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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/658655-This-will-be-a-long-entry-for-someone-with-nothing-to-say
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees.
#658655 added July 12, 2009 at 1:18am
Restrictions: None
This will be a long entry for someone with nothing to say.
Good late-morning Studyees, and a happy Saturday to you all. Not much to speak of the last few days...

*Bullet* Managed to get dragged out of the house by a large black dude otherwise known as my sister's boyfriend...yup, my sis is in town. Up from Tampa for a cousin's wedding that I didn't get an invite to. And I'm not suprised. And let me tell you why...

This cuz joined the service out of high school (I don't remember which one, I wanna say Navy, but I honestly don't remember) and met a dude in California. She met him sooooo much that they decided to get married. This had to be a long time ago, back when everybody was getting married to the point that I was going to three weddings a year and had an ex-girlfriend serve as my "wedding buddy" . For a few years it seemed like everyone was getting married but me. Now, they're all getting divorced. Awesome, the "institution of marriage". *Smirk*

So there was a big reception, my cuz gettin' married, my huge family was there, dude's huge family was there, and the world still turns. A few months later Cuz returns, sans hubby. Not that I've done any investigating, but nobody seems to know the story of the breakup between her and her seaman. All I know is that it was done. And I'm not one to be "that guy" and say "How's things in Marriedland" when Marriedland don't exist anymore, hear me? I just say hey, give hugs, shoot the shit, etc. She's still a cool cuz, but wait for the kicker...

She's getting married today. I met the guy once or twice...seems like a solid dude (but so did the last one). She's been freaking out a little over the past few weeks via her Facebook status, and it's kinda funny. Remarks like "I'm not gonna be a <her last name here> anymore!!"...things of that nature. All of which leads me to think...did she not realize that she was already married once before??!? It really seems as if she's acting like that never happened. And I wouldn't be surprised if my aunt and uncle footed the bill for another big reception. This whole "swept-under-the-rug" thing is shady, and while yours truly is not one to pass up a wedding (open bar, gin-and-tonic heaven), I will gladly sit this one out. Her P's were controlling enough to the point of rebellion, so now they're making up for it by dropping dimes on a bloated wedding reception? I'll pass. I can hear the train wreck a'comin' for miles, Studyees.

No wonder why other countries around the world hate the U.S.

*Bullet* So like I said, my sis is back in town. I met her out last night at an old bar we used to go to with some old friends I don't hang out with anymore. Or should I say, ONE old friend...one or more got married, I got bitter and crazy, one died, and others moved on or away. 'Twas damn good to have a mellow good time at a place where shit used to get ridiculously flipped on a regular basis. I don't regret those days, but I don't miss them either. Chrissy's man opened a chat with me on Facebook and implored me to get down to GPC. After working 8 hours, and Jess working 10 hours and having to work 10 more today, and first battling J's resistance of me going ("You never go out anymore, why are you going now?" Cuz people want to see me, and just cuz you domesticated the stallion, that doesn't mean I'm not gonna want to rip shit up like I used to...it's always gonna be in me to try and replicate some of the good times, only now I'm like, responsible, or something close to it.) and then her questioning me when I asked her if I could go ("What kind of person do you think I am that you have to ASK me if you can do something? You are your own person! [She said that with love, by the way.]) I went, and had a really great time. I even behaved myself, for the most part.

But I will never understand women...especially those with PMS issues. And I don't intend on understanding them, because the game changes faster than record companies trying to catch up with copyright infringers and bootleggers trying to out-do The Man.

*Bullet* Found out from my sis that a close friend of my little bro hung himself. My bro's been through a lot of shit in his almost-20 years, both good and bad, but he's never really been through a death like this. I think, I hope, this experience provides some validation for all the shit he went though trying to get his life on track. He's doing awesome, doing what he's doing, and just needs to catch a break to move up and be able to not have to rely on mommy's money anymore. While I'd rather see him delivering pizzas than snortin' blow, I know he's got something else in him that he can do.

Heroin...it's not for breakfast anymore.

*Bullet* On a lighter note, came across an article in the paper (the Buffalo News...yes, they still print newspapers) about job openings for court security clerks. Guess who's not entirely built right for the position, AND isn't too entirely thrilled with the way things are going down at The Wall? They pay more and are supposedly not going to be affectted by the economy and New York State's ridiculous "budget crisis".

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Especially for almost $40K in starting pay.

*Bullet* We almost always get at least one weekend day off together, but not so this weekend. Our Independence and celebrations of tend to throw the corporate world off, unfortunately. Had I not volunteered to take over someone's shift at Borders I'd have the whole day off today. But J's gotta work, and for some reason I've gotta work tomorrow. But then we get to have real Buffalo pizza and chicken wings at Aunt Caca's with the sis and her man. And I like that.

I hope your corporation dies.

*Bullet* To my cool shit friend Nicole, I miss you and I love you. I mean that dearly. I'm not blowing off your calls; it's just that when you do call me, I'm at work. And when I get home, it's late. You have no idea how sorry I am that we couldn't hang out the last time you were in town. But don't worry...Rachel still wants to take me as her date to your wedding...*Smirk*

All right now, Stoggers, I hafta find me something to eat and catch a nap before I bust out a four hour shift slingin' books, and try to beat the rain storm we're supposed to get. We got some but it's not nearly as bad as they predicted. I had more to say but so much of nothing has happened intertwined with sporadic moments of craziness. Peace out homies.... *Heart*

Bonus iTunes bonus tracks update:

*Bullet* Had an entire sandwich and Buffalo Clam Chowder from The Broadway Deli (y'all who go way back with me know I love that joint) and it basically knocked me out to the point that...

*Bullet* I was a half-hour late for work.

*Bullet* The wind and rain overthrew our gazebo. It is currently an upside-down mess in the backyard, having got into a crazy mash-up with the volleyball net.I'm not looking forward to cleaning that up anytime soon.

*Bullet* Chicken is tasty. Snacking on some now. We cooked it because we were gonna grill it but so much other stuff came up that we never got to it, and we didn't want it to go bad. What I really should be doing is going to bed, but a certain female has slightly reawakened me very stimulantly.I can't remember the last time I had SNL on and didn't watch so much of it.

That's it...I told you all I had nothing to say!!

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