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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/681747-Future-Plans
Rated: GC · Book · Biographical · #1478547
"All books are either dreams or swords."
#681747 added December 31, 2009 at 12:30pm
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Future Plans
This was suppose to be spread out over the course of a couple of days, but then this is me we're talking about. If I have time I'll be posting one more post this evening before we switch over to a new year. I'll also be switching over to a new blog as well so please hang in there with me on this.

I didn't formally write a "Dear Me" letter this year. However, there is an informal list somewhere stored in my head. This coming year I foresee some big changes in my life. A bit scary but I'm looking forward to jumping right into them. Screw safety. I'm jumping in with a full body slam. Time is precious and I don't want to waste it on "What Ifs".

I already broke down my next semester in a previous post so I have family and professional work to still lay out for the world to see.


My family is, well, my family. They're crazy to the core. There are so many issues floating out before us its not even funny. However, as my nieces and younger siblings grow older I'm reminded that I'll be passing the torch in a sense in the next couple of years. My future is still unwritten, but theirs is barely forming. I want to be there when they make the big leap into exploring new things. B wants to borrow my old violin to learn to play. I think that's a fantastic idea, and I have a feelings she'll fall in love with music just like I did at her age. R has picked up her mother's creative flow. She's blooming into a bright young girl. Plus, she's a nutty as the rest of us. Its a great thing to watch. I also get to see my little brother in a few hours. That little man is growing up faster than I want him to. I remember holding him in my arms when he was just an infant. Once, when we had this weird family outing to the beach, I carried him for three miles of walking to seemingly nowhere. I was in all intents and purposes a stranger to him, but he just smiled and "talked" with me for those couple of hours. Now he's almost taller than I am and smarter than me. I hardly know what to do with him, lol.


Bloody hell, I need to write more. My writing has faded into very little these past few months. School tends to drain the creative crap out of me. But that's no excuse. I just freaking need to write more. I don't want to set a goal how to how much necessarily per day. That will just bug the living crap out of me. Instead, I hope to hit a goal of how many hours I write per month. I figure I need to sit down and put fingers to keyboard for fiction (blogging won't count here) for a least an hour a day. That's thirty hours a month, which is nothing. I just need to write. There are a few short stories I'd like to put down, and a few poems I'd like to get others opinions on.

I also need to edit my damn NaNo project. I haven't finished it, but I've also don't have the same mentality for it either. I need to get back with my characters and back with the flow of the story. Editing will help with that. Coming up with a concise order of how I want it to flow. I figure I would post the first five chapters to see what everyone's reaction is. I'm doing NaNo again this coming year. I'm going to win this time, too. Hehehehehehe....

There are a couple of other novel/novella ideas floating in my head as well. I'm thinking of just writing them as I go along. A few months back I created a writing blog to place different scenes I have floating around in my head. I haven't used it much, if at all. My goal is to write in it at least once a week starting in 2010. This way my ideas won't bust my head or fly away. If its possible, my stuff has gotten darker. Don't know where that came from, but I'll float with it for the moment.

CAMPFIRES. For the love of the gods and all that is holy, I need to get back up to pace with my damn campfires! I miss them. They were my introduction into WDC. I'm become a piss-poor participant when it comes to campfires over this past year. Used to be I freaking checked to see if anyone had updated every couple of hours. Now I'm lucky if I can get to the campfire page once a week, let alone write an entry. I need to revamp my own as well as get many of them much needed ones written and done. There are a couple of others I want to start as well. I miss that feeling of a good campfire bringing friends together. I need to get back to that writing place in my head.

I'm also thinking of starting a writing group. A small group made up of about seven or eight people that will focus on creating a storyverse together to help with world-building skills. Basically, we create a time and a place together along with characters of which we'll write the parts for. Not just main characters, but community characters and plots as well. We'd all work on short stories of our characters as well as a campfire to bring everything together. I've been mulling this over for a while, but I finally think I have the structure in which to create it. I've already got a recruit. Now I just need to build the framework.

Contests. Enough said. Need to enter more of them as well as keep up with my own. I'm opening the Elementalist again on Sunday. I have some reviews to do, but this weekend will provide me with some time I think. I also need to finish up my other contest. That one was suppose to be done months ago. I think I need to bring in a judge to help with proceedings because I want to start another round soon. Some serious spring cleaning needs to happen.

Also, review-review-review. <-----Guess what I need to do here.

So, that's it for the goals. I've bombarded myself with them as always. They will come to blossom if I have to go without sleep for the next few months. There's just so much to do with so little time. Damn it, lol. I'm kicking my own ass. This will be a good year.

2010 - here I come. *Smirk*

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