Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation. |
Today's scribble Life is good What path does the old poet follow? There were hoofprints in the mud he remembers and marigolds at the base of a fence. There was concrete, brick and cobblestone. There was a rock he stumbled over more than once. He smiled at each violet that sneered at his nose. LemlmtÅ¡, he said, giving thanks to small things, knowing they'd give thanks in return. He was always astounded along his chosen path. If he had not gone off to take a leak, he would not have found you laughing there. He picked a rose and handed its passion to you. So long ago, do you remember? Now he ambles away, mumbles verses, notices everything, writes down nothing, his time for writing's long past. So you put his words on a shelf while he carries them along in his heart. And how was his life you may ask as he wanders down paths a young man took long ago. Put Å¡ey, he will answer. Put Å¡ey, good enough. lemlmtÅ¡ life is good put Å¡ey © KÃ¥re Enga [166.334] 2009-12-07 Sketching it out: I was reading an article about the SeliÅ¡ chief Victor Charlo. He's a well known local poet. His book is called "Put Å¡ey". The expression 'put Å¡ey' [poot shay] = 'it's good enough'. I already knew the word for thanks, 'lemlmtÅ¡'. [] (...treat the second 'm' as a vowel; the 'tÅ¡' is 't.Å¡' not 'ch') However, the poem is not about Charlo. It is not about a particular poet. It could just as well be me or anyone else. Spokane, a SeliÅ¡ language/dialect can be found here:} Other writers say... Lucille Clifton reading "aunt jemima" and "afterblues": Thou: Who is driving your boat? An introspective entry "Invalid Entry" by Budroe . A recount of a wonderful wedding. Very uplifting: "Invalid Entry" by lana bardot . What's in an orgasm? For me it's Amish sugar cookies... but for the women among us? Read "Invalid Entry" by Special Kay . For those of you who read the entry by Noa נעה where she mentions wanting to be on the beach playing matkot: Me and Mine: Went to the Senior Center on Monday. It was barely above zero and it is -3 as I type this in early Tuesday morning. I had a pasty and that was good enough, put Å¡ey. I didn't go out again. The Hellgate Winds make being outside dangerous. I'm a fool, but not that big a one. So, I'm starting to look around my place that was neglected in November and thinking maybe I should clean... Yep. I'm desperate. Montana: 4º and freezy sunshine in Missoula at 1 p.m. 57,434 |