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Rated: 18+ · Book · Military · #1625172
This is the book version of my Army of Humans and Monsters
#679212 added February 10, 2012 at 9:52pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 14
*Since the Drill Sergeant has two heads, here is the basic code. "X" indicates that just one head is speaking. ""X"" indicates that both are speaking at the same time.*

After a few more hours, the rest of the recruits had woken up, and had eaten their meals, with hardly any trouble arising, especially when Bloodtooth took the heads of two recruits and slammed them together, when they saw her caring for a weak, pathetic, human, child, and said that she herself must be weak and pathetic as well, for not eating such a tasty looking morsel of food.

After she had done that, when they tried to complain about what she had done, they found no sympathy from anyone, not even from the officers who were of their respective races. They were told to shut up, sit down, and eat the food that their guiding officers gave them, and that they were lucky that she hadn’t torn their heads off.

When they were finished eating, the recruits, including Jenkins, as well as those who were giants, whose guiding officers were about the same size as them, were lead out onto the grounds.

Standing in front of them was a two headed giant, who was easily five hundred feet tall, looking at them.

The man’s right head looked like that of a human, except that it had a large horn growing from the top of it. His left head was like that of a Cyclops, with one large eye right above his nose, and he also had, what looked to be like the tusks of an elephant, coming out of his mouth.

“I am called Connery,” said the right head.

“And I am called Shaun,” said the left.

“”However, you will address us as Drill Sergeant Shaun-Connery,”” the two heads said together.

At this, a few of the recruits began to chuckle.

“”Do you find something funny about Our Name?!?”” the two heads asked, loudly, looking at the culprits.

“No sir,” said a giant recruit that was looking at the head called Connery.

“Same with me sir,” said a neko that found itself in the Drill Sergeants’ hand, looking into the eye of the head called Shaun.

“”Good,”” the heads said, as the neko was placed on the shoulder of the giant recruit. “”Our mother like the actor by that name, so much so, she decided to name our heads after him.””

The Drill Sergeant began to walk around the recruits, checking each and every single one of them out, even to the point of picking up the smaller ones, and examining every part of their bodies that the two heads could, without removing their clothing.

“”The military expects us to train you, you lousy, lazy, unfit, and ungrateful wretches,”” the heads said. ““We say that none of you will even make it to graduation, because you lack discipline, control, teamwork, respect, and many other things necessary for this military to run smoothly.””

However, when they stopped to look at Jenkins, their three eyes bulged.

“My, my,” the right head said.

“It looks like we have a bit of a celebrity within our midst,” the left head said, as they picked Jenkins up.

“We heard of you from Chef,” the right head said.

“He tells us that you beat out the commander’s personal test records of fifteen total hours, in less than two hours, total.” the left said, with both of them giving him quick smiles on their faces, as if they expected great things to come from him, which vanished almost as quickly as they appeared.

“”However,”” they said, as they set him down on the ground, just like they did with the other recruits that they picked up. “”Such things do not impress us. We do not care if you were the star player on the football team in high school. We do not care if you scored in the top ten percent on your SATS. We do not care if your father runs the oil company, or the local general store. We do not care if your family is rich, or some homeless bum that made the choice to serve in the military instead of starving on the streets. We care about none of the lives you had before you signed up. All that WE care about is what YOU do from here on out. By the time you graduate, if you even make it that far, you will find yourselves doing things you never thought possible. You will find yourselves doing things you never even thought of doing. You will find yourselves seeing things you’ve never seen before, even in places that you thought you knew about. You will see what others don’t, hear what others don’t, smell what others don’t, and you will also taste and feel what others do not. Also, should you make it to graduation; you will find yourselves amongst the best of the best of the world’s military forces. Everywhere that you go from then on, you will be representing our nation’s military, and you will be expected to uphold our rules, and follow our codes of honor. If you think you can’t do that, you have twenty-four hours to decide whether or not to stay in the military, or to go back to your previous lives. You are all dismissed until tomorrow at seven hundred hours, that’s seven o’clock in the morning, you civilians. Until then, feel free to enjoy the comforts of the Mess Hall, the showers, and your sleeping quarters, and talk to your guides about what it is that you want to do. That is all.””

With that, the Drill Sergeants nodded their heads, turned about on one foot, leaving a large circle of dirt and torn grass roots, and walked off to a large building.
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