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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/633266-25-things
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1196512
Not for the faint of art.
#633266 added February 1, 2009 at 12:19pm
Restrictions: None
25 things
I keep getting tagged with this over at Failbook.

No offense to the taggers, but I hate wasting time at Failbook; I'd rather waste time here. Since all y'all who tagged me read my blog at least sometimes, consider this your opportunity to read my 25 things. And I'm not going to expect anything in return; this one's free.

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

Okay, here goes...

1. My favorite vacation spot is Belize. My second favorite is New York City. Go figure that.

2. I like learning about other cultures, but I rarely travel to visit them.

3. I relax from my long day job on the computer by spending time on my computer.

4. I was adopted.

5. I fear success more than I fear failure.

6. Subtlety is always lost on me, except when it's not.

7. I've had my appendix removed.

8. I've had eye surgery.

9. I'm not sure which of 7 or 8 hurt more, but I wouldn't want to repeat either.

10. I've seen Bruce Springsteen live eight times this decade (10 times total). I hope to go to another concert in May, if I can get tickets tomorrow.

11. When I was a kid, I had a collie named Lassie. Yes, I named her. Give me a break; I was four years old at the time.

12. I also had a cat named Kitty. Deal with it.

13. I chuckle whenever I see a building that doesn't have a 13th floor.

14. I stood atop the World Trade Center when there was a World Trade Center. I don't remember if it had a 13th floor.

15. I believe that while money doesn't buy happiness, it also doesn't buy misery.

16. I believe I'll have another beer. My current favorite is Old Rasputin. http://www.northcoastbrewing.com/beer-rasputin.htm I might have to go Russian out to get some more.

17. One of my biggest regrets in life is that I never saw Pink Floyd in concert.

18. I've always wished I knew another language. Spanish, Russian, and/or Japanese, especially.

19. I'm a good cook. Too good, in fact; I've had to stop so I can try to lose some weight.

20. I'm working on my second million (I gave up on the first).

21. I used to be a photographer.

22. If I ran the world, things would be better.

23. I'm not a happy optimist; I'm a laughing pessimist. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.

24. Robert A. Heinlein influenced my worldview in ways I'm still trying to fully understandgrok.

25. Life is one big joke. I hope I'm still around to hear the punch line.

And there you have it - 25 not-quite-random things about me, trivia that I'm sure you'll forget as soon as you switch pages. But hey, I'm just killing time until the Bruce appearance at the Superbowl.

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