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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fanfiction · #1602865
The newest family member, what is she, who is she, and will Esme approve?
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#669359 added September 26, 2009 at 4:54pm
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Chapter 1 One Foot in Front of the Other

The night sky crackles and dances with the brilliant lights of the raging thunder storm as it pounds Denali Alaska. It was hard to say if the thunder was able to cover the vigorous heart beat of the confused, scared woman as she climbs the muddy mountain slopes despairingly searching for the cold bloods. Pain surged though her veins, so tired, so very cold. The journey from Trento Italy had been long and hard, a blur of memories and flash backs. The events even now seem a life time ago. The thunder was almost as loud as the explosion had been, but it worked there was nothing left, except for the nightmares that she carried with her. There would be no trace of what the place had been or who had been there for that matter. Now if only she can find away to learn to live again. But first she had to run! There had been no time for rest, food or even thought, only the need to be as far away from that horrid place as possible, and only one place she knew she could go.

Is it really over? Am I really free? Can it be true? But why, why would he give his life for me? Painful thoughts, ones that seem to flood the mind, the heart, even the soul with so much emotion and confusion, Listen to me! I did this so that you can win, so that you can conquer even your worst nightmare. You must survive, do not let my death be in vain, live! Go they will care for you, protect you, and give you a home. You must trust me, you must trust them, Zedekiah's words cut like ice as it echoed in her ear.

Some how during those few months he had become a father to her, he even named her,” Shanndalynn”, instead of that number she was called “385”. The hardest part was the emotions that seemed to have begun coming back, she had buried them for so long in order to survive, that now she was lost and confused. How did he expect her to live a normal life after everything? How was she supposed to trust anyone after everything? But what chose did she have, how did Trish put it? “You move on by placing one foot in front of the other, one step at a time, the rest falls where it may” Another she once had known, beautiful dark skin, long black hair, lovely accent, angry black eyes. She was defiantly a cold blood, with all its beauty, and lust. Hard to imagine any that could be different, but yet Zedekiah had been, she had to find them. But what if he was wrong, what than? After all they were cold bloods, could they be different than the ones that she had dealt with in the past? Such cruel uncaring creators. No! do not second guess just do this, you owe him, you owe him! There a light, yes that must be the place there just ahead in the clearing, what to say? Just knock do not think. Must do this.... almost there, just knock.

Dawn brought freezing temperatures that turned the rain into snow making the mucky soft ground crusty and hard. The thunder quieted and slipped away as if to say its work was done. The day's first light began to play and dance on top of the new white canvas that was starting to cover the ground as wild life began to emerge from their warm hiding places. The sounds of song birds filled the air; squirrels began their day of scavenging, ending a dreadful night and starting a bright new day.

“Perhaps it is all for the best, I really do hate to hear when a romance does not work out, but it does happen.” Continues Tanya as she reads a letter from Rose. It had been a year now since Rose and Emmet had decided that they were not in love, but only had a physical relationship. Rose had wanted the true romance, so they split up. “She says they are coming to the festival this year that will be nice.”

“It will be good to see them; it really has been too long, is everyone coming?” comments Kate, “even little Nessi? I wonder how much she has grown.”

“Yes, Esme wrote me a few weeks ago, they will arrive a few days before it begins, guess the boys want to get in on the competitions,” laughs Carmen, “lets hope that they remember it is for fun. She says that Nessi has slowed down growing; I bet she will just love the festival.”

“A little competition never hurt any one, it builds character, replies Eleazar, “I am looking forward to their visit seems like ages since Carlisle and I just sat and visited.”

“Well it seems that the storm has finally decided to move on,” comments Carmen as she moves to the window. It truly was a beautiful and peaceful place. The snow always looks so beautiful when it first falls, “Eleazar is there going to be many cold bloods attend this years festival? “

“Yes, it looks like one of the biggest attendance in quite some time; I figure that is why the boys are so excited to compete this year. I just hope that tempers stay in check.” Replies Eleazar

“How many volunteered for patrol?” Asks Kate

“Plenty, I am really surprised at how many. There will be three per patrol and three patrols at all times. It really is good to see so many trying to get along.” Explains Eleazar “We even have the rules posted already. Any found hunting or fighting will be forced to move on”

“Just as long as they have the dance again, it will be nice to dance all night.” Muses Kate

"Yea right you just want to get close to all the good looking guys,” laughs Tanya

“There is nothing wrong with that.” Smiles Carmen looking at Eleazar “I am going to get you on the dance floor right?”

“Don’t you always?” winks Eleazar at Carmen

“One never knows when you get to talking with Carlisle.” Teases Carmen with a big smile

“True, but I have yet to see you or Esme let us get too lost in conversation.” Laughs Eleazar

Strange? No it can't be. Thought Carmen as she opens the front door letting in the cool morning breeze, yes, yes it is! the beating of a heart, a warm blood out in this, they would freeze. No not a warm blood! “Eleazar there's someone out here!”

© Copyright 2009 Maggie MB (UN: shyeyes_lie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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