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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/673291-The-end-to-this-will-be-the-start-of-something-else
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees.
#673291 added October 26, 2009 at 12:30am
Restrictions: None
The end to this will be the start of something else.
Good evening Studyees, and welcome. It's been a long week, and I've got stuff I'd like to share with you in between watching my fantasy football team romp (again) and an entertaining Sunday Night Football game.

*Bullet* No news to report on my musical endeavour. I was supposed to get together with the guitarist today, and I've submitted him some lyrics, but my schedule has left me very compromised this week and had to cancel. Why...you ask...

*Bullet* Because J's parents are in town, and she told them we'd be going over to her sister's for dinner, after I told her my plans that she doesn't remember me telling her. So we had a nice dinner during another ugly Bills win. And what are J's p's doing in town now, you ask...

*Bullet* Because J's grandmother has passed. Thursday, in the early afternoon. I left work immediately to join the remaining family at Hospice. And I can honestly say, even woth all the wakes and funerals I've attended in my life, I've never been this close to a dead person just hours after they've left existence. We knew she was having a rough go at it over the weekend, but I guess she didn't have one more pull-through left in her. Rest in peace, Nanni.

She's being buried in Haverstraw, NY, which is just outside of New York City. It's an 8-hour drive. And I won't be going. Why, you ask...

*Bullet* Because I don't have any sick time yet from Walgreens, and because I'm part-time at Borders. So I'll be working both jobs tomorrow instead of being suportive of my family in their time of grief. Walgreens doesn't acknowledge the death of a grandparent of your significant other in their Bereavement policy, so I don't qualify for up to four days of paid leave. Worse yet, neither does Borders, and they only offer two days of paid leave. To this I thump my chest loudly and wail "I HOPE YOUR CORPORATION DIES!"

Oh, there'll be a local service next Sunday at 3pm in Kenmore, but I'll be lucky to catch that. Why, you ask...becasue Borders is having their annual mandatory meeting to set the store for the upcoming Christmas season. Is this what I signed up for when I decided to be a part of the workforce again?

*Bullet* On to the good news...it looks like it's going to be the end of my nearly nine-year run at 542 Penora. Let's face it...I spend every day at 40 Broe with J and the crew, Studyees, and spend 3-4 hours at most in my edifice. A few factors had been keeping me there...not having a place for my stuff that wouldn't fit in 40 Broe; not having the basement ready for her son to move down into so we can take the kids' (bigger) room; being behind on my rent from being unemployed and not wanting to move out with that hanging over my head. Rather than paying rent on a place that I'm really no longer using, I'll be moving in full-time at 40 Broe, saving a ton of money...a lot more than Geico can save me. How does happen, you faithfull Stoggers ponder...

*Bullet* Because I have a diesel-ass lil' brother who wants to try to tame this world on his own, and needs a place to start out in. Double-bonus for me!! He can afford it, he needs to get out on his own and start living like an adult, I have some leeway with getting most of what I need out of there while he's moving in, and I still have a place I can get away to if I need some me-time and space away from the occasional craziness that can become of 40 Broe. All initial roadblocks have been cleared, and the rest is up to me. Mike wants to move ASAP, so I at least have to clear up one bedroomso he can get settled. He's getting an almost fully furnished apartment, because I don't have to worry about things like my couch, chairs, dishes, stuff like that which isn't needed at 40 Broe. He gets all that...the waterbed, a dresser, my old weight bench, things I won't be needing going further in my life. He gets a good start on his journey to being on his own. I couldn't be happier. With him paying the rent and me paying what I would normally be paying on top of it, I'll catch up in no time, and everybody wins. This is exciting!! But I have a little bit of work to do, and not a lot of time to accomplish all of this. Why, you ask...

*Bullet* On top of all of this, I'm working both jobs tomorrow and J is taking the kids to Haverstraw, not to be back until Wednesday. Tuesday I work in the day and then going to see The Get Up Kids with my bro and a bunch of friends. I'll have a window of time in-between to assess what it is I'm leaving at 542 and taking with me. When J comes back, she'll have some time off (bereavement and vacation time she already had coincidentally scheduled) where she's offered to do some cleaning. She's a good woman, Studyees. I'm a lucky bastard. *Smile*

That's about all I got for ya tonight. Hopefully I'll be in a little sooner than later. I'll take another ugly Bills win, a nice win for our bowling team last night, and whatever few minor victories I've also had recently. Looking forward to a great Tuesday...have a good week, my good people...GOODNIGHT NOW!!


The Get Up Kids, "Red Letter Day"
          "We're loyal, like brothers,
          just us vs. all the others..."


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