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Rated: 18+ · Book · Military · #1625172
This is the book version of my Army of Humans and Monsters
#679202 added February 10, 2012 at 9:39pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 7
A moment later, after some shouting between the three of them, Bloodtooth stopped running.

She looked at Wolfblood and said, with a sigh, “I just can’t lose my niece. She is the only surviving family member I have left you know.”

At this, Jenkins placed a hand on her shoulder and said, “Hey, I’m also, in a sense, a part of your family. After all, our families have that history together. Also, Wolfblood here is more than willing to help you and I get her back.”

“I take it that you have a plan, commander.” (Bloodtooth)

“Yes, this place has to have a back entrance, in case of fires and such. Wolfblood uses that entrance while you and I go through the front, distracting everyone there. Well, you do what you would normally do, but with a twist, you claim that the owner has bought stolen government property. You order them to look at the mark on my shoulder for an entire minute, and then look at those on their tables, and if they have the same mark, to leave immediately or risk being executed for destroying government property.” (Jenkins)

“But, only my niece has the mark. How will anyone else suddenly have the same mark?” (Bloodtooth)

“They won’t, but when you look at something, like a mark, long enough, you will see it everywhere that you look for, at least, the next ten minutes.” (Jenkins)

“Are you sure about that?” (Bloodtooth)

“How about a little bet, if it works, and the majority of the patrons clear out, I get to see you in your human form, naked, for a full thirty seconds, at least.” (Jenkins)

“Hell, I might have a little bit of; fun, with you, if this idea of yours works.” Bloodtooth said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Then, the three began to work out a plan to save Bloodtooth’s niece, as well as, anyone else owned by the place.

A few minutes later, the patrons in the place, many about to start eating their meals, mostly young adults or children, who have been bound and gagged in one form or another, are startled to see the doors burst open, admitting two heavily armed soldiers, with serious looks on their faces.

“Listen up, you ungrateful wretches,” the werewolf said, walking down the areas between the tables, looking at those bound and gagged upon them, with his hand upon the handle of a very powerful looking handgun. “Fort Williams has received word that this place has bought government property that was stolen beforehand. Given the seriousness of this crime, it would be in your best interests to cooperate. After all, stealing, and then buying, and destroying government property is considered an act of treason, which is punishable by death, at the hands of the soldiers that it was stolen from.”

“This is outrageous,” said the owner of the place. “I bought these meals from very reputable dealers of human livestock.”

“I doubt that,” the werewolf said, stopping at a table that had a bound and gagged ten year old girl, struggling to get to the end close to the werewolf. “I know this one. In fact, she is mine.”

“Then where is its mark of ownership at?” the owner said, with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

“Probably covered up by whoever stole and sold it to you,” the werewolf said.

He turned to the other armed soldier and said, in a booming voice, “Human, fetch me some water and a washcloth.”

“Yes, sir,” the human said, giving a sharp salute.

He then walked into the bathroom, and forced two people out of it.

A minute later, he stepped out, with a wet washcloth.

“Here you are sir,” the human said.

“Why in the hell is it wet?” the werewolf asked, with some irritation in his voice.

“I thought that-” (The human, Jenkins)

“The military didn’t purchase you to think meat,” the werewolf said, slapping the human, causing it to step back.

“Yes sir,” the human said, in a neutral voice, not even touching the red mark on its face.

The werewolf then took the wet washcloth and started to rub at the left shoulder of the human girl, muttering a few things under his breath. Slowly, but surely, a black mark appeared.

The werewolf looked at the lizard that owned and ran the place, and said, “A reputable dealer of human livestock knows better than to steal and sell government property.”

“Do you know how many humans that I purchase a day?” the lizard said. “It’s not like I can wash all of them to check and see if they had prior owners that sold them instead of eating them.”

“It doesn’t matter,” the werewolf said, pulling his pistol from its holster. “Buying stolen government property is still punishable by death.”

With that, the werewolf cocked the hammer on the handgun and pointed it at the lizard’s head.

“However, I’m sure that we can come to a very, reasonable, compromise,” the werewolf said, as a vampire came out of the back of the place, with blood on his lips, dragging a female rakshasa, that seemed to be unconscious.

“What did you do to my wife?” the lizard asked, looking at the cat-like woman, which had a couple of bloody puncture marks on her neck.

“Oh she’s fine,” the vampire, who was also heavily armed, said, licking his lips. “The bitch is lucky that I hate cat blood. Personally, I find that lizard blood is very delicious.”

The vampire tossed the cat-creature at the lizard and said, “The next time she tries to attack a soldier though, she’s dead meat.”

“Find anything while you were back there mate?” the werewolf asked, still holding his gun to the lizard’s head.

“Yes sir,” the vampire said, saluting the werewolf. “Three hundred, and very fine looking, young men and women, all of enlisting age, as well as over four hundred below the age of eighteen. Oh, and would you believe it, these bastards had, at least, one hundred that were under the age of three years.”

“Did you do anything with them?” (the werewolf, Bloodtooth)

“What do you think?” the vampire said, lifting a smallish black bag. “I did what the regulations state, if government property if stolen, confiscate everything that the thief owns. Of course, the thief could prefer to be executed for treason.”

With that, the vampire looked at the owner, with a certain smile, that showed off his large canines.

“In that case,” the lizard said, with a forced smile, as he held onto his still unconscious wife. “Take whatever you want.”

“Oh we plan to,” the werewolf said, still holding his weapon. “Take those on the tables, comrade, and if those sitting there have children with them, take those to.”

“You can’t do that,” said a dridder at the table that the werewolf was standing next to, holding onto her daughter. “My daughter hasn’t done anything wrong.”

“You know, that’s funny,” the werewolf said, as he pulled out a revolver and pointed it at the woman. “Neither has the girl that you and your daughter tried to eat. In fact, before the woman died, her mother asked me to take care of her. Then again, this girl’s my niece. Also, a younger sister of mine was murdered, the same way that you were about to murder my niece bitch. However, I ripped that bastard’s throat out, and got my sister’s remains out of him and gave them a decent burial. After that, I joined the military and I’ve been making good on my name. After all, there is a reason people call me ‘Bloody Teeth’, in one form or another, in over twelve countries. Then again, my name is Bloodtooth, and there is nothing like the taste of blood to wet one’s throat.”

At this, the owner said, “You’re that crazy werewolf bitch that blew up the Dragon’s Den last week.”

“Actually,” Bloodtooth said. “According to my last physiological evaluation, I’m psychotically insane. Hey mate, you put the employees someplace safe?”

“Yes sir!” said the vampire.

“And where are the explosives?” (Bloodtooth)

“I put them everyplace but the meat locker that I put the employees in.” (The vampire, Wolfblood)

“Good,” Bloodtooth said, with an evil smile, as she pulled out a detonator. “Now, unless anyone wants to see what it is like to watch eighty pounds worth of high grade explosives blow up in their faces, I suggest that you listen up and follow orders. After all, as I know from personal experience, shrapnel is very unpredictable and can be worse than the explosion itself.”

“Ha!” said a dragon, which had stood up. “You’re just doing this because you are a weak human lover.”

“Oh, I’m a human lover alright,” Bloodtooth said. “But then again, I’m a lover of dragons to, especially when they are served with clam chowder. Hmm, very tasty, don’t you agree, Wolfblood?”

“Oh yes, very tasty indeed,” Wolfblood, the vampire, said, as he placed the confiscated humans, and the patrons’ children, into the black bag, which would shrink them the moment that the bag was over their head, turning them into the size of a grain of rice. “Of course, given how I can’t eat solid foods much anymore, all I have to go on is the taste of their blood, and given how much I like lizard blood, I absolutely LOVE dragon blood.”

At this, he looked at the dragon, and licked his lips, as if he was thinking about sinking his teeth into him and drinking him dry. The look in Wolfblood’s eyes forced the dragon to sit down, without saying another word, as the vampire walked by and confiscated his meal, a young woman.

After a few minutes, the three started to walk out, Bloodtooth holding her niece with one hand, and the detonator in the other, Wolfblood holding the shrinking bag, and the human holding his gun, keeping it pointed at the patrons.

However, the mother dridder rushed them, running on her eight spider-like legs, with her human-like arms ready to grab something, and her spider-like fangs ready to bite someone and pump them full of venom.

The human, scared to death, fired his weapon, putting a huge hole in her stomach. In the silence that followed, the only things that could be heard were the human’s nervous breathing, as well as the ragged, and pain filled breathing of the dridder herself.

“Damn Uniter,” said the vampire. “You weren’t kidding when you told me that you never fired a gun before. You’re supposed to hold the butt of the gun tight against your shoulder, not below it, like in those old gangster movies when they use Tommy guns, or some such thing.”

“Wolfblood, do you still have a healing barrier on you?” Bloodtooth asked.

“Never leave the base without less than a dozen,” the vampire said, tossing a blue cube near the dridder, who was lying on the floor, bleeding heavily. As the cube touched her, a blue barrier sprang up and enveloped her.

“Good,” Bloodtooth said. “That will help stabilize her, and help her start to heal.”

Then she faced the rest of the patrons, and said, “I told you what would happen if you refused to cooperate.”

She then looked at the owner, who had a pleading look on his face, shaking his head, as if to say, “No, don’t do it.”

“I hope you have a good insurance company, and have good coverage,” she said, as she pressed the button on the detonator, causing the kitchen to blow up.

However, when everyone else was taking cover from the explosion, with Bloodtooth turning around to shield her niece from it, the human, Jenkins, just stood there, in total shock, as if he was scared at what it was that he had done.

“I killed her,” he thought, as he was thinking about the dridder that he had shot.

He didn’t see Wolfblood toss the healing barrier, or see Bloodtooth press the button on the detonator.

The blood pooling on the floor reminded him of the night that his sister was murdered. He remembered the face of the monster that did it very clearly, a werewolf, a male one, one that was probably blind in his left eye, because he had, using a kitchen knife that he had grabbed to protect himself, slashed his face, cutting that eye, which had caused the werewolf to howl in pain and run away.

It wasn’t until he felt someone grab him and hold him to their chest that he came back to reality.

“Hold still Uniter,” said Wolfblood’s voice. “Even with proper placement, detonating explosives is very dangerous. At the moment, I’m all that’s standing between you and what could be your first time getting killed, while in the line of duty.”

However, all that Jenkins could say was, “I killed her,” before he collapsed in Wolfblood’s arms.
© Copyright 2012 BIG BAD WOLF Happy July 4th! (UN: alockwood1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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