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by CMneti
Rated: ASR · Book · Personal · #1594729
The love story of Mike and Kelly
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#666257 added September 2, 2009 at 9:47pm
Restrictions: None
Storm Approaching
While on vacation, Kelly began to feel compelled to pray literally for Mike’s life. She often asked God to restore him to health. She prayed Mike would remember to correctly take his medications. He had confided in her that he sometimes forgot.

When she got back to work Mike and she went through their usual ritual of pretending to be angry with one another. Mike would insult her, and then giggle like mad. Kelly always gave a sarcastic,” I love you too. Mike” Then he would wink at her and smile.

She asked for resurrection life. She began to break generational curses (judgments on the family line due to the past sins of ancestors) off Mike’s life. She reviewed old Bible study notes and sermons from the church she attended with her family. Kelly spent the next twenty days praying. She fasted on days she did not have to work. When she did eat, it was just a small plate of food. She deeply wanted to spend every possible moment praying for him, and often spent as much as three and four hours a night in prayer for his deliverance.

On Saturday night., Kelly agreed to work the floor for some overtime. One of the girls was sick with the flu. So, after working her shift in activities, Kelly clocked out, and then clocked back in for the second shift.

Outside Mike was taking a ride home with his sister, Rosalyn. Kelly went out to say goodnight. As he was getting into the car, he turned back to her and softly said,” I love you, Kel”

Kelly blushed as she shyly said, “I love you too, Mike,” He giggled. Suddenly,she had a revelation. Her dearest friend, who so often struggled to make his feelings known, had said the words she never expected him to say. This could mean only one thing. There was as of this moment no unfinished business between them.

Realizing Mike’s life was in grave danger she increased her praying . She prayed all day when not working, and for all her waking hours after work. She even refused a shift of overtime, so that she could spend the time in prayer.

Covering her head and getting on her knees, she prayed, “I come to You, Lord Jesus, asking for freedom for Mike on the basis of the cleanness of my hands. Because of my faithfulness to You. And on the basis of my faith and obedience, I ask You for Mike’s deliverance. A new program, different medicines, different doctors, we do not need. They aren’t the answer, Lord God. You provide freedom from all oppression. Father, let Mike feel Your healing touch. Take all the hurt, pain, and bondage, replacing it with the knowledge of Your love. I am willing, Lord, to be used by You any way You require for Mike’s deliverance I bind the spirit of heaviness, with it’s mourning, sorrow, grief, and broken heartedness. and loose upon Mike the oil of joy for the spirit of heaviness, along with Your healing power, and Promise of resurrection life. May he wear praise as a garment. Amen." Kelly prayed this way for the entire weekend.

After work on Monday, she prayed again throughout the night. She took no sleep at all, as the burden for Mike was so heavy. It did not lift until about 6 a m. and ,Kelly finally went to sleep.

The phone rang at 8:30 a.m. Kelly groggily picked up the receiver, and spoke. “Hello?”

The voice on the phone belonged to Kathy Wright, the other full time activity assistant on the dementia care floor. “Hey, Kel. Sorry to disturb your day off, but we have a situation. Irene’s in the morning meeting, and asked me to call you. Can you come in? I’m working the other floor, today, and no one’s here.”

“No, I can’t come in today. I kinda had a bad night”, said Kelly.

“Are you all right? Did you seize in the night?”

“No, I’m ok. Not a seizure. I was up all night, praying.” answered Kelly.

“Maybe a half day, then? I have a trip today, and Rosalyn had volunteered to go with the group. Then, earlier this morning, she called to say that neither she nor Mike were coming in.”

“Oh my God! She called them both out? What happened?”

Kathy said, “I didn’t take call. Some kind of family emergency.”

Kelly‘s heart broke, but she was not surprised. “Family emergency? Mike?” Actually, I was praying for him. All night. That’s why I can’t come in. I haven’t slept. I can’t give you a half-day, either. I’ll be next for the hospital, otherwise.”

She sighed. “I guess we can reschedule the outing. You’re back tomorrow. What do I tell the boss?”

“ Well, you can tell her whatever you want to. Tell her the truth. You were here when I needed to pray and sent you home. I will see you guys tomorrow. Now, let me get back to sleep before I pass out here.”

After Kelly had slept and was refreshed at last, she contacted her prayer group to let them know that Mike was in the hospital. She asked for advice on how to be there for him. She let them know how hard it was for her.

Kelly did a load of laundry, then called Doug.

“Hey, Chickie! How was your vacation? I missed you,” he said.

Kelly said, “Good, really good. We took the kids to Disney World. They had a great time.”

“You sound down, Sweetie. What’s up?” Kelly told him what was happening and he insisted on getting her out of the apartment for awhile. “Come on, Chickie. I’m taking you for pizza. In ten minutes. “ He was there in five.

They talked endlessly. Where would she be without him? Without the support of friends and family? Doug took her to the Italian restaurant where he worked part time delivering pizza. His full time job wasn’t paying enough to cover all his living expenses now that his divorce was final. We sat down at a table near the kitchen.

After ordering two meatball subs, and soda, I began to tell him about my relationship with Mike. “And, don’t skimp on the juicy parts, Chickie.” he said smiling.

“ It’s not all that juicy” Kelly answered.

“Just friends?”

Kelly thought a moment. "Not exactly. “Mike came to work at the Collier home on July 10, 2000. I trained him on the Alzheimer’s unit, and he became my partner there. He is the only person I have worked with that I ever called a partner. Actually, I think I’ve learned as from him as I’ve taught him. And, after the accident (I put my hand over the scar) he helped me see that it didn’t make me ugly. So, he’s kinda got a hero’s place in my heart."

The food arrived, and Doug asked the waitress to bring a large order of fries. “To share” he said. Kelly put the straw into her soda, and took a couple of sips.

“So, are you more than friends? Come on! I need a thrill” Doug teased

“I don’t know.” Mike never says those things. Just not his style, maybe. I say what I feel, though. All the time. But, let me tell you what happened.” Doug leaned forward as she spoke.

“It was Saturday, when I worked with him last. I was asked to stay and work a shift for nursing since the new girl called out. So, after my Activities shift, clocked off to take a break between shifts. Mike and I were supposed to ride home with a friend of ours , and I needed to let him know I was staying. Mike started to get into the car, then turned back and said, I love you, Kel."

“Really,” was all Doug said.

“Doug, I said it back.” Kelly whispered as she blushed.

“Well, what does that mean?”, Doug wanted to know.

“That there’s no unfinished business between us.”, answered Kelly.

“We’ve been the best of friends for years, now, but where I could always put my cards on the table; honestly telling him how I felt, he never could. Where I freely expressed the heartfelt affection in my heart, Mike struggled. He told me that he found it difficult to express his feelings, because of his mental state, and because of the abuse he suffered from an ex -girlfriend.”

“I can relate,” said Doug.

“Our coworkers tease us, that if one of the two of us walk into a room, the other lights up like it’s Christmas morning. He winks, smiles, and blushes.”

“Really? Blushes?”

“That’s what I said. Right down to his boots.”

Doug smiled. “ That’s kinda sweet,” he said.

The following morning Kelly returned to work. She could not have anticipated the barrage of comments and questions she was about to receive about Mike’s condition. She felt like she had been placed. under a spotlight. She was expected to have answers that only his family had. After punching the clock, she headed for the elevators. There Kelly was met by three CNAs from the other floors. They spoke all at once, overlapping one another until Kelly couldn’t be sure who was asking what.

“Did you hear anything?”

“Is he going to be all right?”

“I heard he uses drugs!”

That last statement got Kelly’s attention. She whirled around to face my co-worker. “Excuse me, what was that?” The other woman glanced away for a moment, then looked back at Kelly, “That’s what they’re saying”, and she pushed the elevator button. The elevator door opened and, as the group got on, Kelly said,” Don’t listen to ‘them’, because in this place no one gets the story straight. When his family lets us know what happened, then we’ll know."

The elevator opened and they got off. As the door closed again, Kelly heard one say,” She’s not talking”

Kelly turned my eyes to the ceiling, and asked God, “What?!”

The elevator opened to reveal the Dementia unit where Mike and she worked as a team. There was a group of five women looking at pictures. To their right, three men sat at a table sanding wood. In the left rear corner of the room, three women folded towels. Nearby, a man talked to his daughter on the telephone. There was a blind man in a wheelchair, keeping time to the music he heard across the room. The charge nurse gave a report at the desk about an overnight fall.

“Good morning, Nurse Lisa,” Kelly greeted as she passed by the District nurse who was accessing a new resident. She smiled as she looked up.

“Hi, Kel”, she greeted her cheerily. “Did you hear any news?” Her expression changed to one of worry.

“No, Lisa, not yet. But, his sister is with him now. So, maybe I’ll call her tonight.”

“OK, hon. Tell him I’m praying.” She put the assessment on the chart, and stood to place the chart on the shelf. She turned back. “ Listen, I have something for you to give him. Come see me before you leave.”

“Thank you,” Kelly said giving her a smile. Then, she entered the Dayroom and greeted the residents. “Good morning, Miss Gladys. Miss Joanne. Mother Martha.” Kelly said to the group folding towels.

“ Well, hello there” “Good morning, young lady” came the responses.

“Hello, Mr. Johnson,” said Kelly, to the man keeping time with his foot., “How are you this morning?”

“Fine, real fine. Where’s that partner of yours?”

“He’s not well. He’ll be back soon.” Kelly answered him.

Kelly went to the supply closet for the things needed for the morning activities, including the date and date to change the reality board which hung on the wall just inside the doors. As she put up the new day and date, she noticed Helen standing beside her reading the board. “Did I miss anything, Miss Helen?” Kelly asked her.

The older woman was standing with her hands clasped together as though she were praying. She was deep in her thoughts. Kelly put a hand on her shoulder. “Is it really 2004?” she wanted to know. Smiling ,Kelly said,” Yes, Helen. It’s January 21st, 2004.”

Kelly cleared away the remaining breakfast dishes, putting them in the scrape room. This gave her moment to say a quick prayer that God would move in Mike’s life, healing him and returning him home. She wondered if she would see him again. She did not know if he would live at this point. She tried to hide her fear, thinking about the way she had prayed all through the night just two days earlier.

Kelly was amazed and in awe, that God should call her and cause her to pray that way when someone was in such danger. Was this something she would get used to? Perhaps, it’s something you get used to not getting used to.

Mike and Kelly were usually early, arriving at work by 7:45 am .He had a cigarette or two and conversation with whoever sat in the smoker’s area, located outside the kitchen entrance, while she generally sat in the employee lounge, having coffee and chatting with the housekeepers and the occasional member of the office staff. At 8:00 am, they were on the clock, starting their day. After stopping by the Activity office to pick up the morning paper, as well as whatever instructions might be left by the boss, they headed for the elevator.

Kelly loved riding in the elevator with him as the scent of Avatar filled the air. She inhaled deeply, allowing the aroma to overtake her. She would miss that while he was in the hospital. Hiding her tears, she set up the room for balloon volley, putting on catchy Ragtime, which the residents enjoyed. Then, she stepped into the hall to invite the residents seated just outside the dayroom to join the group. They were eager participate.

At 10:00 am Kelly let the girl she was working with know that she was taking a break. She pulled out her cell phone as the elevator door opened, and stepped on as she turned it on. Dialing Mike’s sister, Kelly got her voice mail, leaving her a message to please call back when she was free .She returned her call. The conversation was brief.

” I only have a minute, but I wanted you to know he’s stable.”

“Thanks, Kelly answered, “I’m on break right now. Call me when you know more.”

“Will do” She hung up.

Kelly put the phone into it’s case, and put it into her left pocket . She made a cup of tea. A few minutes alone was really going to hit the spot. Just her thoughts and herself. Kelly stared out the windows, silent prayers going up for her partner.

Returning to the Dementia unit, Kelly went directly to the Solarium, to set the room for the Sensory Awareness group she led each day from 10:30-11:30 am. This was her favorite activity of the day. Kelly felt it was more meaningful than most other programs, being designed to benefit those who needed stimulation the most; the low functioning, often bed ridden residents. And this is where she felt most needed.

The nursing assistants escorted their residents into the solarium while Kelly was setting up for the program. On the round table, she placed a white tablecloth; upon which she placed the items she would be using that day. One artifact had been selected for each one of the senses. One for smell, one for movement, one for touch, one for vision, for hearing, one for taste.

After stimulating each of the senses with the group of five women and three men who attended that morning, Kelly thanked all who participated. She noted their levels of active or passive participation, before putting away her supplies, as the nursing staff escorted their residents from the room to freshen up for the noon meal.

After the meal, the room was set up for the afternoon’s activity programs. These included Kickball at 2pm, and a reminisce group, which Mike loved to do. Kelly took over the reminisce group in his absence. Additionally, there was a folding station set up in the back of the room. There was a puzzles section, a reading section, and a pacing area( where agitated Alzheimer’s residents could safely pace.) Recent additions were the baby dolls section( complete with dolls, stroller, and basinet) and a visual stimulation section for low functioning residents. For the men there was a wood working section.

The other activity girl played Kickball while Kelly watched over the room to prevent falls with the newest resident hovering over her shoulder repeating, in her tiny Irish brogue, “Is it time to go home now, Dear?”

Kelly began the reminisce group. The topic was Winter Evenings at Home, and Kelly brought out boxes containing Winter artifacts. Then, each activity assistant took an afternoon break, while the other did a Sing a long with the residents. How the residents loved to sing those old songs!

Nurse Lisa was at the desk charting when Kelly left at 4o'clock. She gave Kelly two magnets with Bible verses, one with Mike’s name, and the other with hers. Kelly gave her a hug as she thanked her for them both ,followed by a promise to keep her informed.

“Tell them I’m praying, she called after Kelly as she got into the elevator. Kelly waved an acknowledgment as the door closed.

She checked for messages on her cell as I went downstairs. There were none. She was grateful for that, and for the fact that for the first time in hours,she had a moment alone. Uninterrupted thoughts. She welcomed those moments, for this was when she could freely pray and not be interrupted by well- meaning questioners asking about Mike’s health. And at the moment, allKelly wanted was to breathe.

Kelly was happy to walk home today. Walking always helps clear the head of the junk that find it’s way there during the day. Especially here. Especially now. What Kelly wanted, needed, right now was time to pray. It might seem strange to be walking down to street praying. Surely, that looks crazy to passers by. Not a serious problem, since one can open the cell phone, it will look like talking on the phone. Forget using the cell as a prop,thought Kelly, If I look crazy, who cares?

The house phone was ringing as Kelly unlocked the door. It was her best friend forever calling from Asheboro. “Hi, Lisa, how are you?”

“Been better,” she said,”You?

“ Mike’s in the hospital. Nearly died. Might still. I haven’t heard from his sister yet.”

“Ah, geez, Kel. I’ll be there in a second. Right after I get me some wheels. Sorry hon, no car.”

“Well, ”Kelly said asshe went to the kitchen for a glass of cherry Pepsi,” "I will have to forgive you.” The women giggled.

Kelly took her Pepsi into the living room, and sat on the couch. Tearfully, she explained to Lisa the events of the last two days. Then she noticed a text message from Mike’s sister. It read, “They are moving him tomorrow. Will call tomorrow nite. R.

Kelly mentioned it to Lisa. “She included the phone number for the floor he will be on “Kelly told her, writing it down.

“Wonderful!” she replied, “Maybe you can see him”

“Oh, I doubt he wants to be seen just yet, but that would be nice. If I can get there, I mean.” After she speaking with Lisa,she called her mother to fill her in on everything before retiring to her room to pray.

That night,Kelly prayed Psalm 91 for Mike, seeking God’s protection as he stayed in the hospital. The next morning was Thursday. The deacon would be coming in the afternoon to bring communion to the Collier Home's Catholic residents. She hoped it wouldn't fall on her shoulders to tell him about Mike.

When she saw him,Kelly I swallowed. Hard. “Hello, Deacon “, she started to say. He jumped in with, “It’s all right. I know about Mike. His sister called the church. “

She was so relieved that he already knew. So free of the worry that she was to be asked questions for which there were no answers, that she hugged the dear man of God. Kelly was happy for this rare opportunity to escort the deacon on his rounds with the communion. Down each hall they traveled bringing the host to each parishioner on the floor. This gave Kelly the chance to pray with the deacon for Mike.

“Are you Catholic?” the deacon inquired.

“No, I’m not. I am a Christian, but I’m protestant”

“Too bad” he said, and smiled. Kelly was curious. “Why?”

“ It’s just a shame that I’m going to ask for God’s blessing for you, too. Even though, I may be fired,” He laughed softly.

“Why, you rebel, you!”

“You know it!” and he placed his hands on Kelly's head and began to pray.

When they were finished, Kelly returned to the Activity room, so the Activity Aides could take their afternoon break. and gathered a group together to read articles from the paper.

Early the next morning the phone rang. It was Kelly''s younger sister, Lillian Rose. “Have lunch with me, Sis. And, tell me all about your man.” she demanded. laughing.

“OK, I can be ready in two seconds flat.”

They went to the diner, and sat at the counter. After ordering food, Kelly told her everything.

“He was born on December 27, 1955. He was named Michael Augustus Bartholomew Mazonikus,” I began,” named after his paternal grandfather. He is the eldest son of Michael and Moira Mazonikus. There are three siblings. His brother, Vicente , was born on April 17, two years later. His sister, Rosalyn was born on the 22nd of September, the following year. His youngest sibling, a brother, was born on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 1965. The Mazonikus’ named him Augustus . The family called him “Mitch”.

The food arrived. as I continued. ” They were a poor family, and often had to make do. At the age 10, Mike shined shoes at the corner barber shop. . Their mother cleaned homes, to supplement her husband’s income from the Deli. When Rosalyn was old enough, she helped her mother clean houses.

“When Mike was a teenager, he went to work in the local deli with his father, and when he reached adulthood, Mike managed an Italian restaurant. He also owned four houses, which he rented out for additional income. He married his high school sweetheart, Sandra. Together, they had one child They named her Eleni Jade She was born on May 30, 1983. Sandra died of heart failure in the Winter of her 29th year. It was Eleni who found her mother’s body. She was seven.”

“Wow! She died so young! How awful. How’d you meet Mike?”

“He came to work at the nursing center in July, 2000. We work together on the Alzheimer’s unit. I had just taken the job as Assistant Director of Activities. He‘s been my partner on that unit for the last four years”

“ So, this was right after your promotion, then. “Does he live nearby? “

“He lives in the house his father built 35 years ago. It’s just down the road. Very near our work.” “And his name is Mike? Or is it Michael?”

“It’s both. His family and friends call him ‘Mike” but he goes by Michael at work”

“Well, what do you call him then?” ”Both. Let’s just say that I work with Michael, but I love Mike.”

”Ah, ha! You are more than friends then!”

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s just hero worship because of my accident. He was so sweet to me. So supportive. I was afraid that scar would make me ugly forever. ‘’

“You nut!” she chided . “You couldn’t be ugly if you tried!”

“What does Mike have?” asked the younger woman.

“I’m not exactly sure. He calls it “a crazy depression,”

“Maybe you should keep it as friends, then.” Wiser words may not have been spoken.

Kelly dug into her meal as she talked. “Well, we are that. Anyway, my divorce is still pending, and Mike is always with his ex and little girl. Even if we wanted to date, I‘m technically a boss to him, so, that‘s that.“

“How old is the daughter?” Lily coughed, and took a drink of her iced tea.

“She’s a teenager. His other daughter is 20.”

Lily asked suggested that I find a support group to help me learn about Mike's illness. " If you're going to be part of Mike's support base, you need one yourself."

"Tomorrow."Kelly promised that she would.

The following day, Kelly searched online for support groups for those having a relationship with people with depression, and suicidal ideations.She found a Christ centered support network for the mentally ill and their families. It became her rock and strong tower in the times of storm.Kelly went to the join page, and after answering a few questions about why Ishe wanted to join,was welcomed graciously into the group.

The next day there was e-mail from that group from the moderators of the group. They sent information that proved to be a saving influence., as well as links to sites for more information, council , and support. It it amazing how much information is available to those who know where to seek it.

There was an email from Kelly's mother asking if she was going to Church tomorrow, and one from Mike’s sister. She was relieved to learn that Mike had been released from the hospital. That was such good news.

Perhapsshe had been mistaken about the severity of his condition . For the email said simply, “Tell everyone that Mike is ok. He had a bit of food poisoning."

She thought that was a bit odd, considering her fierceness in prayer. Shrugging her shoulders, she called Lisa, and then her mom and shared with them the news.

"You should be ecstatic. What's troubling you, dear?" asked Mrs Chadwick.

As Kelly shared the things on her heart, she sighed. "What if I'm not praying right?"

Her mother answered,"Honey, I promise you, there is nothing wrong with your prayer life. Other than the fact that you spend so much time at it. Do I wish sometimes that you would socialize a bit more? Sure. But, I don't think there's anything wrong with your prayers. Really. It's just a bee in your bonnet."

At the mention of an old saying that had belonged to her grandmother,Kelly smiled. "My prayers for Mike are about his mental illness, not food poisoning. I don't understand."

Mrs. Chadwick gently said, "God may be leading you to pray, however, Rose does not know how God is leading you. Let Mike talk to you. It's not his sister's place."

"Thank you, Mom. Goodnight."

Kelly printed out the pages from the Mental Health Support Group, Taking the pages, she curled up on the couch to read them. There was an article on clinical depression, and several pages on bipolar disorder. Carefully she read through all the pages, then prayed before going to bed.

Sunday morning Kelly Joy Chadwick was up at seven, reading the Bible in quiet before getting ready for church. Her mother would be coming for her about 10:30am. This gave Kelly plenty of time to read the word and pray.

They sat near the front of the sanctuary, and were quickly joined by Kelly's sisters , a niece, and four nephews. The opening hymn was Trust and Obey. This was followed by several songs from the worship team. After the youth were dismissed, and the offering taken, the Pastor taught a powerful message entitled The Creative Power Of Words. Spoken words. Words spoken out of faith and knowledge of God’s Word. God spoke the Word and the world took shape. Jesus spoke and the winds stood still. We, as believers in the Cross of Christ have the same authority, according to the compelling message. Kelly felt God was speaking especially to her that morning. The service ended with a Chorus of Celebrate Jesus.

Following the service was a fellowship luncheon to welcome a young couple that had joined the church that month. Kelly teased her mother tha tshe was only going along for the food. They sat ate the same table as the Pastor and his wife. The youth pastor joined them along with his fiancĂ©. Kelly's mother was involved in conversation about the building committee, while her sisters concerned themselves with the details about her relationship with Mike. For rest of the afternoon Kelly shared with her sisters how she how she an Mike had become the best of friends. She told them what it was like to work with a man who was more tender, more compassionate than any man she had known to date. She explained that they weren’t ready to tell the world about it. After all, when you have a relationship with a man with mental illness, it is often difficult to be sure what it is you actually have.

That evening, they all went to the amusement park. There was a concert in the amphitheatre they wanted to see. However, the family wanted to take in some rides first.Kelly thought it would be fun to ride the bumper cars, since she did not drive. After crashing into the wall twice, she pulled out her cell phone and using the voice dial, called her mother’s phone. Imagine her surprise when she actually picked up! “What in God’s name do you want?” she whispered. “Driving tips,” answered Kelly.

Mrs. Chadwick crashed into the wall and rolled her eyes. The older of the sisters then called Kelly's phone to yell at her. “You’re not supposed to talk on the cell phone and drive, you nut!!” Next, the younger sister called their mother’s phone to make sure she was ok. Then, she shook her fist at Kelly as she drove just past her enough to block her bumper car, running Kelly into the wall. As Kelly smiled at her sisters, her eyes glistened.

© Copyright 2009 CMneti (UN: cyndisue62 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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