Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/679163-John-rescues-Janelle
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1625129
Book version of my John Wolfstone story
#679163 added December 8, 2009 at 4:53pm
Restrictions: None
John rescues Janelle
When John left the school, practically dragging Samual behind him, he looked at Justian and Tawna and said, “Not a bad job you two did, protecting Julia in class today. Remind me to add a couple of points to one of your lowest test scores for it.”

Then he looked at Julia and said, “Thanks for calling me a human. Even if I did take offense if someone else called me that, from you, it sounded like it was the highest of praises.”

Suddenly, he stopped.

“Did you two just hear that?” he asked, looking at Tawna and Justian.

“No,” they said.

Then John perked his ears up, turning them into werewolf ones.

“There it is again,” he said. “I’ll go check it out. Head to the house, and Samual, you try running away, your family line will die out.”

With that, John started running, his legs and feet those of a werewolf. As he reached the spot, he turned his legs and feet back to those of a human.

Then he heard it clearly.

“No don’t, don’t do it.”

It was a woman, but not just any woman.

“Janelle,” John said, under his breath.

As he rounded a corner, John saw that Janelle was in a dead end alley, with her back up against the wall, with her clothing torn in several places. Standing before her was a lizard-man, a werewolf, a cat-man, and a kitsune.

While John didn’t know the other three, the smell of the kitsune was very familiar.

“Twotail,” he said, with his voice deep and angry.

This caused the group to turn around, and look at him.

“Let the woman pass and I’ll leave you alone for today," he said. "Otherwise, your blood will run red in the streets.”

“Oh really,” said Twotail. “And just how will you kill me? Will it be with your weak tiny human teeth and fingernails?”

“No," John said, as he looked the group over. "I’ll snap the neck of the lizard, impale the cat’s chest, and rip the head of the dog off. As for you, I’ll tear you limb from limb.”

“What is this female to you?" Twotail asked. "Is she a mate that you like to have sex with?”

“No," John said, as he looked the kitsune in the eyes. "She's just a college from work and it’s your friends I’d kill for her. You, I’d kill you for someone else.”

“Who?" the kitsune asked. "A lover of yours I ate?”

“No," John said, with a bit of anger in his voice. "It would be a twelve year old red headed human girl with blue eyes that you forced to have oral sex with you.”

“YOU STOLE MY SON’S MEAL!" the kitsune shouted. "GET HIM BOYS!”

With that, the group rushed him.

However, John just stood his ground.

He grabbed the lizard-man and twisted the man’s head, snapping his neck.

Pushing the body aside, he grabbed the cat-man, grew his claws, and stabbed the man through the chest.

He then saw the werewolf start to run away, so he turned into his own werewolf form and jumped ahead of him.

Grabbing the man, John placed his mouth over the man’s head and tore it off with his powerful jaws.

After he spat the bloody thing out, John quickly jumped back into the alleyway.

He then grabbed Twotail and slammed him against the brick wall.

“This could have all been avoided if you only did what I asked you to,” he said.

“P-p-please, d-d-don’t k-k-kill m-m-me,” said Twotail. “I-I-I h-h-happen t-t-to h-h-have a w-w-wife and a-a-a y-y-young s-s-son, m-m-Mister, b-b-buddy, s-s-sir, I-I-I’ll d-d-do w-w-what-e-e-ever y-y-you w-w-want.”

“Okay then," John said with a deep voice. "For them, I won’t kill you, and I will spare your life.”

At this, Twotail breathed a sigh of relief, until he felt John grab his arm and pull it off.

“Aaaaaahhhh, MY GOD! I THOUGHT WE HAD A DEAL! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN’T KILL ME!” he screamed, in absolute agony.

“And I’m not,” John said, pulling off a leg. “You’re the one that didn’t ask me not to tear you limb from limb. All you said was for me to not kill you.”

With that, John tore off the man’s other leg.

“Know this Twotail," he said, whispering in the man's ears. "If you somehow survive, if you, or your family, don’t stop raping and eating little girls, I will come back, and finish what I started, and do the same to your wife and take your son to be my personal sex toy.”

And with that, John tore the man’s other arm off and dropped him.

“Good riddance to bad rubbish,” he said, shifting back to his human form and walking out of the alley.

However, something rushed at him and caused him to lose his breath.

“Oh, thank you, thank you (repeats saying ‘thank you’ half a dozen more times, at least, very rapidly, to the point it sounds like one really long word) mister! I thought those monsters were going to rape and eat me. Oh thank you, thank you,” said Janelle, in a rapid and somewhat nervous manner, not really looking at him. “How can I repay, (then she looked at his face) y-y-you?”

John just smiled as he looked at her.

“Now tell me,” he said. “If I was a monster, would I have saved you?”

“N-n-no, y-y-you w-w-wouldn’t d-d-do s-s-something l-l-like t-that,” Janelle said, with a nervous stutter, as she started to back away.

“That’s right," John said. "Unless of course, I wanted you all to myself.”

With that, he transformed into his werewolf form, causing Janelle to collapse and soil herself.

“Please, don’t eat me,” she said, trying to crawl away, causing her clothes to tear more than they already were. “I’m sorry I called you a monster earlier.”

However, John just grabbed her and helped her to her feet.

“Now who said I was going to eat you?” he asked.

“You did,” Janelle answered.

“Maybe I did," John said. "But I meant it in the context that the only reason that a monster would save you from another monster would be to either rape and/or eat you themselves. However, there are only certain things that classify me as a monster, and eating and raping people are not a part of them. Now hop on my back, you are in no condition to be out walking alone.”

With that, John turned around and waited.

“Um, how am I supposed to stay on your back?” Janelle asked.

John just turned his head and said, “Just crawl between my shirt and back. When you stick your head out the neck, the shirt will do the rest. Given the fact that I have several different forms, and the fact that I prefer to wear clothes, I buy clothing made for shape-shifters, expensive but worth every bit.”

“So, this thing will morph around me and cause me to hold onto you, until you let me out,” Janelle said, still nervous.

“Better that than walking around town half naked and covered in blood,” John said, as he looked at her.

“Well, what about you?" Janelle asked. "You’re covered in blood to.”

“True," John said. "But no one’s going to ask how a werewolf got blood on his shirt. Not unless they want to become part of it anyways.”

Then, Janell started to say,“Well, what about-” when a voice shouts, “Hey Bob! Free Meals! I just found a lizard, a cat, a dog, and a fox!”

“Yum," said another voice. "I just LOVE fox meat!”

A loud scream is heard.

“Hey," said the first voice. "He was still alive.”

“Well, not anymore,” said the second.

At this, John looked at Janelle and said, “Scavengers. You can always count on them to clean up a mess. Now hurry, before they smell the blood on you and come for you. They won’t bother me, because I could eat them instead.”

In fact, just as Janelle got to where she was to be, to stay on John’s back, a couple of vulture-like harpies landed in front of them.

“Hey buddy,” said the one. “Did you leave a few bodies in that alley over there?”

“Yah," John said. "I bit off a little more than I could eat. What’s it to you?”

“In that case,” said the other. “Here is your bill and here is our card. You can sign your name on the dotted line, using one of your claws and the blood one your shirt.”

John looked at the bill, smiled, and said, as he took the card, “How about I give you double the amount, and we’ll forget the name?”

“Ah, an anonymous donation," said the first. "That will do, thank you sir.”

With that, John handed the men a wad of cash, and watched as the vultures took off.

“Why did you do that?” Janelle asked, poking her head out of the shirt’s neck.

“What?"John asked."Are you worried about me bribing them?”

“Yes,” Janelle said.

“Actually," John said. " All that I did was just donate some money to the Sanitation Department, that’s all. They’re a little underfunded anyways.”

With that, John started walking towards his house, meeting up with the young ones on the way, and grabbing Samual and carrying him by his shirt collar.
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