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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/628802-Twenty-for-20
Rated: GC · Book · Biographical · #1478547
"All books are either dreams or swords."
#628802 added January 9, 2009 at 9:13pm
Restrictions: None
Twenty for 20
The goal of this entry is to give twenty current facts for the twentieth entry of my blog. Brace yourselves.

_Here's a big surprise - I have a head cold from Hell. Currently, my head feels like my brain is going to burst through my eyeballs at any moment. Fever keeps spiking up and down, which makes my lovely bod feel like its been attacked by a Louisville slugger. By the sound of things you can tell I'm chipper as a corpse. I'm doing my best to channel my inner Easter bunny so back off sparky.

_At this exact moment I am sitting outside on the balcony with my computer on my lab watching the sun  set. Its quite beautiful actually, and I'm enjoying being outside for something other than taking out the trash.

_Just finished my first auction and raffle. It was time consuming but an enjoyable success. I really hope I helped out my friends in need of upgrades soon. Their work is too great to lose.

_Start Spring semester on Tuesday. Signed out for a full ride so this should be interesting. Twelve hours on campus, twice a week. I'm thinking of purchasing a tent to camp out on the baseball field.

_Arabic is soon to be my second language (my understanding of Salvadorian/Mexican/Rican-esque Spanish somehow doesn't count...weird). It was either that or Japanese but Arabic won the coin toss.

_Heading to a hockey game on Sunday with my father. Go Ducks! We're sitting in the nosebleed seats. Bringing tissues just in case.

_Past couple of day I've been trying to catch on work. Reviews to fulfill for auctions, cNote shops to create, campfire additions to write, research orders to fill, work on the thirty-seven novel ideas floating around in my head. I set a deadline for Monday. Want to bet if I make it?

_My eldest brother -S- turns 36 next week. Weird seeing as I can't legally drink yet. Between my eldest bro and me, and my youngest brother -Z- and me is fifteen years a piece. The circling of our lives is definitely strange. I've turned to calling -S- a grumpy old man just to bug the crap out of him.

_Due to circumstances out my control I couldn't finish the 31-Day Journal Challenge. I enjoyed the experience however and entered the FtL Challenge. I'm also thinking of turning some my old blog entries into stories of their own. Could be fun.

_Having trouble with my fingers lately. My knuckles are cracked and bleeding while the bones are constantly stiff. Sexy, huh? Winter is Hades on the skin...its a long story.

_A poem of mine is getting weirdly trashed. Weirdly as in, "The spelling and structure is fine, but there's no emotional depth." Not sure how to take that, but I'm not quite sure they aren't correct.

_Rediscovering so old music that I had forgotten. Like bumping into old friends.

_Weirdness is afoot in the world. What's new really?

_I keep having this reoccurring dream where someone is screaming my name, begging for help, and as I reach for the voice I wake up in a daze. Not sure what the means, but its starting to creep me out a bit.

_Came to the realization that I'm not as funny as I perceive myself to be, but somehow, against the laws of physics, have become more sarcastic. I also have a wide breath of useless knowledge at my disposal.

_My elderly next door neighbor who walks this little Chihuahua dog that seems to pee in the same spot on the steps every night. Since we share the same staircase its a bit bothersome. Little dogs are not my cup of tea.

_There is something strange when you witness a 10-year-old Mormon girl from Utah sing in perfect pitch the lyrics from "Mississippi Queen". Who knew that Rock Band could bring back mullet rock to the masses.

_I'm more Catholic than I realized. Wasn't raised Catholic per se but my mother is Catholic and has rubbed off on me and my siblings. My step-mother is also Catholic. Its running joke in our family that my brothers and I are "half-Catholic" twice the guilt-half the calories.

_There is a surprising amount of plane activity over my apartment complex and we're more than fifty miles from the nearest airport. Odd, anyone?

_Being alone and lonely are the twisted sisters of emotions.

So, there it is. Twenty odd facts for my twentieth blog entry. I'm not as entertaining as I thought I was. Shucks.

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"The soul, secure in her existence, smiled at the drawn dagger and defies its point."
Sig from my November Secret Pal

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