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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/626765-Dec-31---The-Obstacle-is-the-path-zen-proverb
by SWPoet
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #1501759
SWPoet's Journal
#626765 added December 31, 2008 at 4:35pm
Restrictions: None
Dec 31 - The Obstacle is the path-zen proverb
Dec 31 Prompt:

The obstacle is the path. ~Zen Proverb

I had a little trouble sorting my intended prompt out, so here's something that I believe has a connection to us all. So, what's the connection to you as a person? Is it spiritual or on a personal level? Let me know.

I think this is the only way to truly accept hardship and work with it rather than resisting or fighting when things don't go our way.  I've been listening to A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle (book on cd)  I'm still listening but I would recommend it to anyone. 

Based on his writings, I think that when an obstacle comes in our lives, it is a hint that through the obstacle is the way to get further on our spiritual journey so that we should view obstacles as doors or invitations to go a certain direction.  How else can we "get a clue" as to which way we should go in life. 
Resistance to obstacles creates false doors or other obstacles that interfere with the one we are supposed to get through.  If we were a toddler and we needed to go bed but resisted as tehey often do, what do you do as a parent?  You either take away something (the book, extra tv, whatever) to control them and make them go to bed or you punish them by time out or spanking or fussing.  Any of these things we do when we react to their behavior is just adding more "obstacles" to the one called "learning to follow the bedtime routine".  Therefore, they are 2 yrs old and facing not only a routine but also a time out or whatever we do.  Then they react to what we do and are now fighting us and the routine.  See, now how do you get the 2 yo to understand that all you really wanted them to do was follow the routine by going to bed and now they have made things more difficult.  If they went to bed like they were asked to, and you gave them sugar, read them a book, sang them a song, said the prayer with them, had a calm moment talking to them, they would have learned an important lesson - that the parent loves and cares for them and wants them to go to bed so they can get their rest and so that the parent and child will have the time to share a moment before going to sleep.  That is an important lesson and getting past "routine for the sake of routine" and moving toward the "why" of the rule- that they must get ready to go to bed at a certain time or when directed by the parent SO THAT special time can be spent together before lights are turned out. 

We do the same thing.  We get mad at a boss b/c we think its not fair that we have to work extra or on a holiday or whatever obstacle we meet at work.  Then our negative attitude comes across to the boss and to coworkers.  Then, a chance that might have been set up some way to show the higher ups that you are worthy of a promotion is instead proving to them that you are not.  Plus, you may not be asked to do overtime again, not because the boss likes you now but because 1. they aren't trying anymore to prove you worthy and 2. They can't afford your negative attitude to poison the other workers.  Going through with working the extra time with an acceptance that it is what is called for at that moment will give others a chance to see you in a positive light and you will only have that one obstacle to deal with, not the additional ones of a boss who isn't happy with your attitude or loss of a chance to move up (and no longer under that boss). 

Just some examples.  I think this is a wonderful prompt.  Thanks for making a good one at the end to send us on to more blogging in the future. 

I've enjoyed this experience and hope to keep blogging in the future.


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