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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1534312
MarNoWriMo 2009. Book 3 Endurance Series.
#642957 added June 26, 2024 at 7:21pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Ten ~ The Reveal
Chapter Ten
The Reveal

CALVIN SAT WAITING. HIS parents paced the extensive study in front of Penny and Edward, and neither said a word. He would rather hear them yelling to release their evident disappointment because he knew that when they grew silent and were at a loss for words as a couple, it spelled trouble. He had only seen them this way twice in his adulthood. Each time created a challenging working environment and stinging reticence at home. At least he wouldn't have to deal with that anymore. Living at the hotel relieved him from the intricate family dynamic they shared. Taking sides always became a gamble, one Calvin tended to avoid.

Calvin stood and had enough of the silence. "I don't need to be here for this, so I'm going home."

His father stopped pacing and stared. His round face held no cheer, his gray eyes drawn and unreadable. "Your brother wanted you here," he stated, his voice calm and in control.

Calvin turned to look at Edward, sitting and holding Penny's hand. "You did? I don't understand."

Edward stood from the dark brown leather loveseat, releasing his grip on Penny. "Yes. I thought you would want them to know you tried to stop us."

Calvin raked a hand through his hair. "That doesn't explain why I needed to be here. You could have told them yourself; no need to involve me further."

"Where is Lisa?" Carol asked.

From the question, he felt more was happening here than the impromptu wedding. "She flew back to Michigan this morning. Why?"

He met his mother's soft brown eyes and saw a warmth still shining. She sighed and crossed her arms before her. "That's a shame."

Calvin wanted to change the direction this conversation seemed to be taking. What did Lisa have to do with Penny and Edward eloping? “Why? What is it you're not telling me?" Calvin rested his hands on his hips, preparing for what would come next.

"You put her up at the hotel, requested the room next door to yours, flew her to Vegas, and were seen being very cozy on the streets. Is there anything you'd like for us to know?" His mother asked.

Calvin narrowed his gaze at Edward and felt like a knife penetrated his back and lodged deep inside. If Edward thinks for one second that he will somehow turn this around, he's mistaken. "Lisa needed my help. Together we tried to stop them from ruining both their lives and screwing with the company as well. As you can see, we failed. Yes, I gave her a place to stay, same as I would for any business associate that flew into town last minute and needed my help."

"Nothing is going on romantically between the two of you?" John asked. Cal looked at his father and could swear he saw a tiny bit of disappointment.

"That's personal."

His mother moved in front of him. "We like Lisa and think she's a fine woman with a wonderful head for business. We are concerned about her. What with your recent breakup with Jules."

Calvin laughed but couldn't stop it from erupting. "That's what's bothering you? The fact that Lisa could get hurt if she became involved with me?" If someone had told him this would be his parent's reaction, he never would've believed it, not even for one second. "So, you're all right with Edward and Penny running off to get married?"

With slow steps, Carol turned to Edward and made her way over to him and Penny. Penny rose to her feet. Calvin watched the two blondes look at one another, Penny only a few inches taller than his mother. He never noticed the resemblances between the two before and found it rather interesting that an outsider would likely peg them as a family.

"No, I'm not thrilled that they ran off and got married by some Elvis impersonator, but Edward loves her, and that is all I've ever wanted for all of my children."

Calvin believed she did feel that way but also knew his mother well enough to see the hurt she masked in her eyes and face. He wondered if it was the choice of a bride or the fact that they eliminated her from the wedding itself. His mother had always discussed the weddings each of her children would have. The elaborate affairs would grace the cover of magazines and start a new buzz brewing about Grayburg Corporation and Anna's Originals. He never saw her so excited as when she became involved in planning his marriage to Jules.

"Well, I'm heading home," Calvin said. It had been a long day, and he needed some time.

"Why don't you stay the night?" John asked.

He shook his head and would have to devise an excellent excuse to get out of there.

"No, Dad, I really need to get home. I left the contracts to renew with Lisa and Anna at home and need to get them squared away so they will be ready in time for next week's meeting."

His father nodded, rested a firm hand on Cal's shoulder, and squeezed him. "You know, I'm not getting any younger. I always thought I'd be a grandfather by now."

Cal laughed and shook his head. How could I have been so wrong about my parents' reaction to the news? "Well, you won't have to wait long with Penny being pregnant."

His father's jaw dropped, his mother gasped, Penny moaned and sank back to the seat she vacated, and Edward glared at him across the room. Calvin's head spun, flabbergasted that Edward left out the most essential part of the story.

"You didn't tell them?"

Edward stared down at the beige carpet, his head hung low in shame. "I wanted them to know I married Penny because I love her, not because she's carrying my child." Edward's voice hung in the air, thick with defeat.

John turned and moved to his son. "Why would you think we wouldn't believe what you say? Do you think we can't see it written on your face? You're our son. When have we ever doubted your word?"

Edward met his father's gaze. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to disappoint you, and I know this wasn't what you wanted for me."

John moved to the chair to the left of the loveseat and sat down, resting his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. "What have we ever done to make our children so afraid to come and talk to us? Haven't we raised you with love and respect?"

"Yes, you have," Calvin said as he moved closer to them.

His mother turned to him. "But you didn't call us either. You sat back and let your brother get married without the love of his family around."

Calvin sighed. He couldn't deny it. "I apologize for that. I thought it was Edward's place to tell you."

"I expect more out of both of you. We are a family, and we should stick together. Keeping secrets of this magnitude will only destroy this family," Carol stated. She leaned down and kissed Penny's cheek. "You need to get your rest, dear. Tomorrow, we will see Dr. O'Hara and get you checked out; make sure everything is all right with you and my grandchild."

"That's really not necessary. I've seen my doctor back home."

"You'll be living here now; you must have a local doctor." Carol turned to Edward. "Get your wife settled. We'll talk more in the morning."

Edward reached a hand out to Penny. She smiled up at him, her face beaming again when she rested her fingers in his palm. She stood, and together, they made their way out of the room.

"I'll see you both in the morning," Calvin said, following Edward and Penny out the double doors.

"We would like to know about your relationship with Lisa," his father said.
Cal stopped dead in his tracks. He wished he had an answer but didn't. "If there is something to tell, I'll let you know." Without turning around or waiting for a response, he headed out the door, through the penthouse, and to the elevator. All he wanted to do was get home and crash.

He lay in bed for two hours, and all his thoughts were on Lisa. He wondered if she was Okay. He made love to her, fell asleep with her wrapped in his arms, and awoke alone as if it were all a dream. Finding her gone and only a 'thank you' note left behind made him feel like shit. They needed to talk about what happened. It would be impossible to think they could avoid one another since they spoke to each other regularly regarding their mutual business venture. Just thinking about her naked and having an orgasm in his arms made him hard. He rolled over onto his side, his face in the pillow she slept on that morning. The scent of jasmine lingered, her scent making his body pulse with a fierce need to have her bucking beneath him again. He wrapped his arms around the pillow, breathed in her essence, and hoped for sleep to find him.

She lowered herself down onto his lap, his shaft standing proudly between their bodies. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and her mouth fused to him in a deep, hungry kiss that left him longing for more. Lisa moved her hips, her mound pressing against his heat, making it twitch. His hands slid into her hair and held her face close, the kiss driving him wild.

Calvin slid his hands down her back, loving the feel of her silky soft curves. His palms rested on her butt, pulling her closer to his body. He wanted to flip her over and thrust into her but held back, squashing the impulse. She broke the kiss, her mouth moving over his cheek, to his ear, down his neck to the collarbone where she nibbled his skin. Everywhere that mouth went sent heat dashing over his flesh. Calvin laid back on the bed, taking Lisa with him, while her delectable mouth took pleasure in learning his body.

He needed her. He wrapped his arms around her and held on tight as he rolled them over. Lisa yelped when he did so, her eyes dancing when she looked up at him. "Hello, you," he whispered. Calvin adjusted himself at the fire between her legs, not ready to wait another moment. He reached down and positioned his shaft at her opening, pushing inside just a bit. Calvin reached up, grabbed her wrists, and raised them above her head. Her eyes widened as she looked up at him in question. In one swift move, he buried himself deep inside her core.

Calvin bolted up in bed, his breathing ragged, the insistent ringing of the cell phone grabbing his attention. He reached over and snatched it off the table. Lisa's name appeared, and his heart skipped a beat. He hit the talk button, trying to come up with something decent to say.


She sighed; he heard it as if she were sitting beside him, her warm breath floating over him. "Hi, Cal."

Just the sound of her voice had his hardness throbbing. "Everything Okay?"

"I feel terrible about running out on you this morning. You were sleeping so soundly I didn't have the heart to wake you."

Calvin breathed a sigh of relief and could push aside the doubt he had all day about what they shared. "Next time, wake me." He heard the gasp on the other end, closed his eyes, and cursed. He should have known better than to assume there would be a next time.

"Okay. I appreciate everything you did to help me find Penny. Hope things went well with your parents."

"They were fine with the wedding. That is until I mentioned the baby."

"You mentioned it? Are you telling me that Edward and Penny left that part out?"

Cal ran a hand across his neck, swung his feet off the bed, and stood.

"Yes. I mentioned it, assuming they knew, but it all turned out fine. My mother insisted that Penny be seen by the family doctor tomorrow." He entertained telling her that his parents asked about their relationship but decided against it.

"I'm glad it all worked out. I was worried that I would need to drum up new backing for AO, and I wasn't looking forward to it."

"I won't leave you in the lurch, Lisa."

"I appreciate that. Well, it's late, and I'm sure you're tired. Good night, Cal," she whispered, the softness with which she said his name floating into his head.

Only one other person called him Cal, and the fact that she so quickly used it warmed his heart.

"Good night, Lisa."

He waited until he heard the click before hanging up the phone. His mind swam with thoughts of her, of how she made love to him, called out his name, and clung to him as ecstasy took over. He'd think it was all a dream if he didn't know any better.

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