The Continuing Saga of Prosperous Snow |
Jalál (Glory), 18 Qudrat (Power), 166 BE – Saturday, November 21, 2009 about 7:00 AM Pacific Time I took my mother to the doctor yesterday afternoon. The prognosis isn't surprising because I've suspected this for about six months or more. Still having a doctor tell you is official and carries more emotional weight. Mom's been difficult for several months and getting more so, the doctor prescribed some meds, which she thinks may help Mom's condition. I've considered reevaluating my work and my life since the beginning of November, but Mom's condition means I'm going to have to do it now, before I call my brothers and sister to let them know what's going on. I can't breakdown into tears while I'm talking to my brothers. My sister is different story, she's another woman and you can cry with another woman over almost anything. As I said before, I need to reevaluate almost everything in my life. So here goes, when I started NaNoWriMo I thought I could finish it. I'm not going to complete it this year. On the bright side, I did finish the challenge this year. Whether I attempt NaNoWriMo in 2010 is unclear. I would like to complete a challenge and the novel in a single year before I turn 70. There are specific thing I'm going to do in 2010. I am going to continue writing. I am going to extend my premium membership for at least a full year. I am remaining a Baha'i. I am remaining a moderator. Those are the four things I want to continue. There are a lot of things that's up in the air at present. In the next twelve or nineteen months, I will either bring them back to earth or let them float away. I will write later about what the doctor said concerning Mom. |