Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/658347-Chapter-Eight
Rated: E · Book · Drama · #1566410
#658347 added January 5, 2014 at 10:52pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Eight
The study, lined with bookshelves,had a beautiful red and blue oriental rug covering the floor. The massive desk was made of oak, and facing the door. Going through the drawers I didn't know what I was looking for. After looking in the last drawer I closed it, and noticed that the drawers were not as long as the entire size of the desk. In fact they were much shorter.

  " Where did you get this desk?" I asked, sizing up the difference.

  " Albert's father gave it to him years ago. She said, and her face clouded in suspicion. " Why ? "

  "  Do you know how old it is? "

  " His dad had an antique shop for many years in Greencastle, where Albert grew up and went to school."

  I bent down and looked under the front of the desk. There on the corner of the knee hole I saw a small knob. I pressed it. There was a click and I pulled the file drawer out. It slid past where it stopped before. Inside were several files in manila folders.

  " My God ! " She gasped." I didn't know it had a secret compartment. No wonder he never let me near it"

  Holding the button in I pulled out all the drawers: each with a hidden space. Inside were more papers, and I quickly scooped them up, adding to my find. There were credit card receipts and a bundle of handwritten letters. 

  " What are those? " She asked, starting to reach for them.

  " I'll have to sort this all out, Missus Hughes. " I said, laying my hand over them.

  " Those look like personal letters. I want them." She started to reach again and I pushed her hand away.

  " Missus Hughes," I stood up after cleaning out all the papers." I can't let you have them. If they are personal correspondence they'll be returned to you, but, until they've been gone through they're considered official documents." After taking one last look to see if I missed anything, I put the bundle under my arm and went for the door. She followed me through the house, protesting all the way to the front door.

  " Thank you for your cooperation, Missus Hughes. I'll be in touch." I said as I got in the car.

  " This isn't right. " She said as I started the engine. " I've a good mind to report you."

  To whom? I thought as I slipped the lever into gear and pulled onto the street.

  I walked into the Attorney General's office and met Frank as he was walking out.

  " How'd it go? " I asked.

  " We're still in the dark, Lester. I don't think this was a good idea to come when we didn't really have anything yet."

  " I don't think so." I said, dumping the files on the secretary's desk." Albert had a secret compartment in his desk. Maybe we can get a handle on who's behind all this."

  " Holy mackerel. This was in Hughes' desk?" His wide eyed stare almost caused me to burst out laughing.

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