Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/679171-Test-over-everyone-passes-and-extra-credit
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1625129
Book version of my John Wolfstone story
#679171 added December 8, 2009 at 5:11pm
Restrictions: None
Test over, everyone passes, and extra credit
When John entered the classroom, he looked at Daniel and asked, “So tell me Daniel, what was it like being forced to control your desire to eat Julia’s flesh.”

“It was very difficult,” the young man said, as John untied Julia and lead her to her seat.

“I noticed,” said John, as he looked at the hole Daniel put in the wall to keep himself away from Julia. “You had to restrain yourself somehow, when the urge increased, so you punched a hole in the wall, to try and keep yourself away from Julia, right?”

“Yah, my hunger was greater than I thought it was," the crocodile-like creature said. "She just looked so-”

“Delicious, right?” John said, with a knowing look.

“Yah," the young man said, lowering his head. "She did sir.”

“I know what you mean son, nearly lost control myself the first night she was in my house. That was why I called up a wizard friend of mine to put a barrier up for her. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that she was his long-lost niece. Needless to say, the guy didn’t even bother to try and charge me for the job, as he went to deal with some people who had given him, and his late sister, ten long years of painful suffering,” John said, as he lead Daniel to his seat.

“You know, its funny,” John said. “Julia’s fine, none of the other students are missing, but for some reason, I don’t hear your stomach growling as loud as it was when I left the room.”

“Well, some people gave me some of their own lunches that they had brought in,” Daniel said, nervously. “For some reason, it helped satisfy my hunger.”

“Well, that’s good to know,” said John, as he went to his desk.

He then looked at the class, his fingers drumming on the top of the wooden desk.

Then he smiled and said, “Excellent job students. Not only did Daniel manage to keep his hunger in check, but some of you helped him keep it in check, by giving him a portion of your own lunches. I’m very proud of you, especially those who gave up a portion of your own lunch to help keep Daniel’s hunger under control. Well, I’m a man of my word so I have to say this; you’ve all passed for this year.”

At this, the class cheered, causing more than a few teachers to stick their heads out of their doors to try and figure out what was going on.

“However,” John continued. “I still expect you to attend class, and listen to lectures, as they will still count.”

At this, the class groaned.

“However,” he said. “Each assignment I give will count as extra credit. At this moment, your grades are the lowest they can get. For instance, if you are just barely passing my class with only a sixty-five, you could find yourself looking at, at least, an eighty. As for those with eighties, you could find yourself looking at over a one hundred. As for those close to or at one hundred already, well, I think you get the idea.”

At this, the entire class looked at each other, both in shock and awe. None of the other teachers had done anything like this. Sure they would give extra credit more often than Mr. Wolfstone, but that was only for a few students, who had to pleasure them to earn it.

Mr. Wolfstone was going to give everyone extra credit, just for doing the assignments that they would have had to do anyways.

They then looked at him, as one student asked the question that was on their minds, “Mr. Wolfstone, do you really mean it?”

“Of course I do," John said, with a smile, something that seemed to happening a lot today. "Of course, I still expect my rules to be followed, no cheating, and no eating of your fellow classmates, and so on. But, then again, how often is someone willing to do something like this, not very often. So, from now on, I expect you to get those assignments done and turned in. After all, I’m not one who likes to change his mind on something. Well, that’s it for today. I’ll see you tomorrow, oh and tell the others who also take this class what happened in here, after all, it wouldn’t be fair to them if just you guys got extra credit and not them. So, any questions before you leave for your next class?”

“Yes,” a student asked. “What about Samual Redblood? Will he also be getting extra credit?”

At this, the class stopped where they were. Would Samual Redblood, whom had broken more rules than the rest of the class combined, also receive extra credit?

John smiled at this and said, “How about we all decide his fate tomorrow? This will be your first assignment: Does Samual Redblood, really deserve to receive this extra credit? I want you all to write down the reasons on why you think he should or should not get it. Also, I want to see both sides of the situation, reasons on why he shouldn’t get it, and reasons on why he should, no matter how small or insignificant. I want to see it all. Well, you guys best get going, though if you are a little late to your next class, tell your teachers that I held the class back for explaining a large project you have to work on. That is all. Class dismissed.”

With that, the entire class left the room, talking about what just happened.
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