Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/679167-The-painful-truth-about-Johns-feelings-and-past
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1625129
Book version of my John Wolfstone story
#679167 added December 8, 2009 at 5:01pm
Restrictions: None
The painful truth about John's feelings, and past
Several hours later, John was sitting in his field, as the venom had worn off, in his human form.

“Well, this is a setback,” he thought. “Of all of the things I could have destroyed, I destroyed my own house and home. Thankfully Julia and the others were alright.”

Then he sighed.

“Well, at least the insurance was paid up,” he said. “I’ll just have to pay the construction crews a little extra to get it fixed up.”

Suddenly, John heard a twig snap behind him.

“Shit,” he thought, quickly turning around and standing up, with his claws extended.

It wouldn’t have been the first time a bear or some such thing had tried to sneak up upon him while he was sitting there.

However, instead of a bear, like he had been expecting, it was Janelle.

“Janelle,” he said, retracting his claws. “What are you doing out here? It’s not safe for a human to be out here this late in the day.”

“I wanted to know where you were,” she said, walking up to him. “Justian told me where you might be and walked with me here.”

“Well, at least he was smart enough to not let you walk here alone,” John said, wrapping his arms around her. “Otherwise, something would have eaten you for its dinner, and I don’t mean a person who was capable about thinking about their actions, like those guys back in town were.”

“Yah, um, about that, I don’t know how I can thank you for that,” Janelle said, as John took her to his seat.

“Well,” John said, rubbing the back of his head, “I think sitting next to me in the cafeteria might be a step in the right direction.”

“Well, what about everyone else? Wouldn’t they be suspicious if I did sit next to you during lunch?” Janelle asked.

“Let them be suspicious,” John said, with a slight smile. “If they think you can somehow tame the might Mr. Wolfstone, it will only increase your reputation.”

“Yah, but still-” It was at this moment, that John tried to kiss Janelle’s cheek, but he got her lips instead.

“Um, sorry,” he said, a blush developing on his face. “It’s just been a while since a woman has sat next to me this close, for any real length of time.”

“Something tells me that the kiss wasn’t meant for my lips,” Janelle said.

“No, it wasn’t at all," John said, with a nervous smile. "Father always said, ‘Don’t kiss her on the lips until the second, or third, date.’ Then again, mother was a giant so they kind of had to work out how she would be able to kiss him safely, so that he wouldn’t get stuck on her lips, especially on their first kiss.” Then he gave a bit of a chuckle.

“It sounds like your father was a very smart man,” Janelle said, as she put a hand on the man's face.

“Well, he had to be," John said, with a chuckle. "Especially since the love of his life was easily ten times his size, at the least, because father was eight foot when he was in his werewolf form, and six foot when in his human form.”

“What can you tell me about them?” Janelle asked, wonering what sort of people could produce a man like John.

“Well," John said, with a smile. "If my father’s heart was the size of my mother, there was nothing to compare to the size of my mother’s. They were the gentlest souls this side of the pearly gates. They may not have been as strict about being vegetarians as I am, but they would never eat someone that had their entire life ahead of them. I mean, if they had to choose between eating rotting deer meat, or a child, whose body was pure, with nothing unnatural in it, they would eat the rotting deer meat and raise the child as if it was their own.”

“So, they would always adopt?” Janelle said, in a questioning manner.

“Yah," John said, as he looked back at his memories. "It was only by chance, or a miracle, that my mother got pregnant with me. All I can guess is that father somehow got far enough up in her, either with her pushing him, or somehow climbing his way up, or both, that his sperm were able to hit their mark on one of my mother’s eggs, and nine months later, ‘Congratulations, it’s a boy.’ Of course, that’s only a guess. To be honest, I don’t think my parents really cared on the how, or the why, just that they now had a child of their own flesh and blood, though that didn’t stop them from taking care of other children.”

Then Janelle said, “John, not to get to personal or anything, but how long has it been since you were close to a woman?”

“Do you mean, as a romantic interest, or had sex with one?” John asked, as a few memories came back to his mind.

“Um, how about, you tell me about it, on both parts.” Janelle asked.

“Since high school at least, for both," John said, with a sigh. "Even if my classmates had no problems with forcing others to have sex with them, I had been raised not to do that to anyone. I would only do it if the other person wanted to do it with me, and even then, if she changed her mind, I would respect it. As for romantic interests, my last girlfriend went to a different collage than I did, one that doesn’t share the same rules mine did. Well, let’s just say that someone enjoyed her for more than just sex and let’s leave it at that, okay.”

“I understand," Janelle said, as she saw a tear in his eyes. "Though it’s hard to imagine anyone not having sex, or a romantic interest, for over a year, let alone ten.”

“Understandability aside,"John said, as he looked up at the sky, and looked over at his left shoulder, which had a tattoo of a heart, with the head of a wolf kissing the head of a girl with a red hood, on it. "She had been the one I had wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Hell, I never even found out who ate her, so I could show them how I felt about it. I even bribed a teacher of mine to try and find out about it, under the pretences that he had had a personal interest in her. That school told him, ‘Sorry, but we can not confirm or deign if that person is or was a student here.’ As for her parent’s, all they said was that it was against school policy to reveal who had done the deed.”

At this, John sighed.

“She had sent me a letter, the day before her parents received the news, that she’d been some student’s supper,” he said. “In it, she told me that she’d been seeing someone who reminded her of me. She told me not to worry, because as much as she liked this person, it was me that she was in love with, that she wanted to marry me when we had graduated from our respective collages, or in my case, university. I was so happy when she said that, that I started to write a reply the next day, when her parents sent me a letter the next morning, of the next day, as it took me a while to really get a good angle on the letter, and they told me what they had been told, that their baby girl was digesting in someone’s stomach. It broke my heart, and left me depressed. My grades plummeted, my attendance rate dropped to virtually zero in my classes, and I even contemplated committing suicide. In fact, I was standing right on the edge of a cliff, getting ready to jump, when I had an epiphany. It was at that moment that I decided to become a teacher, and teach others about what I had gone through, so that they wouldn’t. When I graduated, I came here, as it was where I was born and raised. It was here that I would start a revolutionary way of thinking, I had thought, and still do. Even if it is only because of someone’s greed, like some politician, I want laws to be passed, preventing people from eating others, at the very least. Of course, if there was no way to completely stop people from truly eating others, I would put the minimum age at, at least, thirty years old, at the very least, before someone could eat that person. At least, that way, the guy would have had a chance to have had at least a couple of children to carry on the family name. However, if people in accounting really did any amount of thinking, they would realize that, economically, it would make financial sense to prevent people from eating others. For instance, let’s say that there is a school, that costs one hundred dollars a month, minimal, to maintain itself. If there are one hundred people paying for it, each of them would only have to pay a dollar a month, minimal. However, if all, but one of them, are eaten, that one person now has to pay the full one hundred dollars a month, each month. If he, and the others, hadn’t eaten any of the other people, the guy would only have had to pay twelve dollars each year. Now, the poor guy is stuck paying one thousand two hundred dollars each and every single year.”

“So, you would want to use peoples’ greed, to protect others?” Janelle asked, as she looked into John's soft brown eyes.

“If that’s what it came down to, yes, I would," he said. "However, by the time those tax laws were considered to be outdated, or something, people should be so used to be considering others as people, that they would call the eating of another, for non-survival reasons, what it truly is, murder.”

“So, why would you want all that to happen?” Janelle asked.

At this, John looked at Janelle, placed his arms around her, held her close to him, and said, “So that a person like you will never need the aid of a monster like me.”

Then he placed his head on her shoulder and started to cry.

“I can see those men,” he said. “I can see how they died, in absolute pain and agony. Even if they were planning to rape, kill and eat you, I feel guilty for killing them. It doesn’t matter if I just kill someone, or actually eat them; the pain and guilt are the same. If things were different, or if they had just listened to reason, and did what I had asked them to, I wouldn’t have killed them, not even Twotail, although the bastard had it coming to him anyways.”

“What do you mean that he had it coming?” Janelle asked, as the large man cried on her shoulders.

“The bastard raped Julia the night before I had rescued her," John said. "The monster had ordered her to basically suck his penis, until he had ejaculated into her mouth, for a long time, from what Julia told me, or at least it must have felt like it to her at any rate. I mean, what sort of person does that to a child? Only a monster would even think of such a thing, and only a real monster would actually carry it out. I mean, if I was out of control, I would either just straight up rape you, in a way that there was a chance that you’d become pregnant, and have my child, or just plainly eat you, or maybe, that there would be a small chance that I would do both, if my other side thought you’d be a bad choice as a mate to bare my child, after the fact. After all, those things would be because I’d be acting on instinct, and not conscious choice.”

He then began to cry even harder.

Janelle then stroked his cheek and said, “It’s alright John. You did what you had to do to protect me.”

“Actually, I only killed the first three for you, and the one was trying to run away,” he said. “I killed the kitsune, Twotail, for Julia. The scavengers only finished him off, but he was dead the moment I found out that he had raped Julia. To be honest, I think he was just lucky I just pulled his limbs off and left him for the scavengers to deal with.”

“Why?” Janelle asked, wondering what John had been planning on doing instead of what he had done.

“I had been planning to do something far worse to him," John said, with a sigh. "Something that, I probably would have regretted afterwards, even more than just killing him. To be honest, the guy had asked me, for the sake of his wife and son, to not kill him.”

“You did that, just for Julia?” Janelle asked.

“Yah, I care about her," John said. "She helps to fill a hole I have, in my heart.”

“Well, I might just be able to help you out as well,” Janelle said, with a sly smile on her face.

John then started to ask how, but it was at this moment that Janelle purposely planted a kiss on John’s lips.

“Your father may have told you to wait until the second date,” she said. “But mine never did.”

She then kissed him again, which John gladly accepted, and returned.

After a while, John felt like going further, so he asked if she wanted to.

Janelle smiled and said, “Sure, but you realize it is a little chilly out.”

“I know that,” John said, with a smile. “But, if I know my clothes, we both have shape-shifting ones on. Basically, yours can merge with mine, so the two of us can stay warm, still do it, and have some element of privacy. Besides, I am part werewolf you know, so if I shift to that form, my fur would keep you warm, even if we were both naked.”

“In that case, John, be my guest," Janelle said, with a smile. "I’ve never had sex with a werewolf you should know.”

With that, John smiled, shifted into his werewolf form, gently grabbed Janelle, and placed her on top of him. He then pressed a button on each of their clothes, so they could merge together. Then, the two got to pleasuring each other, throughout the night.
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