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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1631928
This gives a little backstory before my Season 8 Virtual Series begins.
#682015 added January 1, 2010 at 9:58pm
Restrictions: None
Episode 3-Jaded
Slayers Virtual Season 8
Episode 3 – Jaded
Lizzy Caplan as Eliza Sanders
Jennifer Ehle as Jennifer Sanderson
Johnny Depp as David, the Archangel
Guest Starring:
Soliel-Moon Frye as Jade
Written by Kelley Hawkins
Edited by Melody Nation
Disclaimer: The major characters in these episodes/stories are the creations of Joss Whedon and any and all entities who have a share in them such as Twentieth Century Fox, UPN, Warner Bros or Mutant Enemy Productions. The stories are written by fans and are not intended for profit or to infringe upon or undermine the established copyright of those mentioned above. The situations depicted in these stories (sexual or otherwise) are not intended to harm the reputations of those actors associated with the characters involved. The only things that are ©2004 are those characters that are the creation of the Slayers VS8 staff and the original plotlines of the stories.
Faith felt the blade slide into her stomach. The knife went in easily. The pain engulfed her. She faced Buffy. “You did it. You killed me.”
Suddenly, Faith woke up and looked around her. Her heart pounded in her chest. She sat up and tried to focus on the room around her. She awoke in her apartment in Cleveland, not Sunnydale. It was 3:00 am Saturday morning. She lived far away from Sunnydale now. Her breathing eventually returned to normal.
Faith found herself tangled in her sheets. She untangled herself, left her bed, and walked into her small kitchen. Once in the kitchen she opened the refrigerator and took out a carton of milk. She drank deeply from the container. Faith felt better but still shivered in the cold room. She still forgot to turn on the heat at night. In sunny California, no one ever needed heat.
She picked up the phone in the kitchen. She quickly dialed a number. A groggy voice answered on the other end. “Can I come over? I could use a friend right now.” She smiled, pleased with the other person’s response.
After hanging up, she quickly dressed in a white sweatshirt and a pair of black sweats. She then piled her hair into a lose ponytail and secured it in a cloth band. She picked up her keys from the kitchen counter and left her apartment. She looked around her to get her bearings. She felt somewhat human again as she felt the breeze blowing on her face. She walked toward her black Ford Ranger, started the ignition and began to drive toward her destination.
* * * * *
Faith knocked lightly on the door of another apartment building. A few seconds later, the door opened. Faith smiled at the person standing before her. He looked unkempt with a growth of beard and his hair mussed from a fitful sleep. He smiled back and opened the door wider. She walked into his apartment. She moved toward the living room clearly familiar with its surroundings.
“So, what brings you here at early thirty?” Xander asked a broad smile on his face.
“Just needed to see ya, Xan.” Faith told Xander, slapping him playfully on the shoulder and giving him one of her heart melting smiles.
Act One
A whole week had passed since she and Xander shared their first kiss. Buffy puzzled over why he did not mention the kiss at all to her. Nor did he indicate that he was interested in wanting anything more with her. Even when Xander came over her house he acted like nothing happened between them, but it did. They kissed! He kissed her and she responded to him with a wantonness that she never knew she possessed.
Giles interrupted Buffy’s reverie. “Buffy, the realtor will be here at one to show us some potential buildings for the school. Will you be able to accompany us?”
Buffy still lost in her thoughts hesitated a moment before answering. “Y-yes! I will be there with bells on.”
Giles smiled down at her. “Are you okay? I know Drusilla being here in Cleveland has...” Giles trailed off.
“Drusilla will be dusted soon. I am not worried about an insane vampire bent on revenge against me.” Buffy paused and continued. “I’m worried about the other insane vampire who is bent on revenge against me. Have you found anything on why he didn’t turn to dust when I staked him?”
“I-I’ve been searching but uh-uh I haven’t found anything yet. Willow is researching possible spells that could have been performed to make him impenetrable but she too has hit a brick wall.” Giles told her, disappointment clear in his voice. “Damn! You would think he wore the Gem of Amara but you gave that to Angel.”
Buffy paused. “Yes, and Angel destroyed the ring choosing not to harness its powers.” Buffy said, as she looked down, clearly distraught.
“Good Lord!” Giles exclaimed.
“What?” Buffy asked, surprised.
“What if the power from the Gem of Amara transferred to something else when Angel destroyed it?”
Buffy looked puzzled.
“I need to shift my research to the Gem of Amara once more. Maybe I can find more about how it had been conceived.” Giles told Buffy as he eagerly ran toward his library.
Buffy shook her head. Worry was clear in her expression. “I hope you find it in time.” Buffy muttered to herself.
* * * * *
Faith knocked once on Buffy’s door. After a few minutes, Buffy answered the door. She grinned at Faith. “You ready to tour some buildings today? Giles said the realtor had five that he wants us to see today.”
“Five by five.” Faith said as she walked through the front door.
Buffy smiled. “Maybe it’s a good start then. I don’t think we’ll find anything right away. Giles is very cautious when it comes to spending the money.”
“Where’s Willow and Xan?” Faith asked casually.
“They are meeting us at the first property.”
“Cool!” Faith said.

Buffy looked at Faith. Since they defeated the First, Faith mellowed a great deal. She never wanted to join the others unless absolutely necessary. She hardly ever came to Buffy’s house unless she needed to go on a mission for Giles. Buffy guessed that Robin’s death affected her more than she led on.
“Wanna go to the kitchen for a quick snack. We are waiting on Giles. He kept researching David that he lost track of time and now he is hurrying to get ready.”
“Sure! Food is good anytime!”
Buffy and Faith made their way into the kitchen. They found Dawn sitting on a stool eating a cookie.
Buffy frowned at her. “You and your cookies!”
“Cookies are our friends.” Dawn said as she offered Faith one.
Faith grabbed a cookie and bit into it. “These are good. Who made ‘em??”
“You are looking at her.” Buffy answered. “I have been baking cookies to be Miss Domesticity. Tea cozies and cookies.”
Faith looked confused. “Tea cozies?”
“Yeap! It keeps tea warm.”
Faith shook her head. “I think you’ve been watching too much Food TV, B.”
Dawn laughed. “Yeah, I know she watches that all the time.”
Buffy looked embarrassed. “I’m just trying to find some enticing recipes.”
Dawn smiled. “Yeah so that Xan...”
Buffy glared at Dawn. Dawn did not finish her sentence. Faith crossed her arms over her chest defensively. “I’ll wait in the living room.” Faith told the two sisters and angrily walked into the other room.
“Why did you say that, Dawn?”
“I didn’t know it was some big bad secret.”
“Well, I don’t want everyone to know.”
“But it’s just Faith.”
“Yes, I know but...there is really nothing to tell anyway. We kissed because of your spell. End of story.”
Dawn shrugged her shoulders. “So you think my spell was the only reason that the two of you shared that kiss, then.”
“Well yeah! I don’t want to talk about it anymore, okay?”
“Okay, whatever.”
“Are you coming with us to look at buildings?”
“No, I plan to stay here and finish my History essay that is due like, tomorrow.”
Buffy smiled. “Okay. I’m so glad our lives have some normality anyway.”
“Oh, Liz is coming over to work on her paper, too. Is that okay.”
Buffy hesitated. “Sure as long as you don’t do any spells together.”
Dawn’s bottom lip protruded in a pout. Buffy’s good-natured expression changed to a scowl. “Promise me or no deal.”
“I promise.”
“Spells with Willow only.”
“Okay, okay.” Dawn muttered.
Satisfied, Buffy went into the living room to wait for Giles. As she walked in Faith sat on the sofa with head down and her hands covering her eyes.
Buffy walked behind the dark haired Slayer. “Are you okay?” Buffy asked, placing a gentle hand on her back.
“Yeah. Didn’t sleep well last night is all.”
“Are you sure, Faith? You know you can tell me anything.”
“I’m fine!”
“Okay, okay.”
At that moment, Giles walked down the stairs and greeted the two Slayers. “Are you girls ready?”
Buffy smiled at his “girls” reference. “Yes. We’re ready to face the realtor. But, I’m glad we changed to that nice woman instead of that jerk who sold me this house. What a pervert!”
Giles blushed. “Y-yes, shall we go?”
* * * * *
Giles and Buffy walked into the third property behind the realtor, Jennifer Sanderson. Faith trailed in behind them. The building was located in a residential area of Cleveland Heights. Just as they all lingered in the entry hall, Willow and Xander ran into the building, obviously out of breath.
“Willow, Xander? Everything okay?” Buffy asked.
“Yeah, we just didn’t want to miss this one. Very nice, Ms. Sanderson!” Willow exclaimed.
Buffy looked at Xander. Xander looked around the entry hall intentionally avoiding Buffy’s eyes. “Yeah, Ms. Sanderson. Solid choice.” Xander added, as he knocked on the wooden doorway, trimmed in an elaborate oak trim.
Jennifer looked to Giles for his impression of this building. Giles simply smiled at her shyly.
“H-How many rooms did you say this building has?” Giles asked.
“Thirty-two class rooms, two dormitory areas that will house up to 50 students, a large bathroom area off the dorm area with 24 private showers and bathroom facilities, a large cafeteria, twelve offices with private baths, and a large gymnasium with gymnastic equipment. There are also three recreational rooms, one on each floor.”
Buffy smiled. “Perfect. Not much renovation to be done.” She looked over at Xander. He quickly looked away from her gaze.
“But I will be wiring this place for a large computer network.” Willow said excitedly.
“No, need.” Jennifer responded. “The owner recently wired the building for a T1 and a large network.”
Willow beamed. “Wonderful.”
“We should be approved for our school by the end of the week.” Giles said.
“So, are you ready to make a deal?” Jennifer asked in a soft English accent.
“Yes, I believe we are. Faith you are the only one we haven’t heard from. What do you think?”
“Excellent!” Faith said.
“Very well then, we have a deal. Shall we go sign the papers?”
“Certainly.” Jennifer said and smiled at him her eyes crinkled at the corners.
Suddenly, Buffy remembered one more question to ask. “How old is this building anyway?”
Jennifer paused before answering. “It was built around 1910 and it has had renovations several times over the years.”
“Yeah, but why hasn’t anyone else bought this property. You said it was on the market for how long?”
“Ten years.” Jennifer answered; she suddenly seemed uncomfortable answering all of Buffy’s probing questions.
“That seems unusual for a building of this status to be empty for so long.” Giles quipped. “Do you know why?”
Jennifer turned to Giles. “No, but I can find out for you before you sign the final papers.”
“Obviously we should not be in any rush.” Buffy said. “No one but us has been interested in ten, long years.”
Giles glared at Buffy.
Xander jumped into the conversation by adding. “We should definitely have the building inspected.”
“O-Of course.” Jennifer said.
Buffy looked at Jennifer. “She knew exactly why this building has not been sold. She knows something.” Buffy thought as they all filed out of the school building.
* * * * *
Xander hurried into Buffy’s house behind Buffy, Giles, and Faith. Willow went back to her apartment to research the school building. They all agreed that they wanted to make sure her research matched Ms. Sanderson’s research.
Automatically, Xander made his way into the kitchen in search of a snack. Preferably cheesy. As he passed the refrigerator, he saw a note from Dawn letting Buffy know that she and Liz went to the library. He opened the cabinet that usually held his treasures and paused. The cabinet not only held his favorite cheesy corn chips but his favorite cookies as well. He knew Buffy or Dawn did not eat either of these brands. Xander smiled in spite of himself. He knew that Buffy did the shopping. She must go out of way to buy his favorite snacks for him. He suddenly felt welcomed in her home.
Buffy picked that moment to stroll into the kitchen. Xander smiled at her. He walked up to her and hugged her gently. This gesture surprised Buffy but she hugged him back.
“To what do I owe this affection?” Buffy asked, a blush creeping to her face as she pulled away.
“Thank you for remembering me when you shop.” Xander said, smiling broadly.
“Oh, it’s nothing. Always want you to feel at home here Xander. You know that right.”
Xander nodded. “Buffy...can we talk for a minute?”
“I know about the spell, Buffy?”
Buffy looked up at him quickly with a shocked expression on her face.
“I know that is why we kissed and...”
Buffy could see it in his eyes at that moment. He wanted to kiss her, too that night. Buffy moved toward him and placed two fingers against his lips. Without thinking, Buffy moved against him and stood on her toes so she could reach him. She placed a soft kiss on his lips where her fingers once rested. The kiss was not as passionate between them as last week but that brief encounter of her lips on his told him all he needed to know. She wanted him to kiss her last week, spell be damned. Buffy placed her head on his chest and let him hold her close against him.
“You knew about the spell all this week, right?”
Xander nodded affirmatively.
Buffy moved away from him and looked him directly in the eyes. “When Dawn told me what she did with that chap stick I used before going out that night...Well I thought the same as you that it was the spell but just now the way you looked at me. I knew it wasn’t.”
“Buffy, will you go on a date with me some night?” Xander asked, without pausing before he lost his nerve.
“A date?” Buffy asked playfully. “Why Xander, I thought you’d never ask!”
Xander grinned. This was not high school anymore. Buffy wanted to go out with him, finally!
Buffy matched his grin with one of her own.
“Friday good for you?” Xander asked.
“I’m there.”
“Pick you up at seven?”
“Seven it is. And Xander?”
“Don’t be late!”
Xander smiled once more and placed his arm on her shoulders and they walked into the living room. Faith sat on the couch talking with Giles about the school building. She gave Xander and Buffy a funny look.
Suddenly, Faith stood up. “I better get going. Giles, please give me a call if anyone finds out anything about that building, okay?”
“Absolutely, Faith.” Giles said.
Faith glanced briefly at Xander and Buffy and walked toward the door. Then Buffy spoke up. “Faith, I thought we were going to do some training together.”
“Well, yeah! I’ll be back later tonight, okay. I’ve got something I’ve gotta do right now.”
“Okay, sure. What time, maybe six?”
“Works for me, B.”
Faith quickly turned toward the door and was gone before anyone could say another word. Buffy knew then that Faith would not be back for training at six.
Faith drove back to her apartment. “So what’s going on with Xan and B?” Faith wondered, surprised at the slight feeling of jealousy washing over her. Once she reached her apartment, she parked her truck in her carport and walked toward her front door. The gym bag she held fell to the ground as she saw who was sitting on her front stoop.
“Jade! What the hell are you doing here?”
“Is that all you have to say to your sister after all these years?”
Act Two
Faith stood and glared at her sister. “Like I said before, what the hell are you doing here?”
“Faith, I need your help!”
“I thought you didn’t need me or anyone else. Wasn’t that what you said when you jetted off to Paris? Thought you were so cool and all with your big modeling gig there!” Faith told Jade, her hands waving in anger.
“Faith, I know you have some kind of super powers and you are the only one I knew who could help me. Please!” Jade pleaded.
Faith’s expression softened and so did her resolve. She looked closely at her sister and watched as tears trickled down her cheeks. “What kinda trouble are you in, Jade?”
Jade stood up and met Faith down at the bottom of the stairs. “Can we go for a drive? I don’t feel comfortable talking here, out in the open like this.”
Faith gave her sister a look and led Jade to her truck. Once inside Jade opened her purse and removed a black electronic device. She pressed a button and swept it around the trucks interior. Jade placed the device between them. She glanced over and saw Faith’s puzzled look. “This will prevent a bug from transmitting if there is one here. Just in case! Now will you just drive?”
Faith said nothing but started her truck and drove toward the mall.
“So what is going on with you?” Faith asked as she glanced at her sister.
“Well, I didn’t go to Paris for a modeling job. I was working undercover for a branch of the FBI.”
“Undercover, Sis! You’re an agent?”
“Yes! I work for a branch of the FBI that investigates paranormal cases. I have witnessed quite a few paranormal things such as vampires, demons, aliens...you name it, and I’ve seen it.”
Faith stared straight ahead not saying a word.
“We also know about the Slayer. We know that you are a Slayer and you have been since Kendra died back in 99. We know about Buffy Summers and Rupert Giles being her Watcher. We know about the spell that activated all the potentials into Slayers. We know everything!” Jade told Faith with no emotion in her voice whatsoever.
* * * * *
Dawn walked toward Willow’s car parked in front of the library. Liz yelled goodbye as Dawn climbed into Willow’s car.
“Who was that?” Willow asked.
“Oh, that’s Liz.” Dawn answered.
Willow followed Liz with her eyes until she was gone. Dawn noticed and giggled aloud.
“So, what’s the plan today?” Dawn asked.
“Well, we found a really good place to open the Slayer school but we all think it has a past. I was in the middle of researching when you called me to pick you up.”
“Cool!” Dawn exclaimed. “Do you think it may be haunted or something?”
“We don’t know. All we know right now is that the school building has been empty for 10 years with not even one nibble.” Willow told Dawn.
“Have you found anything in your research?”
“No just that the building used to be a school for the mentally challenged. The school opened in 1955 and then closed 10 years ago. No more information exists for the school after that.”
Dawn had an idea. “Why don’t we go to the school and do a spell there. Maybe we could pick up some kind of paranormal activity there.”
Willow glanced over at Dawn. “That’s an excellent idea. Don’t know why I didn’t think of it. I always try not to use magick and I forgot the obvious.” Willow said then continued. “Plus, if this realtor is to be trusted, she will lend us the key to show us she is not trying to hide something.”
Dawn agreed so Willow headed toward the realtors office. It was 3 pm on a Saturday. Willow had a feeling that Ms. Sanderson sat at her office hard at work researching that old school building at that very moment.
* * * * *
Faith pulled into a convenient store and noisily came to a stop in the parking lot. “What kind of trouble are you in, Jade?”
“I have a file that can prove to the world that all of that exists: vampires, demons and aliens. They don’t want me to expose them. They don’t want the people to know the truth. Pandemonium will be inevitable for them and the government.”
“So, they are hunting you? What can I do? I don’t kill humans.”
“Yes you do!” Jade said, shocking Faith.
“Not anymore! Not ever again!” Faith shouted.
“Yes, well they didn’t send a human after me. They sent a monster to find me. A monster they created for this purpose. This monster looks human but he is not. He is a genetically engineered vampire.”
Faith looked at Jade.
“He cannot be killed the normal way. He cannot be staked; sunlight won’t hurt him, or holy water.”
“What can I do?” Faith asked, feeling helpless for the first time in a long time.
“Kill him!”
“And how do I do that exactly. This thing you are telling me about, it is truly immortal!”
“No, he can be stopped but only by someone who is brave enough to get close enough to stop him!”
“How?” Faith asked.
“This!” Jade exclaimed as she held up a small vial.
“What is that?”
“This is the only poison that can kill him. This is all there is of it in the world!” Jade said.
“What is it?” Faith asked.
“I found a weakness in their killing machine. That’s all you need to know.”
“So where is this thing?”
“Right here in Cleveland. When they made this monster, they chose to make him from another FBI agent. They promised him eternal life. Eternal life but for a price. He was my fiancé. They made him originally as a killing machine against the powers of darkness. They intended him to be a killing machine for the good guy but they didn’t count on the transformation making him insane. They researched Watcher’s journals, books and found an identity for him. In order for him to be trusted among the other vampires, he had to have a past. They made one for him. He is now the Master vampire of this city. His name is David. They call him David, the Archangel.” Jade finished. When she revealed the name of the vampire in question, Jade heard Faith inhale deeply.
“According to legend he was turned right after taking his vows as a priest.” Faith added.
Jade looked at Faith obviously surprised. “How did you know that?”
“He tried to kill my friend Buffy and her friends last week. Claims he has a vendetta against her for killing his Master back in 98.”
Jade swore. “Yes, he thinks he is David, the Archangel. Except the real David was dusted by a Slayer back in 1945.”
“According to Buffy he not only has it in for her but all the Slayers. He tried to lure a new Slayer to his mansion but Buffy met the girl in the middle before she could get there.”
“Like I said, he thinks he is the Archangel. He is insane now. He is not the man I fell in love with anymore. He is evil! He is neither a man nor a demon. He is simply evil incarnate!” Jade said, her voice cracking with emotion.
“What are you not telling me, Jade? Why does he think he really is David, the Archangel.”
Jade stalled before answering. “They used the real David’s blood to genetically engineer him as this vampire. Once they found the demon that once occupied the real David as a vampire, it was a piece of cake. They altered the blood once it was in John’s body. This alteration caused a genetic reaction so that John now thinks he is David, the Archangel. He has all of his memories and his thirst for revenge.”
Faith cursed loudly in the quiet of the truck. “What do you want me do, Jade?”
“With your reputation as a rogue Slayer I want you to get him to trust you. I want you to make him think you are on his side. I want you to pretend that you want Buffy dead...all the Slayers dead. I want you to go uncover for me, Faith. I am not the only one in danger here. You can save thousands of people. Thousands of Slayers!” Jade told her looking her sister in the eyes.
“Does the FBI know that their creation is a piece of evil? Do they know what they’ve done?” Faith asked.
“Yes, and that’s why they are not doing anything to capture him right now. They want me dead because I know the truth about all this.”
Faith stared ahead through the front windshield of her truck. “So how does this poison work?” Faith asked, knowing this plan would have Buffy and her friends think she betrayed them once again. She closed her eyes and a tear trickled down her cheek.
“It’s not as easy as lacing his drink with it. You must become intimate with him so you can rub it on his chest above his heart. A stake will not kill him but this poison will. It will act the same as a stake and he will turn to dust.”
“How do you know it will work?” Faith asked.
“I just do okay?” Jade answered defensively.
“You’re asking me to betray and endanger my friends, romance an insane vampire, and kill him with something you are not sure that works?” Faith asked her voice controlled and even.
“Yes, will you do it?” Jade asked, her voice rising in tone.
Faith looked at her sister. The only one who took care of her after her mother died. This one person loved her unconditionally. Jade took Faith away from her abusive father. The only one she ever trusted until she left her.
“Yes. You know I would do anything for you!”
Jade reached over and kissed Faith on her cheek. “I knew I could count on you, Faith.”
Faith started the engine and headed back to her apartment after making sure no one was following them.
* * * * *
Once Ms. Sanderson loaned them the key, Willow stopped at her apartment to pick up some supplies. She decided to use her Ouija Board to try to contact any spirit that may be residing in the school. She also gathered some sand and candles to make a sacred circle to protect her and Dawn from any evil spirits they might meet. Willow also grabbed her Dustbuster® to vacuum up the sand. Ms. Sanderson did not need to find the place a mess after they left or she would never trust them again.
Willow and Dawn arrived at the school building. Dawn never saw the building until this moment and instantly fell in love with it.
“I would live here with ghosts any day.” Dawn exclaimed. “It’s beautiful!”
“Wait until you see the inside. The entry hall alone is enough to astound you. Dark cherry wood trim all around and a beautiful tray ceiling with the same color molding all around. You won’t believe your eyes.” Willow said.
Willow unlocked the front door. The door swung open exposing the entry hall to Dawn. Dawn inhaled and exhaled quickly. She could not believe her eyes.
“I bet Xander had an orgasm when he saw this room.” Dawn said.

”Dawnie, watch your mouth.” Willow admonished, trying to hide the smile creeping across her lips. “You never mince words, young lady.” Willow added.
“Nope, that I don’t do.” Dawn admitted.
Willow set to work. Dawn helped her by lighting the candles. Willow opened the box and removed her Ouija Board.
“You know...” Willow began. I blessed this board along time ago when I used it by myself when I was still a teenager. I never knew what I would contact. Even a Wicca had to be extra careful when using one of these things. And to think, one could own a Ouija by simply going to their local Wal-Mart and picking one up in the toy section.” Willow shook her head as she sat in the middle of the sacred circle she just completed.
Dawn sat down across from her. Willow looked up and began to chant to the Goddess. “Goddess, protect us from evil spirits. Blessed be.” They both placed their hands on the planchette. Willow asked it a question. “Is there anyone here?” The planchette did not move. “Is there anyone here?” Willow asked again. Still there was no activity on the board. “One more time.” Willow told Dawn. “Do you have anything to say?” Nothing.
Dawn looked up at Willow. “Can I try?”
“Go for it.”
Dawn closed her eyes and with her fingers lightly touching the planchette she began. “Did anyone die here?” Suddenly, the planchette started to move around in a figure eight then moved to “YES.”
“I read about this.” Willow said. “Sometimes the spirit only likes a certain person.”
Dawn glared at her. “Ssshhh.” Dawn continued. “What is your name?” The planchette began to move faster as it spelled out several names never pausing between names, “Donsueharoldrhondapaul.” The planchette came to an abrupt halt.
“How did you die?” Dawn asked and then waited. Nothing! Dawn tried again. “How did you die?” Suddenly, the planchette moved quickly across the board and out of their hands and crashed against the far wall.
Dawn looked over at Willow. Her eyes were all white. Willow began to talk in several voices all at once. “We were all driven insane first then Mother killed us.”
Dawn asked. “Where is your mother?”
The many voices spoke again. “She’s right behind you.”
Act Three
Faith and Jade reached her apartment ten minutes later. Jade looked around her to be sure no one followed them. They both left the safety of the truck and walked up to Faith’s door. Faith unlocked the door and once inside, Jade took out yet another device turned it on and began sweeping it around the room. She swept it near lamps and tables and near the TV. Once she finished sweeping the entire apartment, she replaced the device back into her purse. “You’re apartments clean. No one’s listening to us.”
“Thank God for that.” Faith said, as a creepy feeling washed over her. She did not like the idea of someone spying on her.
“They don’t know you’re my sister because I changed my name when I became an agent. As far as they know, I don’t have any family.”
Faith looked down. “I never imagined myself with a family, either. Not until I met Buffy and her mother. They were the type of family that I wanted to belong. Ya know? They cared deeply for each other and then...” Faith’s voice trailed off.
“And then what?” Jade asked, curious.
“Buffy’s mom died a couple of years ago. She had an aneurism and died instantly. Buffy found her body.” Faith could envision the whole sequence of events as they played out after Buffy found Joyce’s body because Faith had a dream about Joyce’s death. She knew without Buffy or anyone telling her how devastated, Buffy and Dawn, everyone for that matter, was over Joyce’s death. Even that girl Anya took it hard. Faith shook her head out of her reverie.
Jade nodded. “Yes, you took it the hardest when Mom died. I remember rocking you to sleep that night. You cried in my arms, Faithy.” Jade said as her eyes filled up with tears.
Faith quickly changed the subject. “So, how is this all gonna play out, Jade. When do you want him dead?”
“As soon as you can get close enough to him to make it happen, Faith. But you must be careful! I know you can take care of yourself in a fight but you have never fought a man like John...uh David. He is evil. There is other nice way to say it.”
“Okay, I’ve dealt with evil before, Jade. I think I can handle this one.” Faith said, sarcasm filling her voice. Her arms gestured wildly. Buffy never did tell her what happened between her and David other than her trying to stake him and he didn’t “go poof.” But Faith saw the fear in B’s eyes when she told her about that night. Buffy feared David. It was obvious in her eyes and her body language. Yet another thing B doesn’t want to tell me. “If you can’t share your fear with another Slayer, who can you share it with, B.” Faith thought to herself.
Jade looked deeply into Faith’s dark brown eyes. Little Sis, please take my advice for once in your life. You need to be careful and act your ass off. I know you can do it. I have faith in you!” Jade said, laughing at her own joke.
Faith smiled in spite of herself. “You are the only one, Jade, who can make me laugh at a time like this.”
* * * * *
Dawn looked behind her. An female apparition floated behind her head. Dawn could feel the hairs on the back of her neck standing at attention.
“Get out of here!” The many voices coming from Willow screamed.
The female apparition behind Dawn did not speak.
“You are all caught here on this plane. Once you all accept your fate you will be free.” Dawn said. “You must move toward the light and fulfill your destiny.”
The voices from within Willow spoke once more. “But we must have our revenge.”
Suddenly, a stiff breeze blew around them causing the candles to extinguish. Dawn heard a loud crash beside her and realized that the Ouija board no longer sat before them on the floor. It was what crashed against the wall. The room grew frigid dropping at least 30 degrees. Dawn looked over at Willow and noticed that she closed her eyes.
“Willow, are you okay?” Dawn yelled.
Everything suddenly stopped. The room was quiet.
Willow opened her eyes and Dawn saw fear in her eyes.
“Are you okay?” Dawn asked Willow.
“Just remind me NEVER to use a Ouija again in a haunted house.” Willow told Dawn and then she fell back against the wood floor unconscious.
* * * * *
Buffy and Giles sat talking in the living room when Willow and Dawn came in around 8 PM. Buffy arose from the couch a look of concern on her face when she saw Willow’s shallow skin tone.
“What happened?” Buffy exclaimed as she rushed to Willow’s side.
“Well, let’s just say that there is definitely paranormal activity at the school building. However, Willow and I can get rid of them after some R & R. Those spirits were very powerful and Willow was possessed with about five of them as the same time.”
Giles lifted Willow in his arms, laid her on the couch, and prompted a pillow under her head. Willow did not respond. She simply stared into space. He glanced up a Dawn, alarm clear in his handsome features. “Is she going to be alright, Dawn?” Giles asked.
“Yes, I think she just needs some rest. I’ve read that possession by one spirit exhausts a person almost into a coma but at least five spirits possessed her. Willow is strong. We talked a little on the way back here.”
“You drove?” Buffy asked, shocked.
“Of course! I did not think Willow could hold her head up long enough to steer the car. Besides I have my learner’s permit and I was with a licensed driver!”
Suddenly, Willow began to laugh. Once she started to could not stop. Giles shook his head and said, “Oh bloody hell. The human race is most certainly doomed!”
* * * * *
Xander sat beside Willow’s bed while Willow slept. He held her hand in his own urging her to wake up. He wanted to tell her about his upcoming date with Buffy. He knew she was only sleeping but he couldn’t help but worry with all that spirit possession going on.
Willow stirred beside him. He greeted her with a broad smile as she opened her eyes.
“Hey, Will. How you feeling?” Xander asked.
“Like I’ve been possessed by five spirits.” Willow answered.
“I remember how it felt being possessed by that Thaugamagigy.”
“Thaumogenesis demon.” Willow laughed. “That spirit we made after I resurrected Buffy. The “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” demon. But Buffy kicked its ass once we made it solid.” Willow said as she remembered.
“Yeah, those were the good ole days.” Xander said and had a far away look in his eyes.
Willow giggled. “So, how is everything with Buffy?”
“Well now that you asked we are going out on a date type date this Friday.” Xander said and a proud grin lit up his whole face.
“Wow, how did that happen?” Willow exclaimed. “The last I heard you were all pissed that Buffy d-didn’t kiss you ‘cause she wanted too but b-because of Dawn’s chap stick spell.”
“Yeah well, I saw the cheesy chips?”
“Huh?” Willow asked, confused.
“Yeah, the cheesy chips that Buffy buys just for me without fail every time she goes to the grocery store.”
“Okay, mister I may just be waking from an almost coma but even so, you are not making sense.”
“Let’s just say that I know Buffy wanted me to kiss her. How’s that?”
Willow smiled. She grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes. “I know this is something you have waited for s-since Buffy first came to Sunnydale. A-and I know that over the years that infatuation has grown for you. I think that is why you couldn’t marry Anya. Your heart belonged to Buffy.”
Xander looked away from Willow. A look of guilt washed over his face when Willow reminded him of Anya. “I loved Anya, Will. I did but...”
“B-but not like you love Buffy. Do you think she knows you love her, Xand?”
“The whole world knows I love her, Willow. I’m sure she has a clue.” Xander said as he rose from his chair. “Do you need anything? Want me to do the Snoopy dance for ya?”
Willow laughed. “Nope, I want you to go see Buffy and give her another kissy face.”
Xander rolled his eyes. “You might wanna sleep some more Will. You’re starting to sound like a teenager again.”
Willow yawned and without realizing it, lapsed into sleep once more.
* * * * *
Giles placed a call to Jennifer Sanderson. She answered her phone on the fourth ring. “I hope I did not disturb you Ms. Sanderson at this late hour but I wanted to let you know that we have decided to purchase the school building.”
“I never returned to you with the past history of the place and...”
“No, we are willing to make a deal a soon as possible. Can you handle that for us?”
“Certainly, I can make an offer to the owner tonight. What is your first offer for the place?”
“One point five.”
Jennifer inhaled sharply. “He will never accept that price he...”
Giles interrupted. “Tell him not a penny more than one point five o-or he can forget it.”
Jennifer smiled on the other end of the phone. “Of course, Mr. Giles. I will propose that offer but I don’t think he will agree...”
“He’ll agree, Ms. Sanderson. I assure you of that. And please, call me Rupert.”
“Only if you call me Jennifer.”
“Deal. Please call me as soon as you know something and we can sign a contract with you.”
“Certainly, Mr. Giles...I mean Rupert.”
Giles replaced the receiver in its cradle, opened the book on his desk, and began to read. He continued with his research on the Gem of Amara but could not find anything different than he already knew. “Damn!” Giles cursed the empty room.
Act Four

It was dark as Faith ran through the cemetery. The vampire ran from her in a desperate attempt to escape. She finally caught up to her prey and pulled him easily to the ground. She dived on top of him and then punched him in the mouth. The vampire moaned underneath her. He had dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. Suddenly, he rose up and placed a passionate kiss on Faith’s full lips. She responded to him with equal passion.
“Shall we play again, pet?” The vampire asked her.
“Only if you let me win!” Faith quipped.
“You’ll win all right!” The vampire said as he rolled her over. He now held the advantage as he straddled himself above her. “But let us play the game, first.” He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed Faith hard on the lips. He moved his tongue into her mouth. Faith responded as she caressed his tongue with her own. The vampire reached down, cupped her breast in his hand, and squeezed. Faith moaned in ecstasy.
“Yes, more, more, David. I want you right here and right now!” Faith whispered as she flipped him over so she was once again atop him. She unzipped her leather pants and moved her hand down to David’s zipper. She unzipped his pants and she rose a bit and then he was instantly inside her. Faith screamed when suddenly the vampire turned into dust underneath her.
Faith jerked awake and looked around her bedroom in confusion. Her hair was damp from sweat. Jade lay beside her in her bed. She ran a hand through her hair and got out of bed quietly so not to wake Jade. She tiptoed into her small living room and picked up the phone. She quickly dialed Xander. He answered on the second ring this time.
“Hey, can you talk a minute.”
“Yeah, sure. I just walked in the door actually. I’ve been with Willow. Her and Dawn had an encounter with five ghosts tonight.”
“Wow, what happened?”
“Oh, the school building we were looking at today is haunted.”
“Are we buying it?”
“Cool!” Faith said suddenly feeling better after hearing Xander’s voice.
* * * * *
Buffy answered the door after the doorbell rang for the third time. Jennifer Sanderson stood on the front porch looking back at her car while waiting for someone to answer.
“Yes?” Buffy asked.
“I couldn’t wait to share the news. The owner accepted Rupert’s offer. We can draw up the papers on Monday. The school building is yours!”
Buffy looked back over her shoulder as Giles approached the entry hall. “Did ya hear? We got the school.” Buffy said unenthusiastically. She walked out of the entry hall toward the kitchen muttering to herself about ghosts and slaying. Giles smiled at Jennifer.
“Please, Jennifer won’t you come it. I was just making some tea.”
“Oh how lovely.” Jennifer exclaimed.
Giles smiled. “When’s the last time you had some hot Earl Grey?”
“Since I was last in England actually.”
Giles led them into the dining room where he had the tea tray waiting. They sat at the large dining room table. “When was that?”
“Five years ago. When I left for good.”
Giles did not probe any further when he saw the sour expression on her face. Instead he decided a change of subject was most appropriate.
“So how did the pitch to the owner go last night?”
“You were right, Rupert. He did not hesitate to accept your offer. You are a shrewd business man.”
“How about well-informed?” Giles asked, a smile creeping to his lips as he drank a sip of his tea.
Jennifer simply looked at him with a confused look on her face.
* * * * *
Jade opened her eyes when Faith walked into her bedroom. The clock on the end table told her it was way past time to get up.
“Why’d you let me sleep so late, Faithy?” Jade asked, automatically calling Faith by her pet name.
“Well, Sis, I figured that you haven’t been able to sleep in like this in...well forever so I thought I’d give ya a break for a change.”
Jade smiled up at the dark haired Slayer. She sat up, grabbed her robe from the foot of the bed, and quickly put it on. “It’s freezing in her!” Jade exclaimed.
“Damn, forget that pesky heater again!” Faith shouted as she ran toward the thermostat in the hall.
“Not used to heaters in Californ-i-a, huh? Jade asked, a smile creeping to her lips.
“How’d ya guess?”
Jade smiled and made her way into the small bathroom. Once inside she turned on the water for a shower. Then, she sat down on the edge of the bathtub, placed her head in her hands and began to cry.
* * * * *
Dawn let herself into Willow’s apartment. She carried a bag of Willow’s favorite donuts. Willow was still in bed so Dawn walked into her bedroom. She sat in the chair that Xander occupied the night before and starred down at the red headed beauty. Her features were flawless. Dawn observed. She reached up to brush a hair from Willow’s cheek when Willow began to stir from her slumber.
“Dawnie!” Willow exclaimed.
“I’ve come with donuts.”
“What else is there?”
After Willow ate her donuts, she felt ready to leave the comfort of her bed. They both walked into the living room. Dawn sat on the loveseat and Willow almost fell down beside her.
“Whew, being possessed sure takes its toll on a body!”
Dawn laughed and then suddenly sobered. “Willow, you really scared me yesterday o-or those spirits scared me. I can’t believe Giles bought that place anyway.”
A look of fear replaced Willow relaxed features and then vanished just as quickly. “W-well, we can handle a few ghosts, right?”
Dawn did not feel as sure as Willow tried to sound but she nodded anyway.
* * * * *
Faith waited for Jade to immerge from the bathroom before putting the toast in the toaster. She made some scrambled eggs and sausage links. Jade’s favorite.
Jade smiled when she saw Faith’s offering.
“So, when are you going to make contact?” Jade asked getting right down to the business.
“Today.” Faith answered her voice casual as if simply discussing the weather.
“How do you plan to do it?” Jade asked.
“I have my ways, okay!” Faith said her tone sarcastic.
“Fine! I was just going to give you some pointers. I know him like...”
Jade looked down at her eggs. “Yes.” She whispered.
“Come on, let’s not discuss this. I am a Slayer. I can handle this gig, okay!” Faith told her sister and smiled.
* * * * *
Buffy nervously knocked on Xander’s door. After a few moments, he answered. He smiled widely when he saw who his visitor was. Xander wore only a robe.
“Sleeping late?” Buffy asked.
“Yeah, I was up late with Willow last night.”
“How’s she doing? Did you know Giles bought that school building? Don’t it make you just wanna go, ugh!”
Xander laughed. “Well, we have fought worse things than ghosts.”
“You got that right.”
“So, what brings you here Buff?”
“This!” She said as she held up a brown bag.
He opened the bag and found two jelly donuts. He smiled up at her.
“It’s about time I brought you donuts for a change.” Buffy said, as she breezed in through his door.
Xander followed her in. They both sat on his small sofa lost in their own thoughts. Without a moments hesitation they were in each other’s arms. Xander caressed Buffy’s hair as he kissed her gently on the lips. Buffy increased the intensity of the kiss by sliding her tongue into his mouth. Xander moaned loudly and he pulled her closer to him. His robe opened at the top and revealed black chest hair. Buffy ran her hand through his hair there and found an erect nipple. She gently pinched it causing the reaction she craved. Xander practically squealed his delight. Xander continued the kiss that left them suddenly breathless. He pulled away from Buffy and looked down at her swollen lips. He brushed his thumb against her bottom lip and she took it into her mouth. “Xander!” She whispered.
“I want you so much right now, Buffy that I can’t stand it but this is not how it should happen. I want you to want it as much as I do.”
Buffy looked at him with a confused expression on her face. “How can I not want you anymore than I do right now?” Buffy asked.
“When you love me, Buffy! I want you to love me first.” Xander told her.

Buffy rose to her feet and angrily stomped out of his apartment! And out of his life? Xander wondered.
* * * * *
At approximately 1 pm, Faith rode her newly purchased motorcycle toward David’s mansion. She waited near a patch of bushes until she saw his limousine move down the driveway toward her. Once the car reached the end of the driveway, Faith sprang into action. She leaped off the motorcycle and onto the roof of the car. The front doors opened quickly and two huge bodyguards emerged.
Faith smiled at them seductively as she easily jumped from the roof. “I need to talk to your boss for a minute, okay boys.”
The window in the back electronically opened. David peered out and gazed at Faith. “It’s okay guys.” He glanced back at Faith and then the back door opened. Faith climbed into the comfort of the limousine.
“Now what do I owe this pleasure, Ms...”
“It’s Faith and I’ve got what ya want.”
“And what’s that, Faith?” David asked his voice husky.
“Buffy Summers.”
The End
Coming Soon...Episode 4-Remembrance

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