Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/679160-Its-Monday-back-to-school
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1625129
Book version of my John Wolfstone story
#679160 added December 8, 2009 at 4:47pm
Restrictions: None
It's Monday, back to school
Monday morning, John awakens to see the sun shining in his face.

“Forgot to pull the shade down again,” he said, getting up.

Then the memories of last night’s conversation with Julia hit him, as if he had been shot in the heart with a silver bullet. (Of course, the silver wouldn’t kill him, but getting shot through the heart would kill anyone anyways.)

Before he thought that Julia had just been starved, or maybe beaten, but for someone to do what that monster (and not because of his race) had done, to him, that was even worse than someone just trying to eat Julia.

He began to growl and started to breath heavily. His claws grew out of his nails and he started to grow himself. It was only when he hit his head on the ceiling when he realized what was going on.

At that point, he realized just how upset he was. The ceiling was twenty feet above his bed, which was five feet high; perfect for him to sit up on comfortably when he was in his werewolf form. He then began to think about the meadow, which helped him to calm down, somewhat. He then looked in the mirror and gasped. The reflection seamed to be something from his nightmares.

He could even hear the monster’s voice, telling him to kill, and eat, and rape, and destroy.

At this, John shook his head and said, “No John. You are a man, not a blood thirsty monster. You control the beast, the beast doesn’t control you. Humans are people, not food, or slaves, or pets. Everyone is equal. No one has any advantage over anyone. No one has disadvantages against anyone.”

He kept on saying things like this, until he became small enough to walk out of his room and become more human like. He then went back into his room, grabbed his clothes, and went to the bathroom to take his shower.

As he took his shower, John took a good look at himself, as he shifted between his human and werewolf forms. His werewolf form took after his father’s, with jet black fur. His human form looked similar to his mother’s body, if she was born human and a man, with brown eyes and brown hair.

“Am I a man?” he asked himself, looking like a human.

“Or a monster?” he though, shifting into his werewolf form.

“Or maybe I’m both,” he said, shifting into a mixture with human and werewolf features. “Now what was it that father told me before I left for the university?”

He tried to remember, remember that day, as he was waiting for the bus to take him to the university. He remembered his siblings, and the older ones’ children, saying their good byes and good lucks. He remembered his mother kissing him, and having to wash her lipstick off afterwards.

Then, he remembered it, his elderly father, coming up to him, and hugging him. Then, he said the most important words that John had ever heard.

He had said, “Son, it isn’t your age or species that makes you a man. It is who you are and what you do that makes you a man, or a true monster, and you, my boy, you are no monster. You are a true man where it counts. You make me proud to be your father, so, get good grades, mind your professors, make some friends, and maybe a girlfriend or two that you will marry and have kids with.”

“Okay, maybe that last bit of advice was a little much,” John thought, back in the present. “But, he is right on the rest of it. It is what I do that makes me a man or a monster, and I know I am a man.”

After he finished his shower and got dressed, John got the young ones up, so that they could take their showers and get dressed. He then got breakfast ready, bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes, milk, and juice. As he set the table and served the food, he asked his students a question.

“Tell me class," he said. "What is the difference between being capable of doing something, and actually doing something?”

Tawna raised her hand and said, “Isn’t being capable of doing something mean, that you could do the action?”

“Yes, that is correct," John said, with a smile. "Justian, would you care to answer the rest?”

“Well," Justian started to say. "Doing something means that the person is doing what they were thinking about doing.”

“That is correct," John said. "Now, tell me, what do we call the things that happen after we do something, Tawna?”

“Those would be consequences, sir," the dog-like werewolf said. "They can be both positive and/or negative.”

“That is very good Tawna," John said, as he looked at her. "Justian, could you tell us something that you did that has given you both sets of consequences?”

“Yes, it was when I and Tawna tried to eat those classmates of ours and you placed us under you supervision. To be placed under a teacher’s personal supervision is to be a very serious punishment," Justain said. "However, Tawna and I seem to be learning more than what you’d normally teach us in class.”

At this, John smiled and said, “Thank you for saying that. It isn’t often that a student will say something like that.”

Then John’s expression turned somewhat serious.

“However," he said. "Today you will learn some of the most important lessons of your life. One is learning how to deal with your enemies, peacefully. Today, I’ll be placing Samual Redblood under my supervision, especially if he is rude today.”

At this, Tawna and Justian had looks of fear on their faces. The seventeen year old vampire was the most dangerous and feared, and hated, student in the school. None of the teachers dared to discipline him, except for John and Janus.

When he saw the fear in his students’ eyes, John said, “Don’t worry too much about him. A very powerful wizard friend of mine, Julia’s uncle, will be here today, along with his wife, who should, hopefully, be able to help Julia out with her fears. That is the second lesson, being there for a friend in their time of need. This lesson is the most important one you can learn, for anyone can be a friend in fair weather, but true friends will stick together, even in the stormiest of storms.”

With that, John sat down and started eating his breakfast.

A little while later, John took Julia and his students to school. However, he had had to stop a few muggers, rapists, and murderers along the way.

“God, how I wish there police officers who did their jobs and protected ALL citizens,” he said. “Instead they probably assist the criminals, especially for a piece of the action.”

“Maybe that one boy’s father could help,” said Julia. “He told me that his daddy was a cop back at their old home.”

John looked at Julia and said, “You know, you might be on to something there.”

He then kissed her head and said, “You definitely got your father’s brains, well, that’s the impression I’m getting from the feelings your mother left behind in me when she passed on.”

At this, John turned to face forward, a light shade of red on his face. He had never thought of men as sexual partners, but the feelings that that woman had left behind could make even a gay man blush at the thought of seeing someone else’s version of having sex with the person that they had loved. While the feelings weren’t strong enough to affect his sexuality, they were somewhat embarrassing.

When the group finally got to the school, John looked at his students and said, “Now, I must warn you, I will act harshly towards you in class. This is so that the other teachers don’t think I’m some soft pushover. So, if I hit you or do something along those lines, know this, I honestly think that you are among some of the best students I’ve ever had, though I do expect you to apologize to Tiffany and Tom for your behavior the other day. After all, you know about what they almost went through, and I know that you are sorry for nearly putting them through that.”

Justian and Tawna just looked at each other and nodded. With that, the group went to John’s, Mr. Wolfstone’s, class, after John took a quick trip to check on something, and to hand the janitor a wrapped package, as well as to tell him to keep his supply closet locked next time.
© Copyright 2009 BIG BAD WOLF is Howling (UN: alockwood1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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