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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/676348-Among-Your-People
Rated: 18+ · Book · Sci-fi · #1587540
Not hardcore enough to be ultra nerdy, but it's not that shallow, either.
#676348 added January 16, 2010 at 2:11pm
Restrictions: None
Among Your People
Between computer issues, work issues and life issues, I have been terrible about keeping up with this blog. And I didn't even take on my Flash Forward marathon that I kind of told myself I'd do once my computer was fixed. Then again, Out of the Blue does wonders in distracting me from sci-fi (and will eventually be discussed in my regular journals). Anyway, so in the midst of all this, I have still been keeping up with Heroes, and I'm actually enjoying it. It took a little too much time for the creative staff to find their feet again, but now things are picking up. Time for some bulletpoints, I say!

*Bullet* After the episode two weeks ago, I was all "OMGWTF Mohinder?" I am glad to see the creative staff nodding to continuity and showing Mohinder reviewing his father's old films. But I still want to know why he ended up with a torso full of nails and what Hiro's going to do about it.

*Bullet* Speaking of Hiro, in spite of his best efforts, he did alter his present. I only figured this out when Matt-Sylar said, "I tried to kill a waitress here once." That could also be attributed to a slight continuity error. This is one of those occasions when both explanations work, mostly because of the way that Chaos Theory works (and it got its share of exposure in the Hiro-centric episode).

*Bullet* I think the way they're developing the relationship between Peter and Emma is solid. It's much more subtle than what's been done in the past, and a lot of this stems from Emma actually being a strong character. Strong characters are something of a rarity on the show, but she's one of the best. She's growing on me, and I think even outside of a romantic context she and Peter work well together. Though I still think Peter and Mohinder would have made a good match, Peter and Emma are a lot more credible than most other combinations the writers have thrown at us (damn near literally).

*Bullet* Samuel has an ability and a talent. While we've seen his earth-shattering (literally) ability, we've also seen his more subtle talent of persuasion at work. It seems to have worked on Tracy. Likewise, it can convince the audience that there is no definite good and evil in this situation. On the one hand, Samuel's clearly up to no good. On the other hand, he does have a point about family and the importance of being with people such as yourself. Both sides are as clearly wrong as they are right.

*Bullet* I still haven't made a decision about Sylar-Matt yet, other than it's this season's gender twisted Nikki/Jessica battle. But it's getting ugly, and Matt's getting passive-aggressive. The word trainwreck comes to mind, and while I understand how it happened, I think this is where the writers will mostly likely write themselves into a knot. Just my personal opinion.

*Bullet* Claire is almost tolerable this season and is sort of being the voice of reason. Oh, and she revealed the Haitian's name to be Rene. Say what? I admit I didn't see that coming. Speaking of the Haitian, his presence has been sporadic but crucial, just like Jimmy Jean Louis mentioned in this interview  . I think Claire and the Haitian need more scenes together, if only because they have an understanding, a dynamic unlike any other in the show.

I think that's all I have for now, but I'll try to get some of the old archived items added and get crannking on some of my sci-fi theories that are sparked by the various programs I watch. Good times!

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