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Rated: 18+ · Book · Military · #1625172
This is the book version of my Army of Humans and Monsters
#679215 added February 10, 2012 at 9:55pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 16
Once again, the next day, Jenkins found himself waking up to the sound of Reverie being played off-key, and this time, he wasn’t grumbling, at least not like most of the other recruits, who fell silent when they saw Bloodtooth walking around and tossing recruits out of their beds, telling them to get some clothes, take their showers, get dressed, and report to the Mess Hall.

“I see that you’re up recruit,” she said to him, as she tossed a vampire out of his bed, when he tried to complain that he hadn’t had enough sleep.

“I noticed that,” Jenkins said, as he stood up.

“I heard that you had a chat with the Quartermaster, and you listened to him as he played a few tunes that he liked to play,” Bloodtooth said, as she punched a demon that threaten to light her on fire, telling him that the last guy that did that found himself carrying his head to the medic. “Did you like any of them?”

“Well, I don’t know if I liked them, per say, but they weren’t that bad. By the way, are you always this hard on the recruits? I see that you seem to hit those that complain about things.” (Jenkins)

“Glad you noticed,” she said, as she grabbed the snout of a lizard-like creature, and hauled him out of bed. “However, I’m not the only one that does this part of the job. If anything, I’m the one you’d want to drag you out of bed, and waking you up. In fact, Wolfblood is the last person you’d want to wake you up. Those who don’t wake up, when he tells them to, often find themselves short a cup or two of blood, and a bite mark on their neck.”

“So where does someone like him get blood to drink?” (Jenkins)

“Simple really, every living person on the base, including those not actually part of the military, like Tiny, and his helpers, and the food growers, donates a unit of blood a month. The fresh blood is used in case someone needs a blood transfusion, and the older, or spoiled, blood is given to the vampires, or others who need blood, as part of their diet, to use. Of course, if we run out, or if you and him, or some other vampire, are stuck someplace, and don’t have any blood, he has to ask for permission from you if he can drink some of your blood, especially if your traps for catching animals are empty. In such cases, it might be best if you give him permission; so that he won’t try to drink you dry if you cut something, which will trigger the urge for him to feed, and cause him to drain you dry.”(Bloodtooth)

“And you would know about that, right?” (Jenkins)

“Let me guess, Wolfblood told you about that incident in that desert?” (Bloodtooth)

“Yah it was how I learned his name.” (Jenkins)

“Well, just for you to know, that little stunt probably saved both of our lives. Even in my human body, I couldn’t take the heat, and I was bleeding internally anyways. I knew that I was dead anyways, so, I did what I had to do, so that he could get the information that he had to base. To be honest, while we had met in passing, it wasn’t until after I had rescued him that we started to get to know each other. After all, if you had a good deal of another person’s blood in you, wouldn’t you want to get to know them?” (Bloodtooth)

“I wouldn’t know about that. I’ve never needed something like a blood transfusion.” (Jenkins)

“Well, I hope that you don’t ever need one, however, all living recruits are still required to give blood, in case it is ever needed. After all, the blood that you give today may save the person next to you tomorrow. Now, get going, the Drill Sergeant/s still expect you, and every other recruit that decides to stay, to show up on the grounds by seven hundred hours, and I suggest that you get used to military time kid, because I don’t plan on using anymore civilian names for the hours of the day, though I will give you a hint. If the time is more than twelve hundred, take that number, subtract twelve hundred from it, put a P.M. on it, and you will know when to show up, though you best get used to thinking in military time.” (Bloodtooth)

“Thanks then,” Jenkins said, as he left the room, heading to the showers.

“Nice kid,” Bloodtooth thought, as she grabbed the ears of a young kitsune/werewolf hybrid, and tossed him from his bed. “I hope he makes it, and gets to meet him.”
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