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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1631928
This gives a little backstory before my Season 8 Virtual Series begins.
#682014 added January 1, 2010 at 9:56pm
Restrictions: None
Episode 2-Banish the Day
Slayers Virtual Season 8
Episode 2 – Banish the Day
Matt Long as Alex Sanders
Lizzy Caplan as Eliza Sanders
Nanako Matsushima as Shina Taji
Johnny Depp as David, the Archangel
Written by Kelley Hawkins
Disclaimer: The major characters in these episodes/stories are the creations of Joss Whedon and any and all entities who have a share in them such as Twentieth Century Fox, UPN, Warner Bros or Mutant Enemy Productions. The stories are written by fans and are not intended for profit or to infringe upon or undermine the established copyright of those mentioned above. The situations depicted in these stories (sexual or otherwise) are not intended to harm the reputations of those actors associated with the characters involved. The only things that are ©2004 are those characters that are the creation of the Slayers VS8 staff and the original plotlines of the stories.
Shina Taji answered the phone on the first ring. “Hello?”
“Ms. Taji? Shina Taji?”
“Yes, who is this?”
“You don’t know me but I know that something extraordinary has happened to you recently. We can help you. My name is Rupert Giles. We run a school for students with your extraordinary talents.” The man had a courteous English accent.
“That is wonderful to know, Mr. Giles.”
“Please, call me Giles. Could you meet with one of my associates? How is this evening?”
“This evening is perfect.”
The man told her where to meet his associate, said his goodbyes and Shina replaced the receiver in its cradle.
Shina walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. As she walked, a vision came into her mind. She saw a dark haired man as he captured her from behind and grabbed her around the neck. She was quickly jarred back to the present. Her visions were more intense than ever before. She shivered but the cold did not fail to creep up her spine and make her head crawl with its intensity.
* * * * *
Shina climbed out her bedroom window and easily jumped to the ground. The newly found abilities she possessed came in handy. She thought. Her parents would never let her go out on a school night so she had to sneak out.
Shina looked around her and walked away from her house toward the big city of Cleveland. She would be able to catch the cab she called a few blocks from her house.
She knew she was late to meet “Mr. Giles” but she also needed an element of surprise considering the fact he was going to “try” to kill her.
A figure suddenly rushed toward Shina. She shifted quickly into fighting stance until she was sure who it was. The girl was petite with long blond hair. A big smile lit up her face. “Shina?” The blond girl asked.
“Yes, and you are?”
“I’m Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. I have come to help you.”
“Funny that is what the man I am meeting tonight told me.”
“Man, what man?”
Shina told Buffy about the phone call she received. Buffy’s face held a worried expression. “That man who phoned you tonight is not who he says he is.”
Shina looked at Buffy and said nonchalantly, “I know.”
Buffy stared at Shina with a confused look on her face.
“How did you know that?” Buffy asked as she chuckled.
“Since I know you will believe me, I will tell you. I can see things before they happen.”
“So, you have the prophetic dreams in real life. I’ve heard about that.” Buffy said as she looked at Shina. “Shina, are you ready for your life to change?”
“My life has never been normal. I always knew there was something different about me.”
Buffy smiled at Shina as they walked along. “You don’t know the half of it.”
Act One
Willow and Dawn sat on Willow’s living room floor. They faced directly across from each other with their legs crossed. They held hands. Dawn suddenly giggled in the quiet room.
“Dawn, you must concentrate!” Willow admonished.
“Yeah, I know but with my eyes closed so tight all I can concentrate on are these white oval shapes I see before me.”
Willow chuckled. “Dawnie, concentrate! This will help me gauge your power.”
Dawn sighed and closed her eyes. Willow loosened the grip she had on Dawn’s hands. They sat not moving for several minutes. A surge rushed through Willow as she felt the power overtake her. A big grin lit up Willow’s face. Dawn possessed more power than Amy or even Tara. This amazed Willow.
Dawn opened her eyes as Willow dropped her hands. “I felt it too, Willow. It felt really intense!”
“I don’t know why I never felt your energy before. Wiccans would sell their soul to the black magicks for this energy, Dawn. Some Wiccans practice for years a-and are unable to generate the kind of energy you have.” Willow explained.
Dawn looked down. “Do you think Buffy was upset that...well...that I chose you...I mean to be a Wicca?”
“No, Dawnie. I know Buffy and she was being honest when she told you that you had her blessing. She knows how the magicks have changed my life. Uh, f-for the good, now.”
“I still can’t help but worry about what she is really thinking.” Dawn said.
Willow changed the subject. “Do you want to do a spell?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” Dawn exclaimed.
* * * * *
Buffy led Shina in the front door of her house. “We need to report in to Giles.”
Shina flashed a nervous smile at Buffy. “Sure. So what exactly does Giles do?”
“Believe me you will find out soon enough.” Buffy said as she smiled at Shina.
Buffy turned to go find Giles and at that moment Xander walked in from the kitchen colliding with Buffy. A blush washed over Buffy’s face. She quickly looked down and Xander lifted her chin so that he could look into her eyes. “In a hurry?” He whispered as he dropped his hand from her chin.
Buffy felt the warmth left by Xander’s hand and she greedily touched the spot without even thinking. Xander noticed.
“Who’s our guest?”
“Sorry, Xander this is Shina. She will join our school once it opens. Shina this is Xander our resident handy man.”
“Nice to meet you, Shina.” Xander said as he offered her his hand.
“It is very nice to meet you, Xander.” Shina replied as she shook Xander’s offered hand.
Buffy followed their exchange. Did her hand linger too long on Xander’s? She wondered.
“Well, I must assist Willow with yet another furniture moving project. A “handy man’s” work is never done.” He told the women as he risked a glance at Buffy.
After Xander left, Buffy led Shina through the house and then into the attic. Giles sat at his desk reading a very old and dusty book. He did not look up as the two slayers walked into the room.
“Oh – as usual – dear.” Giles muttered to himself.
Buffy cleared her throat. Giles looked up to find the two women standing before his desk. “You must be Shina, I take it.” Giles asked.
“Yes, sir.”
“We are very fortunate to have found you. I take it Buffy has explained to you why you are here?”
“Yes, sir.” Shina answered as she bowed to him.
“Please, have a seat. Buffy could you leave us, please?”
Buffy puckered her bottom lip in disappointment. “Darn, I wanted to hear the speech.”
Giles gave Buffy an exasperated look.
“It has grown on me. I like it now. “Into each generation a Slayer is born, one girl in all the world, a Chosen One, one born with the strength and skill to hunt the vampires.” However, we have changed the one to thousands...” Buffy continued to yell as she left the room. She quickly poked her head back in. “Was your earlier “oh dear” cause for alarm?”

”It may be. We can discuss it later, Buffy. I have other pressing matters at the moment.” Giles told her, an irritated look on his face.
“Fine! Color me gone, then.”
* * * * *
Dawn felt elation as she grabbed her jacket off the coat rack. “Thank you, thank you for letting me help with the location spell.”
Willow smiled briefly. “It was my pleasure, Dawnie.” She reached out and playfully slapped Dawn’s shoulder. “You were a great help. I can’t believe I have a study buddy again.”
Dawn laughed.
There was a knock at the door. Willow yelled, “Come in, Xander. It’s open.”
Xander opened the door and walked into Willow’s condo. “I don’t know why women cannot make a final decision where they want their furniture. I am going to install wheels on every piece here. I swear! Hey, why can’t you use your woo woo magic to move it for you instead of my back.” Xander told Willow with a grin on his face.
“Xander, I only use magic when it is necessary these days. You know that.”
Dawn followed their exchange and grinned. “I helped Willow with a Slayer location spell. Yet, again we located a Slayer right here in Cleveland.”
“Yes, I just met her?”
“Huh?” Willow and Dawn asked simultaneously.
“Yeah, not even a half hour ago. She is “Shina, the Vampire Slayer.” He told them taking on Andrew’s accent when he referred to a Vampire Slayer.
“Are you sure?”
“Buffy introduced her as a Slayer.”
Dawn looked over at Willow. “That is just strange.” Dawn chimed in. “I thought we already found Shina...a couple of days ago. Do you think I goofed up the location spell somehow?” Dawn asked giving Willow an angsty look.
“No, we may be dealing with two Slayers in this town. Their is a Hellmouth here after all and this is a very large city. Lots of strango activity.”
“Yeah!” Dawn exclaimed. “So who is going to approach this new girl?”
“Giles usually likes to try to call them first. He may send Faith this time.” Willow told Dawn.
“Cool! I wonder if it is someone at my school!” Dawn shouted excitedly. “We could have a bonding session together. Slayer and Witch. Kinda like you and Buffy, Willow!”
Willow smiled affectionately at Xander. “Don’t forget our comic relief man.” Willow said as she moved toward Xander and placed her arm through his. Xander patted her hand in return.
“Yeah! Who will be the Xan-man at your school?”
“I guess that would be Alex.” Dawn told Xander as a dreamy look crossed her face.
“I smell a crush.” Xander said. “Is he as cute as me?”
“Cuter!” Dawn answered with a small smile on her lips.
Xander feigned a hurt look. “Don’t want the old Xan-man anymore, eh?”
“You will always be my first crush – if you don’t count Spike?”
“Spike!” Xander exclaimed as his voice rose in tone. “Spike? What is it with Spike and the Summer’s women?”
“He was always so cool. And he was the only one who was honest with me about who I really was. He kinda grows on a girl.”
Xander raised his hand at her in a “talk to the hand” kind of gesture and walked into the other room. “I must move furniture now!”
Dawn turned toward Willow. “I better get home. I will study this book and maybe we can get together tomorrow. Is tomorrow conducive of any juicy spells?”
“The Sabbath day which is Friday sundown to Saturday sundown? I usually rest unless there is an emergency.”
“Cool.” Dawn smiled knowingly. “I will just have to do a little experimenting of my own. Dawn said to herself.”
Dawn reached over and kissed Willow on the check. “Thank you, again!”
“You are my willing student. All I do is teach. Blessed be, Dawn.”
“Blessed be.”
After Dawn left Willow’s apartment, Willow turned to Xander. “So, how is everything with you?”
“And Buffy...”
“Good...what? Why ask me?”
“I just figured you’d know.”
“Get that smirk off your face, Will. We are just friends. As usual.”
“But you guys stayed up all night after our healing spell. You’re telling me that nothing happened.”
“Well, we held hands. That is nothing new.”
“But how close did ya sit?”
Xander looked away and returned her gaze with a grin on his face.
“That is answer enough, Xan! Now, move my armoire. I decided I wanted it the bedroom so I could curl up in bed and watch TV there.”
“Sounds inviting for some lucky girl to join ya.”
Willow remained silent as he followed her into the bedroom. Her love life was better left alone right now. Willow thought to herself.
* * * * *
Buffy offered to walk Shina home after Giles finished their conversation but Shina refused.

“I will be alright on my own.”
“It’s no problem to walk you to the bus at least.” Buffy smiled.
“Okay, you’ve convinced me.”
The two Slayers left Buffy’s house and walked toward the bus stop. They were chatting amicably when out of nowhere a vampire jumped out at them. Buffy reacted quickly and had him kicked down on the ground before Shina could react. The vampire rose from where he had fallen and attacked Buffy once more. He kicked her in the stomach and she fell to the ground. “Out of practice a little.” Buffy muttered to herself.
Shina pulled out the stake she carried in her jacket pocket and ran toward the vampire. Just as she was near enough to stake him, he spoke. “The Master of the City will see you all dead.”
Buffy looked up at Shina as she approached the vampire and nodded. Shina immediately delved the stake into the vampire’s heart from behind. He quickly turned to dust. “Not before we kill you, though!” Shina quipped.
Buffy rose as she puzzled the last words of the vampire. She spoke her thoughts aloud. “The Master of the City?”
Shina shrugged. “Could it be that man that tried to trick me into meeting him? Why did that vampire pick right now, tonight to attack us and leave us that message from his Master?”
“Good observation, Shina. I wonder if investigative skills come with the whole Slayer package.”
Shina smiled sheepishly. “I just expected an attack from him, I guess.”
“I wish we didn’t have to dust him. We could have used him for more information about the Master of the City.” Buffy said.
“Information at your service.” A deep voice from behind the two Slayers said.
Buffy and Shina turned around. A man with dark hair stood behind them. He appeared to be in his early 30’s. His face reminded Buffy of Angel and his slim body reminded her of Spike. “And you are?” Buffy asked.
“I am who you wanted more information about. Ask me anything! Ask me whom I voted for in the last Presidential election. Ask me why I want all the Slayers in the world dead.” The man turned his head away from the two Slayers.
Buffy glared at him.
“Shina, you missed your appointment with my associate.” The dark haired man said as he directed his attention to Shina. Suddenly, the dark man used the courteous English accent he used with her on the phone.
When the dark man turned toward Shina he morphed into his vamp face. He eyes glowed yellow into Shina’s. Shina gazed into his eyes and as she watched, his eyes turned red and then glowed. Buffy stepped between the new Slayer and the vampire. The vampire grabbed her by the neck and threw her against the nearby tree. Shina gasped. Buffy heard a crack but quickly rose to her feet. She felt the injury in her back but ignored the pain in an attempt to protect Shina from him.
“Who are you?” Buffy demanded as she approached him.
“Well, have you ever heard of the Master?”
“Yes, I killed him!” Buffy told him matter-of-factly.
“Yes, I know. He was my Master and now I am the Master. The Master of this fine city anyway. I’m David.” He smiled at her through his vamp face and then offered her is hand in classic introduction style. Buffy glared at his offered hand and instinctively stepped back.
Buffy walked toward Shina then trying to shield her from the vampire. David moved toward Buffy. He morphed back into his human face as he approached her. “I’ve heard you have a thing for us “undead Americans.” David whispered. “Care to go a few rounds with me?” Suddenly, he caught Buffy off guard. He pulled her into his arms and then into his hard chest. Buffy winced at the pain in her back. He kissed her briefly on the cheek. “Be seeing you.” He whispered as he turned and disappeared into the night.
Act Two
After Buffy safely escorted Shina home, all the way home, she finally arrived back to her house. She suddenly felt vulnerable being out by herself even with all her Slayer powers. With all the new Slayers in the world, it has been a while since a vampire successfully injured her. She had a hand at her back testing the injury. She felt chills go down her spine as she remembered the earlier embrace by David. His eyes were so vacant and distant she remembered. She swore she saw a dark hatred and desire in those deep brown eyes. David the vampire, Master of this City, hated who she was and what she represented but he had a strong desire to possess her. She had seen that look before. A picture of her with Spike flashed through her mind. The picture recalled his botched rape attempt when she was injured and she shivered. Why in the hell didn’t she kill this Master vampire? Just as she were about to open the front door to go into her house, someone grabbed her shoulder. Without thinking, Buffy reacted with violence and grabbed the hand at her shoulder. Xander spoke before she could flip him over her head in classic Slayer style.
“Buffy?” Xander told her. “It’s me!”
Buffy turned toward Xander. Relief washed over her. “Xander.” She breathed a breath of relief and without thinking, she ran into Xander’s arms and began to cry.
Xander gently held her. “You’re injured.” He whispered in her ear.
Buffy nodded against his chest.
“What happened?” Xander asked.
“Can we go in? I will fill you in along with Giles.”
Xander let go of her and she walked toward the front door again. They both walked into the living room to find Giles sitting in her living room waiting for her.
“Where have you been? We need to talk, immediately.” Giles told Buffy.
“Yes, I have something to tell you, Giles. It’s very important.”
“Me first. It regards the earlier “Oh dear.” I thought you would be back in an hour or so. Again, I ask, where you’ve been.”
“Stop giving her the third degree, G-Man. What is your deal? Can’t you see our girl is injured here?”
Giles face changed from anger to concern as he walked toward Buffy. He and Xander assisted her to the couch.
“Why didn’t you call any of the other thousand Slayers you have at your disposal?” Her tone held contempt and even jealousy.
“You know very well that you and Faith are the only trained Slayers that we have at our disposal her in Cleveland.” He gazed down at his Slayer. “What happened, Buffy?”
“If you would shut up long enough Mr. Watcher she might finally tell you.” Xander said, his eyes flashed with anger.
Giles gave Xander one of his “watchery” glares and turned toward Buffy. “This is serious Buffy. I didn’t mean to seem unconcerned about your injuries. Is there anything broken?”
“A rib maybe. I don’t know. But I should be healed by tomorrow.” Buffy said as she looked away from Giles’ concerned look. She felt angry with him all of a sudden.
“Giles, we have a Master Vampire here in Cleveland. He goes by the name of David.”
“He is referred to as David, the Archangel.” Giles added.
Buffy and Xander both gave Giles a confused look.
“Man, I hate these angeley type vampires.” Xander exclaimed.
“Y-Yes, that is what I wanted to discuss with you, Buffy.” Giles said, ignoring Xander’s comment. “I was reading a very old text about the history of this city and stumbled upon this information. I take it he is the one who hurt you?”
“Yeah. I was seeing Shina home when a vampire approached us. He was there to send us a message from his Master. Shina dusted him from behind when he had me cornered. It also turns out that he was the one who tried to set up Shina so he could kill her.”
“Thank the Lord she possesses a seers abilities or she would be dead right now.” Giles said.
Buffy finished telling Xander and Giles about her encounter with David, the Archangel. She left out the part about him kissing her on the cheek and his references to her history with Angel and Spike. She felt that information was not important right now.
“We need to find where this Master calls home. I will call Willow to come over. Maybe she can do a locator spell.” Xander told them, shocking both Buffy and Giles. Xander did not usually take charge of any past situation.
“Y-Yes, Xander. That should be our first step.” Giles said.
Xander retrieved the phone from the table near the couch and proceeded to call Willow. He spoke for a few minutes and then hung up the phone. “She is on her way.”
“What if he has someone watching the house, my friends?” Buffy asked. “Willow could be in danger.” Then Buffy giggled. “Forget I said that. Will can take care of herself.” Buffy said. “Tell us about what you read, Giles.”
“David is 356 years old. He resided in Rome before he was a vampire. Prior to becoming a vampire, he took his vows as a Roman-Catholic Priest.”
Buffy gasped. “A priest? Oh, how terrible! Why didn’t he protect himself with holy water or crosses?”
Giles looked down. “From what I could translate, he was a willing party to his becoming.”
Buffy’s face switched from her once sympathetic expression to one of horror. Giles continued.
“David, the Archangel’s vows as a priest were honest and for his love of God according to the text but there was nothing in the text about why he was willing to become a vampire. I continued to research while waiting for you to come home.”
A panic overtook Buffy. She quickly rose and winced at the pain in her back. “Where’s Dawn?”

“She is perfectly safe. She is upstairs in her room finishing her homework.” Giles quickly answered.
Buffy sighed with relief. “She was gone when I left to take Shina home. I wanted to make sure she was where she can be watched.”
* * * * *
Dawn sat in the sacred circle she formed on her bedroom floor. She smiled as she extended her hand with the cherry Chap Stick out in front of her. This symbolically extends an invitation to an intended individual.
Dawn closed her eyes and began her incantation. "When you look, you shall not miss, an opportunity to steal a kiss." Dawn intoned and repeated the incantation two more times. She saw an image of Alex in her mind and then suddenly a picture of Xander flashed before her. Dawn giggled. “Must be the left over crush thing rising to the surface.” Dawn said aloud. Dawn smiled to herself and pictured Alex again.
“Tomorrow night at this time, I will have that stolen kiss from you Alex.” Dawn said aloud to the empty room. Tomorrow, Dawn planned to attend the high school football game to watch Alex play. He had asked her and Liz to join them for a milkshake after the game. She placed the cherry Chap Stick on her dresser and left her room to find Buffy.
* * * * *
As Dawn walked into the living room, the doorbell rang. Then, the door opened and Willow walked in.
“What’s wrong?” Dawn asked as she saw Buffy lying on the couch and Willow’s worried expression.
Buffy filled Willow and Dawn in on the latest crises and Xander walked toward the kitchen.
Xander slammed his fist against the counter. “Damn!” He muttered in anger. “Damn, damn, damn!” At that moment, Willow came in to find him.
“What’s wrong Xander? We will get this guy! Master or not, he is still only a vampire.”
“I know Will. It’s just...” Willow stopped as she saw his protective expression. “Buffy’s injured.”
“Yes! I feel so helpless when she is hurt. I feel like I want to kill the person or thing who did this to her but she could kick his ass better than I could. Hell, you could kick his ass better than me.”
Willow held out her hand to Xander and he followed her to the barstool. He sat down and ran an angry hand through his hair. Willow grabbed his other hand. “Xander, you are not helpless. I have seen you in a fight. I have seen you with military artillery. You have a lot of useful qualities.”
“Not against vampires.” Then Xander had a sudden thought. “I’ve gotta go.”
“In the middle of a crises? You can’t leave now.”
“I can’t be around here right now. I have to do something to help and I have an idea.”
Xander stepped off the barstool and without looking back walked out the back door.
Willow ran into the living room. “Xander’s left.”
“What?” Buffy exclaimed. “Why?”
“He wanted to help.”
Buffy frowned. “We have to find him. He shouldn’t be out alone tonight!”
Willow approached Buffy. “No wonder he feels so helpless?”
“Huh?” Buffy asked Willow.

”Well, Xander’s a man and it about time you started treating him...like a man!”
“What, Willow I don’t have time for this.” Buffy said as she stood up. Her back felt better already but she could use some pain medication.
“Oh never mind. I will stay her with Dawn and we will try a locator spell. With this guy’s Master powers I should be able to locate him pretty fast.”
“I will continue my research. Buffy can go and find Xander.” Giles told Willow and Dawn. “Do you have any idea where he would go?”
“Nope!” Maybe his apartment. Willow said.
“I need to go take some meds to help my back.” Buffy told Giles. “I will only be a sec.”
Buffy walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. She looked for the Ibuprofen. “Damn!” Buffy muttered. “Must be in Dawn’s room...again!” Buffy made a note to take Dawn to a doctor to see about her headaches.
Once in Dawn’s room she searched on her dresser for the bottle of pain medication. She saw the bottle resting near a tube of cherry Chap Stick. Buffy’s favorite. She picked up the tube and put a little on her dry lips. “Better!” Buffy said as she grabbed the bottle of pills and left Dawn’s bedroom.
* * * * *
Xander unlocked the door to his apartment. He placed his keys on his entry table and walked into his bedroom. He knew that his stash would come in handy one day. Xander thought as he unlocked and opened a door connecting with his bedroom. Inside were numerous military issue semi-automatic weapons and other artillery. Xander grabbed the weapon with the most potential for destruction and a semi-automatic handgun from his mini arsenal, then closed, and locked the door. He quickly put them in a black backpack and hauled it over his shoulder.
He heard his phone ring but simply ignored it. He left his apartment. He grabbed his cell phone from his pocket and pressed a speed dial number. A voice answered on the second ring. “Yes, this is Sergeant George Stevens, clearance 567349. I need you to trace a call that was received at 555-3698 around 5:30 this evening. I want to know the location of the caller.” Xander commanded of the person who answered his call. After a few minutes, the person came back to relay the information. Xander disconnected the call and silently thanked Sergeant George Stevens of the United States Army.
Xander walked toward his intended location instead of driving. He would be less conspicuous that way. “What vampire can survive a major explosion caused by ten C4 plastic explosives?”
* * * * *
Buffy told Giles that she would walk to Xander’s apartment rather than drive his latest red penis mobile. She set out toward her destination with a determined stride.
Once she reached Xander’s apartment, she knocked on his door. There was no answer. She probably missed him by mere moments. She left Xander’s apartment building. Suddenly, her Slayer senses came back to her. She ran toward the south end of the city convinced she would find Xander.
As she was about to round a corner, she heard something in the nearby bush. Xander jumped out at her pointing a gun to her head with a military stance.
“Xander!” She exclaimed. “Guns are never good. What in the hell are you doing with that?”
“I want to hurt that vampire! Bad!”
“Why? I always manage to dust them. Why are you so angry about this one?”

”Because he hurt you!”
“Xander, I’ve been hurt by vampires before and you...” Suddenly, Xander lowered the gun, activated the safety, placed it in his pack and dropped the pack at his feet. He moved toward her then with an overwhelming desire to steal a kiss. Xander grabbed her arm and pulled her toward him. Buffy landed square in his arms. She uttered a small moan as her small breasts made contact with his hard chest. She placed her hands on his chest to push him away but when Xander lowered his mouth to hers, she did not push him away. Xander had an overwhelming urge to kiss her and kiss her hard. He had this same urge many times before but never acted upon it. Without hesitation, Buffy deepened the kiss as she slid her tongue into Xander’s mouth. She caressed his tongue with her own. This time Xander moaned into Buffy’s mouth. Xander intensified the kiss but held her tenderly in his arms, not wanting to aggravate her injury. Then, as suddenly as the kiss began, it ended. Xander lifted his head and gazed into Buffy’s eyes. He saw desire for him reflected there. He waited for this moment since the day he helped her pick up the spilled contents of her purse. The first day he ever met her and changed his life forever.
“Buffy, I...” Xander whispered with a sudden urgent need to explain his actions.
Buffy quickly placed two fingers on his lips to silence him. In a silent exchange with their eyes, Buffy conveyed a very prominent message. No words needed to explain the kiss. It was just was.
Buffy moved out of Xander’s arms. “Let’s go home and discuss our next move against him. This isn’t the way. And I don’t want you hurt or worse...killed! Modern weapons will never stop a vampire, Xander.”
“C4 plastics will stop anything.”
“Not unless he is beheaded or a piece of wood was to pierce his heart. How would you like a Master vampire to survive after an explosion of that magnitude and let’s not forget possible causalities of innocent bystanders?”
Xander gazed down at her. “You’re right. You always are.”
Buffy grabbed his hand and led him back to her house.
Act Three
David sat as his desk in his library gazing at a picture of the Slayer. He could not believe he finally faced her down and still lived to think about it. He wanted to start killing all the Slayers one by one and then finally seduce and then kill that one; she was the killer of his Master. His need for revenge was palpable. David wanted revenge more than anything in this world. He had plotted and planned his revenge against this Slayer for many years and now he finally had his chance.
He pressed a button under his desk and promptly the door to his library opened. A young vampire dressed in a maid’s uniform walked into the room. “You rang, Sir?”
“Yes, bring me some brandy, Candy.” He laughed. The young vampire turned and rolled her eyes. How many times would he use that one? She wondered.
Once he had his glass of brandy, he drank deeply. He pressed the button again and the same vampire, Candy walked in. “Now, bring me my dinner.”
“Yes, Master.”
In a few moments, the library door opened and Candy dragged in a petite blond girl that resembled Buffy. David leered at the girl. “Leave us, Candy! I’m famished.” Once the female vampire left, David grabbed the frightened girl and pulled her to him. She whimpered softly with fear. He moved toward her and instantly changed into his vampire face. The girl screamed when she saw his face. Instead of immediately sinking his teeth into her neck, he kissed her deeply. One of his fangs nipped her bottom lip and blood filled his eager mouth. He trailed kisses along her cheek down to her neck and then his fangs plunged into her neck. David began to drink from the frightened girl. He covered her mouth with his free hand and continued to ingest the girl’s blood. Her fear made her heart pump faster and the blood flowed easily into his mouth. After a few moments of feasting on her blood, David dropped the girl to the floor. He walked behind his desk and rang the button once more.
“Dispose of this.” David said, indicating to the dead girl. “Then clean up the mess.”
Once Candy left with the girl’s corpse, David picked up the picture of Buffy once more. A “friend” took that picture when Buffy and Dawn moved into their new house a couple of weeks ago. “Beautiful.” David sighed as he continued to stare at the picture.
* * * * *
Buffy and Xander walked into her house to find Willow and Dawn chanting on the living room floor. Giles sat in the reading chair skimming through books and more books sat on the floor surrounding him.
After a few moments of chanting with Dawn, Willow rose. “I found him.”
Buffy looked over at Xander. “Xander already has, too.”
Willow looked at Xander with a shocked expression on her face. “What, how?”
“I have contacts.”
“Contacts, what contacts.” Willow asked and when she saw embarrassment flood Xander’s face, she quickly shut up.
“Well, it seems as if Xander has some military contacts.” Buffy exclaimed. She looked up at Xander’s face trying to catch his gaze but he looked away.
“Military contacts! Xander, do tell.” Willow exclaimed.
“Well, when we moved here I found where the nearest Army base was located. I managed to sneak in there one night and well, let’s just say I found a name with clearance orders and well...I used that clearance tonight.”
“I’m impressed!” Dawn exclaimed. “Kinda makes those fuzzy feelings for you come right back. Spike be damned!”

Buffy glared at Dawn. Dawn looked back at Buffy with a funny expression on her face. “Interesting.” Dawn said aloud then said, “Just kidding!” Buffy’s glare disappeared from her face.
“Well, I found something that Xander didn’t.” Willow said, interrupting the exchange.
“Spill it Willow!” Buffy said.
“Well, not only is he located only 10 miles from us, right here in Cleveland but his mansion resides right on top of the Hellmouth.”
“Now why am I not surprised?” Giles asked.
“Did you find anything more about his past, Giles.” Buffy asked.
“W-Well yes, actually! He belonged to the Master and before he could aid in the Masters’ rising in Sunnydale, you killed him. I think this is all a simple act of revenge against you, Buffy.”
Buffy’s face paled. Suddenly all the times that Angelus tried to exact his revenge against her and her friends because she made Angel love her flashed through her mind. She made a silent vow to herself to kill him the moment the opportunity presented itself.
* * * * *
Willow and Giles sat at the dining room table with books piled all around them. Willow read in a spell book and Giles read in a Watcher’s journal. Suddenly, Willow yelled, “I got it!”
Buffy and Xander sat on the couch thinking their own thoughts. Xander looked up and when Willow yelled. Buffy stood up and walked toward Willow.
“I can do a banish the day spell. That way we could surprise him with daylight at just the right moment.”
Buffy stared a Willow. “I may be confused, Willow but vampires hunt at night. You would be playing right into his hands.”
“No, that’s the point. He will not expect that we are powerful enough to cause a banishment of sunlight. We can set him up to meet us out in the open and with the energy of the original spell I can reverse it and he will be dust.”
“Can you do that Willow? The energy needed for that kind of spell...” Giles’ voice trailed off as Dawn walked into the room. “Yes, of course.” Giles smiled and then continued. “Not only will that spell kill David but it may very well kill any other vampire with the false security of night. Brilliant, Willow!” Giles exclaimed.
Willow grinned proudly.
“Okay, it’s settled. Willow and Dawn can do the spell.” Buffy said.
“What do you need to get started?” Giles asked then noticed Willow begin making a list of the supplies she would need.
Willow stopped and looked over at Dawn. “Can you be my anchor?”
Dawn smiled. “Of course, anything you need!”
As the others discussed the spell, Buffy walked back to the couch. She needed to sit down again and rest her back. The painkillers had long worn off. Xander noticed Buffy wince from the pain as she bent to sit down. Xander moved toward her on the couch. He gently touched her shoulder. “Can I get you anything for the pain?”
Buffy smiled wanly up at him from her position on the couch. “My back muscles feel like they are in knots.” Xander’s hand began to move gently over Buffy’s back rubbing it in small circles. Buffy relaxed and allowed him to continue. As he began to move his hand to her neck to rub the muscles there, Buffy felt tingles sliding down her back from his gentle touch. She leaned into his comforting shoulder and rested there as Xander continued to rub. He let his hand slide down to her lower back and massaged the muscles there. His hand was only inches away from Buffy’s rounded bottom. He felt an urge to reach down and rub her there but knew that now was not the right moment for that. He remained the true friend that Buffy needed. Buffy moved away from him then and looked up at him.
“Xander?” Buffy whispered.
Willow walked into the living room at that moment. “We are ready to do the spell now.”
Xander sighed as he stood up. “Can I do anything to help?”
“No. Only, I plan to do the spell in the living room. Just me and Dawnie, okay?”
Buffy and Xander rose from the couch. “We’ll go outside on the back porch.” Buffy told Willow.
Xander gave Buffy a somewhat surprised look. “You coming, Xander?”
“Yeah, I’m right behind you.”
Buffy and Xander left the living room and headed toward the back porch. Buffy settled down on the wicker couch and looked up at Xander. He hesitated and sat down next to her.
* * * * *
As the dawn approached, Willow prepared the living room for the “banish the day” spell. Giles assisted her as he lit the many candles she needed.
Willow called for Dawn and she walked into the living room. “Giles, we will begin now. Please shut off the lights on your way out.”
“Yes.” Giles told Willow.
Willow lay down on the floor with a couch pillow supporting her head. Dawn sat beside her. “Now, Dawn. You will be my anchor to hold me to this plane. Hold my right hand.”
Dawn held Willow’s right hand in her own.
Willow began to chant. “Goddess Modron, let the day and night be equal in time, I search for the darkness in a shift of the planets of nine.” Willow continued with the same chant. Dawn continued to hold Willow’s hand. Willow began to rise from her position on the floor. A field of light gathered around Willow and engulfed Dawn with its intensity. The two women glowed with a warm green light. The energy flowed from Dawn to Willow. Suddenly, the lights in the house flashed and then immediately went out. They were plunged into total darkness. Willow fell from her levitated position and landed hard on the floor. Willow opened her eyes and looked over at Dawn. Dawn still glowed with the green energy all around her. She looked up and began to chant faster and faster. She spook in perfect Latin. The lights in the room immediately came back on. Dawn opened her eyes and smiled up at Willow. She looked at Dawn with an almost frightened look on her face. “The spell worked, Willow.” Dawn told her. As Willow looked closer, Dawn’s eyes glowed a bright green.
Willow stood up and went to the window. The sunrise that was fast approaching earlier was now gone. Darkness replaced the sun with its black intensity.
* * * * *
Buffy leaned against Xander’s shoulder as she curled her legs underneath her. Her eyes began to flutter closed as she snuggled closer in the crook of his arm. Xander held her and felt the intensity of his feelings for this woman wash over him in a rushing tide. He kissed the top of her head. Buffy slept soundly in his arms.
Xander thought back to the kiss they shared earlier in the evening or morning as the case may be. He had always denied giving in to his urges to kiss her on many other occasions but on this night, he could not deny them any longer. He remembered the intense need to feel his own lips against hers. Xander recalled Amy’s botched spell she tried to perform to help him get over Cordelia. The spell made all the girls at Sunnydale High love him, including Buffy. Buffy had undressed before him but he was the gentleman and closed his eyes. He knew that the effects of that spell caused her to reveal herself to him so he did the only thing he knew to do. He closed his eyes. However, before he forced himself to close his eyes, Xander had one brief flash of Buffy’s lovely body.
Buffy began to stir in his arms. He looked down at her. She mumbled something in her sleep about bunnies or something like that. He immediately thought of Anya. He missed Anya a great deal but he knew that she died for the good of humankind. What would Anya think of his renewed feelings for Buffy? Xander wondered.
Buffy stirred once more and then quickly raised her head to look up at him. “Did I fall asleep on you?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t mind. I thought about catching a few winks myself.”
Buffy smiled up at him. She felt safe with Xander. She needed Xander’s strength right now. She feared David. She knew it was an irrational fear. She also knew it was because of his plans of revenge against her. The revenge game reminded her of Angelus no matter how hard she tried to deny it. Angelus knew how to punish. He knew the sort of games to play that really hurt the people she loved the most in this world. The games were not only physical cruelty but mental as well. Suddenly, she understood Xander’s anger at her for harboring Angel when he returned from that Hell Dimension. Buffy reached down, took Xander’s hand in hers, and held on for dear life.
Willow opened the back door at that moment and told them the spell was complete. “It worked thanks to Dawn. I wish she were always involved in my spells. There would have been less kablooy and more WOW in my vocabulary back then.” Willow added.
Buffy and Xander rose from the wicker sofa and followed Willow back into the house. Xander held back for a mini second as he examined Buffy from behind. She has always had the most gorgeous hair that he had ever seen on a woman. He thought. He laughed to himself. How many other men noticed Buffy’s hair first?
Act Four
David watched as the sun began to rise. He anticipated sleep shortly but always watched the sunrise every morning since he found those special windows that blocked all the sun’s rays. As we watched, he saw as the sun rose and then suddenly began to fall. Darkness engulfed the earth once more. David rubbed his chin as he puzzled over this new development. What wicked spell has the witch performed now? David wondered. Just as the vampire had always known where Buffy was, he also monitored Willow. He always wanted to keep his friends close, if he had any friends, and his enemies closer.
There was a knock on his library door. “Come in.”
The library door opened and a thin, dark haired vampire walked in. Her human face transformed into her vamp face once she saw her Master. “Master, the pretty little sun is gone. Can we go out and play?”
“No, it’s the witch again playing with Mother Nature. They want us out in their darkness and then turn on the lights when we are at our most vulnerable.”
The female vampire laughed. “Our little Willow tried to deceive the Master?” The female vampire quipped as she laughed evilly.
David smiled back at her with one of his own evil smiles. “Well, we will just have to show them how the game is played.” David told her as he walked to be by her side. He pulled her into his arms. Immediately her face became human again. David kissed her hard on the lips. “Now be a good little Dru and go and fetch my breakfast for me.”
Drucilia smiled at David then giggled softly and went to do his bidding. She turned back to David. “Can I play with our little toy once we’ve got her here? I owe her all sorts of pain for stealing Spike from me...and Angelus.”
“Yes, Dru we will both have our fun with the Slayer.” He laughed heartily now as Dru turned on her heel and left the room.
* * * * *
Willow and Giles finished packing the special concoction they created to break the “banish the day” spell at the right opportunity. Buffy packed some weapons in her black leather bag. She felt nervous as she anticipated seeing David again. For some reason, he really unnerved her unlike Spike or Angelus ever did. She suddenly remembered that David was only another vampire. He was neither Spike nor Angelus. He was a killer who had no soul.
Xander met her in the hallway and they walked into the living room together. Willow, Giles and Dawn waited for them. Buffy glanced at Dawn briefly.
“I’m going Buffy and you can’t stop me.”
Buffy shrugged. “Fine with me but if you die, I’m telling.”
Dawn rolled her eyes. “Like I’ve never heard that before!”
The gang walked outside and they all climbed into an unmarked black van. Giles drove toward David’s mansion.
Xander sat on one of the seats in the back of the van gazing down at his black boots. The intense feelings he felt when he held Buffy in his arms only hours ago hit him hard. He glanced at Buffy. She wore her long blond hair in a casual ponytail. She claimed that she needed it out of way when she slayed demons and vampires. There were strands of hair escaping around her face. Xander found himself longing to kiss her lips one more time before he awoke for the dream that he had to be living in right now. In real life, Buffy would have never allowed that kiss to happen. She can screw vampires but when human Xander looked her way, she always threw up the “just friends” card. Xander cursed himself for thinking such irrational thoughts about Buffy. He realized with sudden grief that he was terrified. He was terrified that he would mess things up with her somehow. Their friendship meant more to him than most anything else. He vowed he would not press things with her too fast. He would take things slow if in fact she actually had real feelings for him. At that moment, Buffy glanced at him and flashed him a devastating smile. He simply returned her smile with one of his own.
Willow and Dawn practiced their reversal spell. Willow instructed Dawn when to throw the herb mixture and Willow would chant when it was necessary. This plan would be foolproof, Willow thought as she smiled to herself.
* * * * *
Shina stood looking out her window with a shocked expression on her face. Where was the sun? Shina picked up her book bag from the dining room table and walked toward the front door. Her parents had already left for work that morning.

She left her house and began to walk in the dark toward school. As she walked, she began to imagine living at the Slayer School. Other girls just like her would surround her there. She would be trained how to control her Slayer powers. Maybe she could be helped with the visions she received more often now than ever before.
Out of nowhere, a large, dark colored SUV appeared before her. Before she could react the doors were opened and she was grabbed in by powerful hands.
* * * * *
Giles parked the van about three blocks from the mansion. He looked back at the gang. “It’s time.”
They all piled out of the van and stealthily walked toward the mansion. Xander followed Giles and held a crossbow to his side. Willow and Dawn carried the spell materials. Buffy pulled up the rear and carried another crossbow and a stake.
Once they reached the mansion, Giles motioned for them to move in. Willow and Dawn followed his lead in the front and Buffy and Xander headed to the back.
Buffy looked through a window in the back of the house. No one was currently in that room. She quickly went to work. Xander came up behind her and handed her the stake she dropped. She looked up at him and smiled a knowing smile. I think she remembered the first time they met as well. Suddenly, they heard a fallen branch break behind them. Xander turned around and before he could react, he felt a blunt object strike his head. He fell unconscious to the ground. Buffy looked up and saw a large vampire coming toward her. Without thinking, she placed a high kick to his upper chest but the vampire stayed on his feet. He retaliated with a punch to her face. Buffy easily blocked the punch then kicked out at his legs and he fell hard to the ground. Buffy pounced on him and staked him and he turned to dust.
Buffy ran to Xander. She gathered his head into her lap. “Xander, Xander are you okay?” Buffy asked as she wiped away a tear from her cheek.
Xander stirred slightly and gazed up at Buffy. He noticed the tears in her eyes.
“Buffy, behind you!” Xander yelled.
Buffy looked over her shoulder. She saw David standing behind her. He walked up behind her and pulled her to her feet by her hair. Xander tried to get to his feet to help her but dizziness overcame him and he fell to the ground once more.
“Didn’t think I would be seeing you so soon.” David whispered in her ear. He gave her hair a hard pull.
Buffy whimpered at the pain. Xander felt helpless.
At that moment, Giles and Willow came around the corner. Someone behind them was leading them back there. When Buffy saw who was behind them, she gasped. “Drucilia!”
* * * * *
Shina’s arms ached from the chains that held her to the wall. She continued to pull on the chains in an effort to escape. Suddenly, she heard an outer door open and a tall girl walked into the room.
She smiled at Shina. “Hi, I’m Dawn, Buffy’s sister. I overheard some vamps talking and well, I’m here to rescue you.”
“Are you alone?”
“No, David caught the others. Are you able to fight?”
“Yes! I am ready to kick some ass!”
Dawn smiled wickedly. Dawn closed her eyes for a moment seemingly in deep concentration and the chains fell away from Shina’s wrists.
“How did you do that?”
“I’m not sure. Are you ready?”
Shina nodded enthusiastically and they walked from the basement.
The two girls made their way down the long, dark hallway toward the stairs. They climbed two steps at a time until they reached the top. Dawn cracked the door open and listened for a moment. Dawn gave Shina the signal, she opened the door wider, and they both left the basement. Once they made it past a few doorways, they heard some commotion in the hallway. Dawn and Shina quickly ducked and hid in the room nearby. Dawn left the door cracked and saw Giles and Willow led in by a very thin female vampire in full vamp face.
* * * * *
David still held Buffy captive in his arms. His strength was far beyond any vampire she had ever faced. Xander sat motionless on the ground. Drucilia led Giles and Willow inside. They were unable to reverse the spell because Dawn was nowhere to be found.
Buffy looked down at Xander with tears still in her eyes. David turned her around to face him. “You look lovely tonight, dear heart.” Then with boldness only a Master vampire possessed, he kissed her full on the lips. Buffy tried to move away from his lips but his hold on her was just too strong. She had never faced a vampire of this magnitude. Something was definitely wrong here. She should have been able to take him down with one hand tied behind her back. Suddenly, she heard Dawn’s voice talking to her in her head. “Buffy, they have Shina in here. I am going to rescue her and then she will help me rescue Willow and Giles. Meet us at the van.” Buffy’s shock was short lived and she began to devise some kind of plan to get her away from David. In the next moment, Xander did it for her.
Xander watched this scene from his position on the ground. He ground his teeth together in a rage he had not felt in a very long time. Without even thinking, Xander arose to his feet and charged the vampire that held Buffy in his strong grasp. David merely batted him away as if he were only a fly. Xander landed on the ground with a loud thump. With almost superhuman strength, Xander stood up almost instantly and with all his strength, he yanked Buffy from the vampire’s grasp. Buffy flew to the side and Xander landed a punch square to the Master’s mouth. Blood began to pour from the wound. Buffy finally regained her composure and ran to grab her stake. She charged toward David, plunged the stake into his chest, and then back out again. David began to laugh a maniacal laugh and Buffy watched in horror as the wound in his chest closed immediately. Something was definitely wrong here. Buffy moved toward Xander. Buffy yelled, “Run!”
Xander took off running with Buffy on his heels. Buffy turned around toward Xander and yelled. “We have to run back to the car.”
“But what about the others?”
“Dawn overheard some vampires talking. They have Shina in there and Dawn is going to rescue her. We need to get to the van where they will be waiting for us.”
“Are you sure?” Xander asked, surprise clear in his voice. “How did you talk to Dawn during all of this?”
* * * * *
When Giles and Willow were led near the door that Dawn and Shina were hiding behind, Shina swung into action. She kicked the door open knocking the thin vampire to the ground. Giles and Willow ran out of her grasp. Shina ran toward the female vampire and kicked her hard in the stomach just as she was rising from where she landed. Drucilia landed hard against the stonewall. Dawn told Willow and Giles to run. Willow looked back and yelled the Latin word for “stop”, “Infrontare.” Drucilia stopped in her tracks. Dawn led them back to door where she came in earlier to rescue Shina.
They ran through the yards toward the van. Dawn hoped that Buffy heard her silent telepathic message she sent to her. Willow looked back and saw about five vampires rushing toward them. She ran to Dawn and grabbed her hand. Dawn opened the contents of the plastic bag and threw the herbs up into the night air. They stopped and yelled in unison. “Remove the night and form the light!” Instantly, the sun came out, the five vampires began to burn, and then they turned to dust. Willow was shocked to see David heading toward his house already shielded from the sun by the breezeway. “Damn!” Willow muttered. She grabbed Dawn’s hand they finally made it to the van. Xander was in the driving seat with the motor running. Buffy sat in the passenger seat. The side door was open and the remaining four climbed in the back. Xander gunned the engine just as soon as Giles feet were off the ground. He quickly closed the door behind him.
All was quiet for a few moments and then Dawn laughed. “Telepathy rules”!
Everyone in the car began to laugh nervously, everyone except Buffy.
* * * * *
Once the gang walked into the safety of Buffy’s house, Willow performed a protection spell over her house. Buffy worried that if David was unable to be killed by a stake then the “invitation only” rule may not apply for him either.
They all agreed that Xander, Willow and Shina would stay the night. Shina called her parents and asked permission to stay over with Buffy and Dawn. Since it was a Saturday, they agreed. They met Buffy the night before when she escorted her home.
When Dawn went into her bedroom to make up a cot for Shina, Buffy followed her. “I am very proud of you tonight, Dawn.” Buffy told her from the doorway.
Dawn blushed. “Well, Willow told me that I should be strong enough to use telepathy with those I am closest. She was right.”
Buffy stepped into the room and the door stood slightly ajar. She reached out and gave Dawn a hug. Dawn hugged her back tightly.
As Buffy was about to leave she spied the cherry Chap Stick on the dresser. “Can I have some more?”
Dawn gave Buffy a horrified look.
“No, I did a spell on it earlier.”
Buffy looked at Dawn with an equally horrified look on her face. “What kind of spell Dawn!”
“It was a simple kissing spell. I wanted Alex to feel compelled to steal a kiss from me at Friday’s football game. I completely forgot about it once all the stuff with the Master started going down. Did you use some already?”
Buffy glanced down at the floor. “Yes,” she whispered.
“And? What are you not telling me, Buffy.”
“Xander. He kissed me earlier tonight and...” Buffy’s voice trailed off.
“So it was the spell?” Dawn asked.
“Yes, it was the spell.” Buffy told her, a feeling of dejection washing over her.
Neither sister noticed the shadow in the hallway. Xander had come to find Buffy so they could talk. Xander heard their whole conversation. The spell compelled him to kiss Buffy. Buffy’s reaction to his kiss was only caused by a stupid spell. He felt a tear fill up in one eye and he quickly wiped it away. He walked back toward the stairs with his shoulders slumped in despair.
The End
Coming Soon...Episode 3-Jaded

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