7 (came down and got in at 6) and my mother/stepdad came at about 7:30 to watch the last of the Santa gifts and exchange gifts among ourselves.  We ate breakfast between Santa and our gift swap.  My mom gave me a paid certificate to a writer's conference and money to buy the books there.  I joked with her last year that she paid the 35.00 fee plus kept my boys for the day and I ended up spending around 100 on books.  I'm still reading them but this is where I met my writer buddy, Doug Crandell (see my product reviews).  He was a speaker there but I met him in the hall and he was so friendly and talked to me about writing.  He and I have emailed about writing since last February (about once a month or within a week after I email usually. Good writer too, check him out sometime-great titles for books-Pigboy's Wicked Bird, Flawless Skin of Ugly People, Hairdos of the Mildly Depressed- Okay, sorry, got on a tangent.
Anyway, I was thrilled mom was taking my writing seriously-she has been better about that in the last two years since she has let other people read my stuff and they have told her positive things.  Anyway, after mom and tony and wade's dad left, we got ready and went to his dad's house (next door) where we had lunch and more gifts with Wade's family.  Last night we did the even at my mom's house with her side of the family.  Day after tomorrow, we will do the Christmas thing with my dad's side of the family.  Divorce both mine and my husband's parents are remarried exc. his dad) makes Christmas quite busy.  When we got home, we did NOTHING but sit around, let the kids play with their toys and cook noodles and alfredo sauce from a jar for dinner.  We ate enough for an army at lunch.  The kiddos went to bed in my little man's tent in the bedroom my husband and I just watched an hour of cooking shows (Ace of Cakes among others) and now we are doing a few minutes on the computer before hitting the sack.  We are both exhausted. 

So that was our Christmas day.  Another year sticking to our guns not to be on the road on Christmas day.  Yippee!  We have trained the grandparents.  My kids have had more fun playing with wooden blocks and a tent today than all the electronic stuff they could have gotten.  I'm still not wild about the gun but then we do live in East central Alabama in the boonies so it's not like we'd get arrested for him firing the thing.  He is in cub scouts and gets a beltloop for learning gun safety (which he already had at scout overnight camp this fall) and this was the ONLY thing he wanted (oh, except for drums which he didn't get-he got a Wii music instead and we can turn the volume down on that one.)  He is a serious believer of Santa now b/c he KNOWS my husband and I wouldn't buy a gun.  He tried all the grandparents and they said no b/c we said no.  Then mom opens her big mouth and tells my son I had one at 8 yo (at my grandparents house,  not at mine, by the way).  Oh, he wanted that thing.  I boughy him The Christmas Story movie and had him watch it today since we all have said "You're gonna shoot your eye out, kid."  None of us are hunters so we got a target and we have a tall stack of hay from a Halloween display leaning against the tree up near the brick wall of the garage so I doubt he will do too much damage up there but the gun will be locked up.  I hate guns, guys.  You gotta know this isn't my idea.  But, I also believe that in these parts, he needs to learn to respect a gun and know about the safety so I'm doing this for that reason only (and I just might write Santa and fuss a bit!!).

Well, guys, we are turning into pumpkins and its not even midnight.  Going to bed now.


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