Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/679161-New-student-fighting-in-the-classroom
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1625129
Book version of my John Wolfstone story
#679161 added December 8, 2009 at 4:49pm
Restrictions: None
New student, fighting in the classroom
As he entered the classroom, John, the carefree and nice guy, became Mr. Wolfstone, the cold hearted bastard that no student dared to mess with.

The light spark in John’s eyes became the hard glint of Mr. Wolfstone’s.

The happy smile hardened into a straight line, with a hint of anger to it.

If someone had taken a before and after picture, everyone who saw them would say that the photographer had taken a picture of two very different people, even if John/Mr. Wolfstone hadn’t changed his actual form.

As Mr. Wolfstone’s eyes swept across the classroom, he saw the students looking at him nervously, except for Tiffany and Tom, who each had a look of slight relief on their faces. He also saw that Samual was not in class, again.

“Remember what I told you two,” John said, as he grabbed Tawna and Justian by their ears and practically dragged them to a pair of seats near the front of the class.

“You best behave yourselves,” he then said, in a deep threatening voice.

He then turned to face the rest of the class and said, “Today we have a new student joining our class. I expect that you will all be on your best behavior around her. Otherwise you will face someone who on a good day is worse than me on a bad day, her uncle. He is a very powerful dark wizard who makes me afraid for my life and that is something few people happen to be capable of doing. And if you think that’s bad, his wife scares the shit out of him. She is a very powerful shape-shifter who will make you RUE the day you even set eyes on her. So, I expect that you will be nice to her, especially if you value your lives.”

He then turned towards the doorway and said, in a friendly voice, “You can come in now Julia, and welcome to my Philosophy class.”

At this, Julia came in, somewhat nervously. She had never really seen John act like he had just did, in a dark and foreboding manner. However, John just gave her a quick smile that reassured her somewhat, that he was still the same man who had saved her life.

Then his face became that of Mr. Wolfstone.

“Let me take you to your seat,” he said, in a deep voice.

The class gasped when they saw where Julia was sitting. The seat he placed her at was between Tawna and Justian, the very seat that Samual Redblood always stole and sat in.

Mr. Wolfstone then looked at the class and said, “Anyone who steals this seat from Miss Julia will find himself, or herself, under my direct supervision for a month, unless of course her uncle decides to use that person as a new test subject. The guy is always looking for ‘volunteers’ to test out his potions and experiments.”

The tone that Mr. Wolfstone had used when he said “volunteers” caused the class to gulp. Being a scientist’s, or a wizard’s, or some such person’s, volunteer, or test subject, was a highly dangerous job, as most were just lucky, enough, to just, barely, survive the length of the terms of the contract that they had signed for the person to do the experiments on them.

A while later, Samual showed up.

Mr. Wolfstone looked at him and said, “Well Mister Redblood. Given that you showed up ten minutes late, and had a few extra days as well, I expect that you made your report so excellent, that it is worthy to be placed in the historical archives at City Hall.”

“Screw you professor,” the vampire said. “I found out what really happened. You attacked my uncle because he was about to drink the blood of some bird-brained teacher that tried to interrupt his meal, you. I also found out that my family was about to take you as theirs for assaulting my uncle when your father cut a deal with them. It must have been embarrassing for your father to have to pay for your freedom, teacher.”

At this, John grabbed his desk, as his claws grew, putting holes in the wood.

“You’re lucky that it is against school policy for teachers to just kill their students,” he said. “Otherwise, you would be so dead, there’d be nothing left of you, not even feces, because of that insult about my father.”

Then he smiled and said, “However, it is against student conduct to insult a teacher, past or present that was only doing their job, which is to protect and teach their students. Besides, Mrs. Janus Clawfoot was returning a favor she owed my mother, who was her teacher when she was in high school herself.”

“Whatever,” James said, as he walked towards ‘his’ seat.

As he was about to pull Julia out of it, Mr. Wolfstone said, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Samual. That seat has been assigned to Miss Julia there.”

“Who cares? As a vampire, I am superior to a human, who is nothing more than prey,” Samual said, baring his fangs towards Julia, scaring her.

“Well I care,” Tawna said, standing up, facing Samual from across the desk. “You even touch her and I’ll kill you.”

“Oh really,” Samual said. “You and what pack?”

“Me,” said a deep threatening voice, which caused Samual to turn around, where his face had an encounter with Justian’s fist.

The whole class gasped in shock. No one had ever dared to stand up to Samual, let alone hit him. John looked at the two, and a bit of pride showed on his face. However, as he looked at Samual, who was covering his nose with a bloody hand, he could tell that the fight was just getting started.

“Time to intervene,” he said, rushing towards the pair, who were about to really start swinging.

“Fighting in the classroom is not tolerated,” he said, in a deep and dangerous voice, as he grabbed the combatants’ throats.

He looked at Justian, winked, with a slight smile, and said, still in his deadly voice, “Mr. Orangefur, you and Miss Bloodwolf have just earned your selves yet another week under my direct supervision.”

He then dropped Justian to the ground.

“Now," he said, his voice still having a threatening tone to it. "Unless everyone else would like detention with Mrs. Clawfoot again, get back in your seats.”

A clatter of chairs and desks scrapping is heard.

Then Mr. Wolfstone looked at Samual, and saw the fear in the teen’s eyes. The reflection in them told him why; he had transformed into his werewolf form and was easily twelve feet tall.

“Well Mr. Redblood,” he said, breathing heavily on Samual, causing him to start to smell like wolf breath. “The way I see it, you have three choices. You can work for Julia’s uncle, who is a very powerful, and dangerous, dark wizard. Or, you can be the first student I have ever ‘failed’ as it were, where you become nothing more than little pieces of vampire feces.”

At this Samual’s face paled even more than it already was.

“Or," John contenued. "You can spend the next month, under my direct supervision, following my rules, living in my house, eating what I say you can eat, and anything else that I say. Now, what will it be, being a test subject for Julia’s uncle, being the first ‘failure’ of this class, or being under my supervision for a month?”

It was at this moment, Samual realized the power Mr. Wolfstone had over his fate. No matter what option he chose, he would lose. A wizard could do anything to him, being digested would kill him, and being under a teacher’s supervision would make him a slave until his time was up. However, of the three, being Mr. Wolfstone’s slave seemed to be the most survivable.

“I’ll take being placed under your supervision,” he said, lowering his eyes, in fear.

“Good choice,” Mr. Wolfstone said, as he dropped Samual. “You will lie down on the floor next to Julia’s desk, like the dog you are. She is your master. If she tells you to fetch an apple for her, it better be the reddest and juiciest apple you can find. If she says for you to get her a box of crayons, it had best be the biggest one you can find with all of the colors imaginable. If she tells you to shove your head up your ass, well, you had best be one hell of a contortionist.”

With that, Samual ran and lied down beside Julia’s desk, as if he was going to play a board game.

“Oh no,” Mr. Wolfstone said. “I said, ‘Lay down like the dog you are.’ That is not how a dog lays down. Now do what I do.”

With that, Mr. Wolfstone got on his back, stuck his arms and legs up in the air, as if he was a puppy waiting for someone to scratch his belly, with his tongue hanging out, with a puppy-like expression on his face.

He then looked at Samual and said, “Do it just like that, or else. I don’t like misbehaving pets, especially in my classroom, and even more so in my house.”

As Samual got on his back and assumed the position, Mr. Wolfstone stood up and walked over to him.

“Now don’t you look cute,” he said kneeling down to look at him.

He then pulled a collar, with a name tag, out of his pocket, and placed a claw under Samual’s shirt.

“Now, you best stay in that position when you aren’t doing something for Julia,” he said. “Otherwise I’ll rip your clothes off and place this collar, which has your name on it, faster than you and say ‘Down boy’. So I would do what I and Julia happen to say, if I were you, which I am not.”

With that, Mr. Wolfstone stood up, shrank and turned back into his human form, looked back at his class, with a icy-cold glare, went to his desk, got out a text book, took down a number, handed it to Julia, and then sat down at his desk.

“Now class,” he said. “What you just witnessed was a mixture of Reverse Domination and Submission through Domination and Intimidation. In the one, the person who initiates combat seems to hold the upper hand until the attacked pulls out a trump card. This trump card can be, during a debate, a superior argument, or in an actual physical fight, a distraction happens or an ally shows up to help the attacked out, which can be at times one and the same. During the other, one person goes on the offensive, either by the sheer weight of their argument, or actual combat abilities in a fight. Of course, it always helps to be the holder of several cards that are in your favor, literal or figuratively speaking. For instance, when Samual was facing and confronting Tawna, he was unable to realize that Justian stood up and walked behind him, when Justian made his second move, catching Samual off guard. As for my confrontation with Samual, the force of my discussion, and the fact that I held, and still hold, his fate in my hands, he decided that it would be wiser to submit to me and become my slave for the month, instead of the other to options, which are still on the table Samual, which were to either be the first student I have ever ‘failed’ by eating him, or being a test subject for my wizard friend. Then again, if someone murdered my sibling and kidnapped their child, I’d be angry to. The guy spent ten years trying to track her down before I found her, halfway down the throat of James Twotail. Also, on a personal note, if I encounter his father out on the streets, he’s going to be dead. What that, scum, did was something lower than even insects. Heck, I doubt I’m going to tell Julia’s uncle what that man did, if only to spare his miserable life. Needless to say, I’m not going to ask him what he did to those who kidnapped Julia and murdered her parents.”

Then, he told the class to get their books out and start reading the pages that he thought was appropriate to the situation that they had just seen.
© Copyright 2009 BIG BAD WOLF is Howling (UN: alockwood1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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