Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/651780-Prompt-6
Rated: E · Book · Fantasy · #1561660
contest entry 7 prompts
#651780 added May 26, 2009 at 11:00pm
Restrictions: None
Prompt 6
Morning came after what seemed like an eternity. Neither Xyiss or I slept at all.
The anticipation of meeting the our mysterious informant was more than we could both stand.
We packed up our gear and headed towards our destination. Our step quicker than usual.
We had been told to meet the person of interest outside of town about twenty miles on the other side of the rocky hills in the desert.
A place called Lonely Hills.
Xyiss and I took the bus as far as we could then hoofed it the rest of the way.
Halfway up the uneven rocky unforgiving path Xyiss was out of breath and needed to stop.
"G, G, Grey I need a break."
" Xyiss , we are almost there"
"Just five minutes, please. I'm gonna pass out if we don't stop."
I knew he was right. He had always been a little weaker than I, and I think this morning he had been running on pure adrenaline. So now that it was getting close to noon he was just about out of energy.
We found shade in a gigantic overhanging rock.
We stopped and took our water bottles out of my back pack and started to drink.
After quite a long silence and and even longer pull off of his bottle Xyiss looked at me with that same look he had on the stairs just a few days ago.
"Yeah, Xyiss."
"What kind of person could we possilby be meeting out here?" " I mean he couldn't possibly be all there.............look around for Ganya's sake!"
Ganya was Xyiss' only friend besides me when we were kids.
She was something similar to a house cat crossed with a terydactyl.
At least that is as close as you could get to it in the human world.
Actually that was her species, Ganyas. He never could think of a name for her so we just called her THE GANYA, which later became just Ganya.
We used to pretend she was a super protector, a super hero if you will, and we would both yell at the top of our lungs "FOR GANYA'S SAKE!"
As we got older and no longer of the pretending age it was just something we still said when trying to enphasize something.
When Ganya died Xyiss wouldn't talk for days. He went missing one morning and after much searching I found him where we had burried Ganya. Xyiss had made Ganya a small grave marker out of stone in which he carved "For Ganya's sake"
I told him she would have really like that. He agreed , and we got up and left her grave and never went to see it again.

After we started walking again it was about two hours before we finally reached the cross roads where we would signal the informant.
Xyiss put our things in a ditch beside the road while I started a fire in the middle of the four way crossing. Xyiss and I waited as the day grew dark, it seemed like we had reached a dead end when suddenly a strange wind started up.
It blew out the fire and began forming a twister around us, sealing off the four paths. The dirt was so thick in the twister you couldn't even see out side of it. Xyiss and I looked around trying to figure out what to do when we were startled by a voice over by where our fire use to be.
"So, you have come."
The voice came from an old man, who looked to be about in his 70's. he had short white hair and yellow eye's. In his hand he had a cane that resembled a old twisted tree branch.
I stepped forward towards the man.
"We seek information about our exile. We need to know anything you know that would help us."
The old man chuckled and sat down in the dirt.
"If you wish to know then I shall tell you."
Xyiss and I walked over and sat down in front of the old man, both of us eager to learn of the events the led to our exile.
The old man sat his cane down then he spoke.
"As you are aware, Crillic took part in seeing to your exile, but there was another betrayer. Your father."
I felt anger welling up inside of me when I learned our "father" had taken part in our exile, but I didn't let it get to me for the old man wasn't finished.
"You are also aware you were forced into exile because you were both accused of murder, but it wasn't the fact that you murdered but who you murdered that caused such an uproar. Both Crillic and your father saw to it that you two recieved the blame for murdering...your mother."
A look of shock came over mine a Xyiss' face. Blamed for murdering our own mother and the fact that our father helped kill her was begining to affect me more than I thought it would.
"Crillic and your father are trying to gain more controll of your homelands people by showing that no one will be spared from thier crimes no matter what their status. A twisted idea of showing that they could keep the people safe no matter what, even if it was from themselves. The people would put more faith in your royal family. Except one thing happened that neither your father nor Crillic exspected..."
Xyiss and I could barely contain ourselves, mixed emotions of anger and sorrow were dwellng in our minds, but we still listened on.
The old man continued.
"...you escaped, and when you escaped the people of your realm lost all faith in the royal family. They feared that if two adolescents could evade conviction then anyone could, that's why your realms entire army was sent to scour both your realm and this realm for you two. To gain the peoples trust again."
I looked at Xyiss and he looked at me, I could tell we were both thinking the same thing. We had heard enough, we wanted to get back to our realm and fix the mess that had been created all over controll of the nation. We would make Both Crillic and my father pay. I looked back at the old man.
"How do we get back to our realm?"
The old man smiled and stood, he grabbed his cane and looked down at us.
"When you awake you will be returned to your realm, good luck."
A look of confusion came over my face when all of a sudden I could barely keep my eye's open. as my vision was fading I looked over at Xyiss and found he was slumped over and asleep. I reached out to the old man to try and grab him but I dropped to the ground, dead asleep.
© Copyright 2009 Lady Blackheart (UN: ladyblackheart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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