The Good Life. |
Launch one new Potbelly song per week. Goal met. Post at WordPress at least once per month. Pending. Launch one new Praise Band song per month. Pending: We (and by "we," I mean Emily) scheduled "You're Worthy of My Praise" this Sunday. Write one new original song per month. Pending. Write new lyrics once per day through November. Goal met: "Hey, Baby" [E] It's a bit cliche in the verses, but I like the chorus. And somebody show me a popular song that isn't filled with cliches. After all, I'm in it for , not some perceived literary grandeur. Earn at least $60 per pay period at Textbroker. Goal met. Earn at least $25 per month at Helium. Pending. Complete one Prep challenge per day until complete. Goal met: I wrote my first outline draft. Wow! This process actually works. I'm building a novel, where I started with nothing more than a nugget of an idea. In two days, I've watched it take shape. Resign from Abbott by 6/1/10. In progress. I can't believe it's already November. And Thursday. Achieve a weight of 145.0 by Thanksgiving. Trying-ish. Weight: 152.0 Meals: 8:30am Coffee (1) 8:45am Breakfast Lean Pocket (5) 1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7) 7:00pm Champps: Loaded Chips (1,000,000) and French onion soup (7?) Current real estate goal: Organize garage. I've been thinking about it, and I have some ideas. Maybe I'll make progress this morning. Read a book in print for fifteen minutes every day. Not yesterday, but I analyzed another Sponge Bob episode this morning. Most of the time, the antagonist is internal, like "Greed," or "A Guilty Conscience." Also, "Coincidental Circumstance" causes many of the plots. That would be a fun one to write about in the Prep. |