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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1625129
Book version of my John Wolfstone story
#679132 added December 2, 2012 at 12:45pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 4
When he got to his class, John set Julia in a seat next to his desk. He then picked up some chalk and started writing the day’s lessons on the board.

As he was doing this, he heard a bunch of low chuckles coming from the front of the room, as well as some muffled cries of pain, and someone begging for help, from the back.

“Tawna Bloodwolf,” he said, in a low, deep, and threatening voice. “Unless you fancy hanging from the flagpole upside down, you have five seconds to cough Tiffany up starting now.”

A gulp, followed by the sound of vomiting, followed by a loud plopping sound is heard.

“The same goes for you as well Justian Orangefur,” John said, as he turned his head to look at a rakshasa, a cat-like creature. “Cough Tom up, or else I will skin you alive and turn your fur into a rug.”

He then extended a six inch claw for emphases on his threat.With that, Justian hacked and wheezed like he was coughing up a fur-ball, and out popped a slimy student.

After picking up the two saliva and stomach acid covered students, John turned to the rest and said, “Well now, it looks like Tawna and Justian both have to spend a week under my supervision for their little stunts. Now, unless the rest of you would like to be in detention with Mrs. Clawfoot, you had best pay attention to what I am about to say, for I will quiz you when I am done.”

This caused the rest of the class to straighten up. If there was one teacher, besides Mr. Wolfstone, who was known for being the strictest with their students, it was Mrs. Clawfoot. She had the tendency to force misbehaving students onto the ground and step on them, digging her clawed feet into their backs.

John then turned to Tiffany and Tom and said, “You two don’t have to listen to my lecture today, though, if you do, you won’t have to go to Mrs. Clawfoot if you miss half or more of the questions. The score will be instead calculated and used for extra credit.”

The pair looked at each other, while the rest of the class just gasped. Unlike most other teachers, Mr. Wolfstone rarely gave out extra credit, even to those with good grades. The two students looked back at John and nodded. John smiled, as he gave each of them a towel and sent them over to a set of empty desks.

Then, just as John was about to start his speech, the door opened up and in came Samual Redblood, a vampire.

“Well Samual, that’s two detentions you owe me. The first for not going to detention last night and the second for showing up late today,” Mr. Wolfstone said, with a bit of contempt in his voice.

Samual stuck his middle finger up at him and said, “Shove it, vegetarian. I don’t have to listen to you, weakling,” as he kicked another student out of “his” seat. At this point, everyone cleared the area around him.

While he wouldn’t eat his students, as he followed the creed of his alma mater, Harmony U., Mr. Wolfstone was the last teacher you wanted to anger.

“Mr. Redblood, tonight, after you serve today’s detention, you have a special assignment,” John said, with an evil grin on his face. “You are to interview your uncle Joseph and ask him how he fared in his fight with this ‘vegetarian’ when he was in the twelfth grade and I was in the seventh.”

“Let me guess, he kicked your ass,” Samual said, sarcastically.

“Oh no," John said. "I busted his skull wide open. I also broke six of his ribs, his arms and legs. I also did it with one blow, a round house kick to the chest, which sent him from the top floor of the school to the lobby of the hospital four miles east of here. I also did it in my human form as well. If you don’t believe me, talk to Mrs. Clawfoot about it. I spent a month under her supervision for it.”

At this, Samual gulped. Students under a teacher’s supervision were treated as slaves until their time was up. Basically, whatever the teacher said, the student had to do, from cleaning out his septic system to sleeping in the same bed as him, where anything could happen.

Then John chuckled and said, “Of course, receiving those injuries did him a bit of a favor. Mr. Snapjaw felt enough pity for him to not have him expelled and turned into fertilizer for the school grounds. Of course, Mr. Snapjaw knew me quite well, due to an incident in the fourth grade when I preformed the Heimlich maneuver on him, and busted a few of his ribs, when he was choking on a very problematic student of his. In fact, for saving his life, he let me keep it as a pet. Of course, it was that or risk being charged with assault, cause I did break his nose when he tried swallowing that student when I first saw him with that student’s legs sticking out of his throat.”

At that point, the class just looked at each other. It was very rare that a teacher, let alone a student, challenged the disciplinarian actions of another teacher, much less the principal. Mr. Snapjaw was a thirty foot tall T-Rex that everyone, including the teachers, obeyed. Otherwise, they would find themselves going down his throat, never to be seen again, until he went to use the bathroom. In order to avoid that fate, one either had to have some powerful connections, know one of his most embarrassing secrets, which would be revealed in the advent of some “unforeseen” or “unfortunate” incident, or know, or have, some very good tricks to getting out of someone’s stomach alive.

Of course, John had a very good trick, as no one, not even a giant, could survive something growing from 7ft 5in to 100ft while in their stomach. It was a trick he had only used once before, and that was to save the lives of himself, and his one new found friend. After that incident, hardly anyone would dare to bother him, or those he cared about. Why, even the teachers had a slight fear of him, all except for Mrs. Clawfoot. She knew why John acted the way he did, as she had had his mother as a teacher in high school.
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