Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/639753-Chapter-One---Simplicity
by Jessie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1535326
The Love story between Lucia and Garreth, Mortal and Werewolf.
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#639753 added April 9, 2009 at 12:10pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter One - Simplicity

I stared into the black eyes of the wolf that lay under me, unmoving.
His chest had stopped moving, his fur was cold;
It ached, rather harshly, like the pulse of blood behind an enormous gaping hole, left over from an animal attack. I felt the hole inside of my chest that use to be full of worry empty, out into the blackness of nothing. I was stunned, I couldn't feel it. I knew it was over. I stared in awe at what had just happened. My mind was completely blank, though I couldn't even search for words, had I had the strength to.
I ran my fingers through the dark fur in a sad attempt to warm it, though it held no warmth underneath.
I lay my body softly over him, letting the tears that streamed now, down my face, fall sideways into the fur. But to move at all felt like I had to put every ounce of energy into it as my body could give.
"It's never too late. You can't leave me here like this, I need you."I whispered desperately, it was all that escaped through my trembling mouth, as the snow continued to fall around us. I wondered when Winter would be over, it seemed to be taking it a long time to finish. I looked around slowly, forcing my eyes through the thick forest, surrounding the River. I searched, helplessly, for anyone, or anything, that I could see. I wanted so badly to scream for help, but what good would it have done? My life had just ended, before my eyes. The one person that gave me my happiness, gone. For good.

                                Chapter One
                                    The Hunt

My name is Lucia Brace, and this is my story.

I stared, without breathing, into my chocolate brown eyes that were reflecting back at me effortlessly through my mirror.
I touched the tip of my index finger softly to the glass.
And in that instant, the flash backs began.
'Dear diary,' I wrote as I sat on the cool, stone steps that lead up to my house,
'It's been three years since I moved away from my loving parents, and I miss them terribly. I keep promising myself that I'll move back, but only half-heartedly. I can never figure out why I don't just up and leave. I mean, I have had reason enough in the last few months. The only thing I've accomplished here, is barely making it.'
It was cold outside as I sat there, the december-wind continuing on into january. I could smell it; the water, as I remembered it. The town was surrounded by endless forests', surrounded by endless rivers and lakes.
'But, I must admit, I do love it here. I love the snow, and the rain. Noone ever understood why I loved the rain, and though I hardly do, either, I believe it to be because of how it smells afterwards. That lovely wet-grass smell of a new, fresh day. Almost as if the rain were here to rid the earth of filth.
But, mainly, I love all the memories I have collected over those last three years of sitting in my little secret-area that over looked the water. I'll never forget the beautiful shade of blue the water always was.'
As the crisp winter air blew the rain clouds in from Canada, I felt it then. I missed my family dearly.
The love I held for them was strong, but, I knew I wouldn't be returning. Not because I didn't want to, but, because I knew something was holding me here. Keeping me here in chains, and I was waiting for that one thing to finally end.
And then, I felt worried. A terrible, strong feeling of dread.
I stared now into my eyes, as I had been all along, and it all came back to me.
I was worried because Garreth isn't here, and that worries me greatly. Garreth left not long ago, he had been out all night chasing prey - but he'd returned to talk to me, and to tell me that he had another meeting to attend tonight. I was alright with that, and I didn't need to go with him. I knew what was being discussed, I just didn't want the details.
I'd just gotten out of the shower, and as I walked into my closet in my plush white towel, I gathered a comfy outfit to sleep in.
Out of my top droor, I gathered a pair of grey athletic shorts and my large black tee shirt.
I walked quickly out of my small-cluttered closet, closing the door behind me, and hurried back into my small bathroom.
I pulled the tee shirt on over my head, along with my shorts that I loved the feeling of slipping into, and turned off the bathroom light before climbing into my comfortable bed that I had made not long ago because I knew it couldn't be put off any longer.
I didn't need to set my alarm clock, I'd set it earlier for five, since that would probably be the time Garreth would be getting home from meeting with the pack.
I turned onto my side, pulling the blankets up closely to my chin hoping to feel warmth. Unconciousness quickly set in, and I fell asleep.
In my dream, I had remembered alot.
I remembered last night, the night me and Garreth had spent with the Pack, as we ran to meet up with them as we did almost every night in the cold season.
But this time was different. We didn't run because we had enjoyed the crisp wind running through our hair, or because we were looking for prey. And certainly not because we merely enjoyed the freedom. We ran to meet up at our usual place. It was hidden in the dense fog and thick trees, directly at the heart of one of the many forests that surrounded a small town called Grandview, Oregon.
I remembered not being as fast as the others because I, myself, am not a wolf-shifter like Garreth or his pack, but I also remembered climbing upon his back and holding onto his soft, black fur as he ran. And, I remembered why we were running with such intensity - the one thing we had all feared.
I remembered the hunters, the traps that they had set out specifically for the wolves, and the meeting they held down at the Grandview City Hall the night they had found several campers dead with 'animal markings,' all over their bodies.
The unfortunate people of Grandview never expected the vampires to step in, simply because they were completely unaware of their existence, as they had been all along, thanks to the pack hunting and destroying them.
This time, they had gone too far, even under our constant watch.
Me and Garreth live in Sisters, which is not far from Grandview when we run. It was as far as any member was aloud to go from the pack. There would never be an escape for Garreth - or any member, for that matter - of this wolf-shifting life that was brought upon by the vampires whenever they would return to Oregon for the cold-season, so I would get use to this no matter what, and I would be alright with it.
The reason that the people of Grandview were worried with such animal attacks, was because the many forests surrounding the town were all hiking trails, and though we weren't the ones who were killing unsuspecting humans, wolves were the first thing they turned to, since wolves are only common in icy-forests, especially durring january.
We discussed staying out of the forests around Grandview, but that was entirely impossible because they were more popular than any others in the state of Oregon, and so long as that was a fact, they would always have vampires, nothing we could change there.
They are the entire reason the pack shifts.
And through their born secrecy, they would always be commited to hunting as many as possible. Naturally we would stick to the most crowded of areas.
Now, it was the cold season, and that was when the vampires returned. We'd all knew it, and by the fact that the pack was shifting again - no doubt by the blood of the indian tribe the entire pack gave homage to - we knew our job. We'd have to stay.
Even though I was not a shifter, I was still very much a part of the pack. I was human, the perfect bait for a vampire.
The pack, for as long as they can remember, have never shifted and used a human as bait, though it had been working out well.
I remember the first vampire that I'd seen killed by the pack.
The blonde, boyish hair style along with the cute light freckles that cluttered the area around his nose, as visible only as the stars in the dark sky, the contrast familiar only by the dark of the freckles upon his skin. It set him off as a normal, teen-aged boy, no doubt, amongst anyone he'd grace with his presence.
But, even I knew that it just made him all the more dangerous to seem normal, and for that reason, he had to die.
I have learned a few things about vampires though, in the three years I've belonged to the pack.
I remember finding out that vampires, though they drink it, never actually held blood in their bodies. More-so a kind of venom that would, apparently, agonizingly kill any human stupid enough to break the skin, not that it was the easiest thing to do.
And that brings us back to what was happening.
I remembered, in my dream, that the forests were filled with hunters, obviously looking for the ravaging wolves.
Any one person, better known as vampire, that they would come across in the woods could easily be thought human, so long as that one vampire didn't explode into a feeding frenzy, once smelling the fresh blood.
So we ran to meet last night to discuss what we must do.
There was so much more to being a shifter than any hunter could ever understand. The Indian tribe, had always had an interesting blood line that undoubtedly ran through each of the members of the pack. The blood of the ancient tribal elders, who even then, shifted as the pack does now. The blood that scortched hotly through the veins of everyone here. The reason we were to hunt the enemy. It was never a choice for them.
However, for me, it was. I'd never necessarily chosen this life, but the choice was already made when I realized I was in too deep a love with Garreth to not stand by his side.
My life, however strange it may be now, had given me Garreth. I'd met him when I'd first come to Grandview, when I stayed in my car because I was moving to Sisters, a town that was not far from Grandview. I'd met him along the shore of Big Lake. He, and two of his closest friends, were having a small camp-fire that night.
I remember how the cold wind blew through his long, soft black hair that night, and how the darker tint of his skin coloring, tracing back to the routes of his heritage, was only the more flattering to his beautiful black eyes.
I remembered also in my dream that we'd decided to stay, and to fight the humans, should we need to.
But, most importantly, I remembered how much I loved Garreth, and how I could stare into his pitch black eyes and completely forget the troubles of the world.

And then, suddenly, my dream ended as my alarm went off, and I shot straight up, hitting the snooze button as I usually did. A long sigh escaped my chest as I realised there wasn't anything to be afraid of about my surrounding area, it was my house. I was more than use to waking up in the forest with Garreth.
To my left, Garreth sat silently staring into the darkness of the room. I reached up to turn on my light, and as I looked at him, he turned his head and smiled at me.
I stared curiously up at his more-than-welcoming facial expression, focusing a little bit more on his pearl white teeth.
They'd always had a sort of dangerous-feeling to them, but I loved him.
I lent towards him, kissing his cheek and nuzzling my nose softly to it, smiling up at him in return.
"How are you?" I asked, impatiently waiting for him to say something.
"Tired," he replied, smirking.
"How did it go?"  I asked, wondering what all had been discussed this time, though it was probably better that I didn't get any details, for the sake of not worrying so much as I normally did.
"Well," he said, leaning a little closer. "We're trying very hard to lead the humans in the other direction, it's basically our only hope at this point. Alka and Emery are running track around the forests, keeping a close eye on the hunters." he said, letting out a soft sigh. "And the traps are getting a whole lot bigger." he added, looking away from me as he shook his head. Alka and Emery are only two out of the eight members of the pack that worked so hardly to protect eachother, it always made me feel safe when I was around them.
"But, how are you?" he asked, looking back at me quickly.
"I'm alright, just taking some time off to sleep."
Garreth had his hands resting on his leg. I took his hand in mine, holding it tightly to my chest.
"So what do you want for breakfast?" he asked, smiling as he watched my hand in his.
"Aren't you tired? You were out all night." I said, looking up and meeting his eyes.
"Actually, I wasn't out passed one, I wanted to make sure I got a few hours in, myself.' he said, laughing softly.
'Well, I can make breakfast. You lay back down." I said, quickly getting up, looking for something to wear.
Garreth laid back in the bed again, pulling the covers up over his legs, as I slid into my closet to get dressed.

I couldn't believe what was happening. I thought about it quietly as I forced through my closet, trying to find something half way decent, and actually warm enough for today.
I gave one more quick glance towards Garreth, to see him with his eyes closed already. I threw on an old pair of blue jeans and my dark blue sweater, before heading down to the kitchen to search for something to eat.

Later that day, after Garreth woke up from his long nap, we sat across from each other at dinner time in my cozy little house. I loved my house that I found for rent, some time ago. it had come fully furnished. I especially loved the dinner table, the beautiful Cherry wood with the carvings, along the corners, of Wolves. Garreth downed his dinner in what seemed like two bites. The grilled pork-chops and mashed potatoes were a little better then they normally were, and I wasn't sure why, though I was sure something was different.
After I finished eating, I cleared the table and rinsed off the plates. I made sure to take as much time as I needed because I wasn't very eager to meet the pack tonight with Garreth again, I knew that I would be the bait - as usual - and that was always very dangerous. Even though Garreth never approved, he would have to listen to Valterra, the leader of the pack, after an order had been given. Garreth was third in Command, Cain one level above him. But he still held amazing importance. So, that made him obligated to be at every pack meeting, and the tribal gatherings held at Big Lake every week on Friday and Saturday.
But, today was Monday, and a meeting had been called tonight for hunting, and I was going with Garreth.
I cleared the kitchen of dirty dishes, and slipped into my shoes before heading out of the door.
When Garreth shifted, I never wanted to watch. It looked painful, even though the claims were different, and a small part of me was actually happy to not be a shifter.
But, Garreth had shifted. The transformation was very quick. And, as usual, I climbed carefully upon his back. And then, we were off.
I didn't see much as we ran quietly through the forest heading towards Grandview, but I did manage to see a few passing cars along the free way.
It was raining, but I wasn't getting wet, even though Garreth sloshed through the muddy water.
His soft black fur shimmered, reflecting the moonlight back into the forest whenever there would be an opening at the tree tops.
I always payed close attention to Garreth when he ran, and I'd grown accustomed to the soft thudding of his paws as they hit the ground, and the deep panting that was only noticeable when we were in the silent darkness.
We made perfect timing.

There, in a uniformed-circle, the pack stood around a large rock which at the top of, Valterra stood proudly. Garreth took his place easily beside Lakia, another one of the members.
I stood next to Garreth, to his right, and as he smiled at me lovingly, I softly stroked through the long fur around his neck.
'Welcome to the meeting.' Valterra said with a deep, authoritive voice.
"Garreth," Valterra said, looking at him.
"Yes, Valterra?" he replied, sadly. I looked at him with a sudden smile, noticing how much deeper his voice was in wolf-form. I stared at him for a long moment, as did Valterra, but he kept his eyes low and gaze on the ground.
"Are you ready?" he asked Garreth, still authoritive.
"Of course, what ever you think is best," he replied, almost sarcastically as he said the word last word, and added "Just so long as you bring her back alive." he said harshly, turning his head towards me, and giving me a long meaningful stare.
"Garreth, -" I said, the word almost coming out as a whisper, before Valterra cut me off.
"She'll be fine, Garreth," he said just, as hardly. "She always is." "Yes." I agreed, smiling.
I ran my fingers through Garreths long, black mane one last time before he turned his head quickly back to Valterra, staring unhappily at him. As I stared at Garreth, I noticed how his eyes were on Valterra, but seemed to be somewhere else. Almost a few years away, if that were even possible.
But then I remembered again when I'd first met Garreth on the shore, and soon followed was my memory of our first kiss.
I reached my arms around Garreth and hugged him tightly, taking in his smell lovingly.
A short whimper escaped through his chest, and he gave a single quick nod towards Valterra, keeping his eyes focused on whatever it was that he was thinking about.
"Lucia," Valterra said, like so many times before. "Lets go."
Valterra jumped down quickly off of the rock, and the pack moved in closer to him.

I stepped forward slowly through the pack of wolves, and took the knife out of my pocket that Valterra had given me some time ago. As I walked into the circle, I noticed all of the beautiful wolves that stood before me.
Valterra, the leader, had beautiful snow-white fur, the exact opposite as Garreth, who was black.
Alka, the also-beautiful head female of the pack, had a short brown fur color that seemed constantly dirty.
Emery was a dark shade of blonde. He'd also been Garreth's best friend for some time now.
Lakia and Paki, the sisters of the pack, were both a dark Grey.
And Dakota, the white female wolf, was with Cain, who had a dark, black tint to his red hair.
And then, of course, there was me. My soft curly brown hair was no match to any of the wolves I gazed randomly at.
At that instant, Valterra stepped toward me just as Garreth did, behind me.
"Garreth, take Lucia to the outskirts. She knows what to do." he said plainly, almost easily. He'd gotten use to this by now.
"Yes, Valterra." he said calmy, pressing his cold, wet nose softly into the palm of my hand.
"I love you." I whispered, too worried to smile. "Love you -" he said, before Alka cut him off. "You have to go!" she said quickly, "Emery and Dakota will stalk, ready to fight as needed." she said, nodding towards them as they took off through the harsh, dense fog.
"Paki will stay with Valterra, and I'll go east with Cain. We can't afford letting any kill tonight."
Garreth nodded to her as I climbed on his back, and then we were off again.

Garreth let me off about one houndred feet from where I had to be positioned. Once I walked far enough in, I drew the knife from my pocket, and made a small cut along the palm of my hand. The vampire would smell the blood, and it wouldn't be long now.
I sat on one of the downed trees, what seemed to be the only dry one, and listened quietly to the forest. It was dark, and about the only noise you could hear was the Owl cooing into the night. Suddenly, I noticed how much darker it had gotten since I'd sat, it was hard to focus on anything. I'd had to squeeze my wound to keep the blood flowing from it. I also smeared a little bit of it on my pant leg, for good measure.
I waited for about twenty minutes, before I heard a soft, crackling sound. It reminded me of twigs breaking. I was startled by the sudden noise, and I stood quickly, only to hear the quick thud of paws running rapidly, and then the loud, high-pitched shreiking noise that I was sure only came from some sort of animal. I looked around impatiently, trying to see anything through the darkness, and then I heard the thudding again. It wasn't a fast pace, only slow and ordinary. I was sure it was over, what ever they were attacking.
"Lucia!" Alka whispered, and my breathing settled back to normal. "Oh! It's you - I wasn't sure what that was -" I said, trying to sound calm. "We got it, Lucia. It was great! Dakota sent me to get you." she said, soundingly happy.
"Good. Can we go back now?" I said, wanting to get out of the darkness as quickly as possible. It had started raining again, though it was only drizzling when we were under the trees.
Alka laughed softly, touching her nose to my palm. Usually that meant for me to climb on, so I was more than happy to.
Alka wasn't as fast as Garreth, especially in the pitch-black, so I was sure I would've got to see a lot more scenery had it been day time. I remembered when I'd first found out about Garreth, and how we would go on long trips through the forest, looking at the beauty in the warm season, when everything was lush and in full bloom.

Back at the stone meeting area, Garreth laid sleeping, upon the rock where Valterra had stood.
Garreth awoke suddenly when the sound of paws thudding was close enough to hear, and he lept down and started running towards the brush.
"Lucia!" he yelled, searching through the darkness rapidly.
"Hush, Garreth! You'll alert the others!" Alka said in a hushed tone, and I wondered if it were even safe to talk.
We lunged quickly out from the trees, into the wide open circle. Alka stopped before Garreth, lowering her head as I climbed off carefully.
"Thanks, Alka." I said, nodding kindly to her before turning my head quickly towards Garreth.
"Garreth," I said smiling widely, whispering his name softly.
The warm, bright smile I'd gotten so use to that appeared on his face seemed even warmer than usual, and I was happy to get to be back with him, as my arms wrapped around his neck tightly.
A single paw wrapped around my leg softly, before he gave a short lick to my face. It always made me laugh. I stared at him for a long moment, before he let me go.
"Something is wrong," he said, turning to Alka.
"The others are coming, they'll explain." he said, retreating quickly to his spot in the circle, just as Alka did.
I stood beside Garreth, watching him carefully.
And then, Valterra lept to the head of the rock from the darkness, and the others followed, taking their place in the circle.
"Lucia, we've got a situation with two vampires along the trail by the  Metolius River." he said hardly, looking over the pack slowly.
"Dakota, go with Cain and take Lucia to the path." he ordered, looking at Garreth, checking his reaction.
"Two vampires?" he asked Valterra angrily, a low growl coming from his chest. "Yes," Valterra responded.
"Then I'm going, too." Garreth said loudly, looking at Valterra and then at me.
He paused for a long moment, thinking in through. "Go." was all Valterra said, and Dakota nodded.
As she nudged my hand with her nose, I climbed onto her back carefully. We were off quickly, I was sure she was faster than Garreth, but he kept right along beside us, just as Cain did.
When we arrived, Garreth started searching for the scents in the air, and he noticed something else.
"There isn't two," he said, whispering, "Theres three." he said, starting a soft whimper in his chest as he looked at Dakota.
"What?" she said, looking around the dark forest. "It can't be -" Cain managed to get out before Dakota cut him off, "It's true, I smell it." she said, searching through the scents. "Lucy, stay here." she said, bowing her head so I could climb off.
"Are you insane?" Garreth said quickly.
"No, I'm not, but we need to find them -" she said, getting cut off aswell, "We can't just leave her here, I'll stay if I have to." he choked out angrily, looking at her, bearing his teeth.
"Garreth," she said, looking at him, "You know you're the best fighter out of all of us." she said quietly. Garreth returned back to his normal pose, smelling the air again after a short pause, and angry looks.
"I'll go east, I can smell it. Will you two be able to find the others?" he asked, looking at Dakota and Cain.
"Yes," she responded, nodding. "Alright, lets go." he said, continuing forward.
Dakota lept with Cain into the dark, dense forest, and I stayed very still. I couldn't even hear the owl cooing any more, all I could hear was the sound of water trickling along the ground somewhere close, and my own breathing.

And then suddenly, there was a loud screach that came from the east, along with what seemed like the sound of a bolder smacking into a tree, and then a loud shreiking noise. I'd heard the shreiking noise only a few times before, but I knew it well enough to know that it came from one of the vampires. It was the usual sound they made as a one of the wolves tore through them. I shuddered at my own thought.
And then, after a long pause and a whole lot of worry, Garreth lept back through the trees into the clear little area they'd left me in.
I looked at him, and stared up into his black eyes that held the soft moonlight easily. Then, Dakota jumped back through the forest, too, panting loudly.
"Cain is going back to Valterra." she said, continuing to pant.
"Why, did you get the others?" he asked softly, looking at her.
"No, the trail ends at the water. Either they've left, or we were set up." she said, sighing.
Garreth touched his nose to my hand, and I climbed on obediently.
Valterra told us not to worry, though he was upset about two vampires escaping so easily, and told us to get some sleep. Garreth was more than happy to take me home, though we all knew it wasn't over.

More days passed. Today had been incredibly boring for me, Garreth had been watching over me like a hawk watches prey. I knew it was only because he loved me.
Today was slow, as usual, but I hadn't felt like reading. I did small things like lay outside on a blanket, obsorbing in as much sun as I could. Garreth went out earlier than normal, the pack decided to go hunting again.
Later that night, the cold wind blew in through the door that Garreth left open when he phased and went out.
The vampires that had gotten away hadn't left a single fresh trail around the forests in days, and that worried not only me but the entire pack. It was almost as if Valterra was waiting for them to return, and for them to pose an attack - or so, he suggested - and I couldn't help wondering whether they would or not, though Garreth had assured me frequently that the chances of two vampires posing an attack on all eight of them were very slim, if existant at all.
Night fell quickly for me, and my dream was very dim.
I was happy, smiling pleasantly, and me and Garreth were frolicing through the forest, only it was an area where the trees were thin and it was Fall, I could tell by the beautiful leaves that were floating down around us.
I was spinning with my arms extended, undoubtedly happy, but then he turned suddenly.
I'd felt it, deep down inside the pit of my stomach.
He smelt it, the vampires, that familiar scent we'd all been waiting for, and then with one swift woosh of air that blew the leaves up from the ground, a dark haired vampire held him by the throat as he whimpered from the crushing grip, and then in one single second - the picture changed, and I was alone in the forest then, along with the leaves that were still falling steadily around me in calm circles, full of life.

I awoke suddenly, to the casual alarm that I'd forgotten I'd set. Before I could gasp for air at the fact that my dream was only a dream, his arm was around me in one swift movement. He cuddled closely into my back, taking my hand in his and laying it on my chest.
"Hey," I said, gasping and smiling willingly at the sudden embrace.
"What's wrong? Did I wake you? Are you alright?" he asked in a worried tone. He always over reacted to everything, though this time I had reason to not be alright.
"I'm fine," I lied grimly, steadying my breathing. It was a little bit more convincing, I'd had to be alright so much lately, in order to keep everyone else calm, too.
The day passed quickly, though I had little to do. I didn't get to spend much time with Garreth, the most I'd seen of him was our free-time romance we had after I got out of the shower.
I dressed casually in a comfy pair of jeans and a black sweater, I didn't have anywhere to go.
I filled my day with little things like I normally did when he was out hunting, like doing the dishes or reading one of my favorite books.
I kept a collection of books on the bottom shelf of my bedside table, that consisted of random. I also filled my day randomly with small questions that I considered asking Garreth or maybe Alka, my best female wolf friend.
One of my main questions that I knew I would never be able to ask, would be wether or not me and Garreth could ever have children. I'd seen no problem with it in thought, but it hasn't happened yet, out of all the chances....

A couple of days passed, in the same orderly fashion.
I'd been left with nothing to do while Garreth ran with the pack. Things had been very slow paced, and since the incident with the three vampires - and the two who were possibly seeking revenge - I hadn't been used as bait for the pack. They wouldn't have allowed it.
The alarm went off like usual, and I awoke suddenly from my nightmare that replayed the same way each night since I'd first had it. I'd gotten use to it by now.
Today was Friday, Garreth had a pack meeting to attend tonight, as usual, but we would get some sleep afterwards.
Together. Something we hardly did.
Tonight passed rather slowly and agonizingly, thanks to thinking about the dream. There was nothing I could do but wait for it to end.
When he got home, there was a sudden urgency in his eyes. They held nothing but panic while he kissed me softly.
The kiss ended abruptly.
"We found a fresh scent," he said, staring into my now wide eyes. "In the forest by the water."
I looked up at him, What could they want? I felt like screaming. I didn't like the way this upset him.
He took his hands off of my shoulders, letting me sit calmly in the stiff chair that went with the dining table that we never used anymore.
"You're sure it's the same?" I asked, looking up at his worried expression.
"Yes," he said, looking back at me. It looked as if his expression turned sad when he looked at me, and I thought it must have been because I looked sad, too. After I took in the panic, I realised how I felt on the inside, and hurried to make myself calm.
He pulled the chair out next to me, and fell into it with a short sigh.
I thought quietly to myself, for what seemed like an hour, before he started the conversation again.
"We found the scent in our meeting area," he said, looking at me casually. "They were there while we were hunting."
"Where did they go?" I asked, returning his stare.
"Back through the water, near First Beach." he said, looking worried again.
"Valterra's preparing for attack." he said angrily, looking down at the floor. I looked at him for a long moment, wondering what would happen.
"I wont be here tonight," he said, looking at me again with a painful expression. The pain in his voice was breif, but definitely there. I thought about what that would mean.
"Tomorrow?" I asked, looking at him with the same panic in my eyes.
"No," he said, letting his eyes drop back down. "When will you be back?" I asked, looking away only for a moment while I asked.
"I'm not sure," he said, standing up and pushing the chair in quickly. I stood up with him, watching him carefully.
"I can't do this anymore." he said, looking at me for a short moment. Garreth pressed his lips hardly against mine, and the kiss was longer than expected - but when it was over, it seemed far too short. "What do you mean?" I said, worrying over what it actually meant. Was he leaving me?
"I have to go." he said, staring into my eyes before letting go of my hand, and walking through the door. Garreth phased, once outside of the door, and ran quickly towards the forest.

That was the last I'd seen or heard of him for four days.
I'd decided that I would make a trip shortly out to the forest, I knew exactly where to look, and I couldn't miss the rock, I was sure of that.
So on the fifth day, I'd taken my car and drove to Grandview, though I parked in the lot of the grocery store and continued on foot through the forest.
It seemed to take over an hour to find the exact location, and when I did, they weren't there. The meeting area was completely empty.
I sighed, knowing that my attempt to find the pack was wasted.
I walked through the circle, and sat on top of the rock that Valterra stood on.
It was cold while I waited, the wind blowing snow flakes through the air. No doubt the ground would be pure white soon.
And then, through the thick brush, stepped a hunter. I knew him from seeing him only once before when I was with Garreth. He'd been one of the hunters to set traps, searching for the 'ravaging wolves.' He was broad, tall, but he looked nice enough. I stared at him as he walked toward me with caution.
"Are you alright?" he asked, looking up at me.
He didn't have a gun, which was odd.
"Yes. What are you doing here?" I asked, raising my eye brow very carefully. "Looking for the wolves." he replied, looking away from me, toward the brush from which the wolves usually entered the circle. What should I say? was I allowed to tell him to get out of my home?
"You really shouldn't mess with them," I said, looking toward the same brush. "Their just animals."
I let my eyes drop back to the ground, waiting for a response.
"Their dangerous," he finally said, pausing for a long moment.
"We don't need them on our land!" he said hardly, looking angrily into my eyes. I stepped down from the rock, nodding to him politely, and following the trail the wolves always took that headed toward Big Lake. I wouldn't go to the shore, just follow the trail.
The traps flooded through out the forest, there was definitely more of them than the last time I was here.
I hadn't been able to come with Garreth, not since the three vampires had come through here. In the distance, probably a few miles away, you could hear faint gun shots.  The trail wound around the trees easily, and I somtimes wondered if I were on it anymore. I wondered for hours, getting even colder with the snow that was building up. There wasn't anything here - no prints, no smells, no civilization. When I'd given up and made my way back to my car, there were hunters flooding the end of the parking lot, loading up on small stuff like toilet paper and food supplies.
The drive home was long.

Days passed. More days passed. I watched, waited, and searching for him each day that passed.
It rained some days, and snowed others. The hunters because more excessive in their search, and I often ran into them one day, before they went missing the next.
I grew cold often, as well as tired, but I dare not sleep in the forest, like we had done so many times before, when we didn't have to worry.
I didn't have any dreams worth remembering, but I was always well aware of being asleep when the darkness set in. When I slept, I was very bored, but happy that I didn't remember the pain and worry I'd had to deal with every day that I didn't hear from him.
On the eighteenth day that I'd spent searching aimlessly through the forest for my family, I returned home just before the darkness set in. I wouldn't even step out onto my portch, unless I was with Garreth. I lingered for a long moment in my small kitchen, remembering the love and protection we shared together. Then, something caught my attention.
I looked at it closely. I picked up the piece of paper, and unfolded it quickly.

'I'm sorry, and I miss you.'

was all that was written. I ran my fingers over the black ink, as the pain scortched like fire in my chest. I couldn't believe he'd just left me, and for what? To get himself killed like an idiot?
after I pressed the note softly to my chest, I didn't want to damage it in the least bit, I decided to go to bed early. I had no meeting to attend with him tonight, any way.
The night wore on as I laid in my bed, lost in thought.
Why would he leave me a note? Why wouldn't he tell me that he 'missed me,' face to face? Why can't I see him?
Then I decided that it couldn't have been him to write it. It had to be one of the others, maybe Dakota or Emery. Someone. Garreth wouldn't just write a note. He knows better than that. Or does he? I echoed back my thoughts in my head, searching through them for an answer. And then, the happy darkness set in, and I was free again. I was no longer a Prisoner.
© Copyright 2009 Jessie (UN: archery at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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