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Rated: 18+ · Book · War · #1611543
A story based in the holocaust. The Jewish camps and such in WW2.
#673144 added October 24, 2009 at 4:40pm
Restrictions: None
The Area - Amelie
I had woken up at 4 am this morning after feeling my legs near snap. That’s what it felt like, anyway. The pain then went away and I got up and packed my bag. It was a cold day outside so I packed a sweater, a sketching book and a lead pencil with a reasonably blunt knife for a sharpener. I walked down stairs for breakfast. We all sat around the table. The maid was standing in the corner and we ate a nice helping of porridge and then waited for Pius to come down stairs. He come and  had breakfast and then Sehr and Dame , Nikolas’ parents, offered that we go outside.          
‘Where are we going today?’ Abigail asked.
‘Where do you want to go?’ Nikolas replied.
‘To see the camp.’ I muttered. Awkwardly, there was a moment of silence.
‘What about the creek?’ Rafael changed the subject. Everyone agreed and when we got there, they all went in and played in the snow and ice that covered the lake. I sat on the bank feeling rather cold. Pulling out the sketching book and begun to try and draw the scene I could see. My friends in the snow. I wasn’t good at sketching. I always tried. It just never worked out properly for me. 
When they decided to move on, there was no mention of my sudden interest in humanity. I glared at Nikolas and he brought it up.
‘Do you want to go nearby?’ He asked.
‘Yes. I would like to see a closer look.’ I replied,
‘Me too.’ Abigail added.          
‘Well, come on, we will walk by. But that is it.’ We headed off in the direction of the woods and come out on the other side. There was a huge fence with barbed wire and warnings that it was electric. There were also signs with the words “Auschwitz Campus.” Steamed along in big, bold letters in German. I could see them from a distance. We got closer and my heart begun to race. I could see people working slowly... Nikolas told us to stop. We stopped where the trees stopped. Stood behind a thin layer of bush in the clearing. All I could see was a disgusting setting and afar there were brown huts. It was dirty and bleak . There was no color at all. Except from the snow that covered the ground.
         Guards were beating some people coming out of somewhere further back. They were beating them and then letting them walk on, laughing amongst themselves. Some of them were being dismissed and walking further down without any harassment from the guards. There were people scattered, that looked like they were eating out of a dirty tin. I looked closer. There was a kid sitting behind rubble, with a distasteful look on their face. They poured what looked to be soup on the ground and talked to a kids sitting next to them. I couldn’t see them very well. The person was bald, as I saw all of these people were. They were wearing a sack, as it looked. The other people looked desperate. They looked weak and were gulping down their food, fast. Like they were starving.
         It was a horrible view and it gave me a feeling of disgust. I looked at the people and then looked at the kids surrounding me. They had nice clothes and were standing in a colorful surrounding. These people weren’t. They were in a dirty setting and all had the same things on.
‘Come on.’ Pius encouraged. ‘Let’s go.’ We walked away with a feeling of despair. It was a disgusting thing to see them. So unhappy, so weak.
When we got back to the house, the images were running through my head of what I had witnessed. The guards beating the prisoners. The prisoners themselves, what they looked like. I just laid in bed for the rest of the day, I felt so tired and lethargic. The others went out and I had a sleep.
I woke up at the exact time of 12 in the morning. I felt horrible pain in my legs, even though I wasn’t standing. I had a headache and I was still so tired, so exhausted. Although I had done nothing all day. It was unbearable pain in my legs. I screamed loudly. Abigail jumped up.
‘What’s wrong?’ She puffed.
‘M-y…Legs!’ I managed to squeal.
I begun to feel the pain increase in one leg and then it swapped to the other. A science-fiction feeling. It had happened before. But not like this. Then it started to weaken. The pain was becoming less strong and I was becoming much more relaxed. I could go to sleep now. What just happened, I was unsure. But it was painful.

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And please also read my other stories too.
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