Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills. |
Violets He stretches out his lankiness, one disembodied shoe now pointing upward from the bench. The stench of violets reeks through old wrinkled memories of grandpa's death. He's grew up just like him, eating all he can, tall and skinny as a boy, skinnier now this May where violets peek out cheerily, in bloom among leaf litter. But old spent blossoms crowd out present pains or joys. He's lost in fields of flowers with his grandpa --- a skinny lonesome boy. © 2009 Kåre Enga [165.398] 2009-01-05 I forget what prompted this; I think it was the image of someone stretching out on a bench the shoe hanging out ... Although, I must say my grandfather was tall and lanky and he did die in May when I was 11. The lilacs were in bloom in Pennsylvania. But I'm not this boy ... could be my uncle I guess. BLAH BLAH BLAH: Got to see slides of Southern Chile last night. Laura Becerra is a student in Environmental Studies studying the effects of roadways and tourism on local people in the far south of Chile. Much is gained and lost when the road arrives to "Paradise". Today? I have done nothing so far. The sun is peeking out and I need to get out of this room before the walls start whispering to me. Today is not a day to record their secrets. Last night I took a picture of Ryne and hope to figure out how to use my camera. I figure I can post some of the people I know and write about. A Kåre's Kartoon Korner as it were. Scored some hockey magazines at the library ... for free, so I'm excited about getting inspired to write more hockey poems. Montana: 41º at 15:00 10,674 |