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This gives a little backstory before my Season 8 Virtual Series begins.
#682024 added January 1, 2010 at 10:50pm
Restrictions: None
Episode 9 – Memories of You-Part 2
Slayers Virtual Season 8

Episode 8 – Memories of You-Part 2

Guest Starring:
David Boreanez as Angel
James Marsters as Spike


Matt Long as Alex Sanders
Lizzy Caplan as Eliza Sanders
Nanako Matsushima as Shina Taji
Jennifer Ehle as Jennifer Sanderson
And Johnny Depp as David, the Archangel
Navi Rawat as Dana Monroe
Christa B. Allen as Anna Monroe

Written by Kelley Hawkins
Edited by Melody Nation

Disclaimer: The major characters in these episodes/stories are the creations of Joss Whedon and any and all entities who have a share in them such as Twentieth Century Fox, UPN, Warner Bros or Mutant Enemy Productions. The stories are written by fans and are not intended for profit or to infringe upon or undermine the established copyright of those mentioned above. The situations depicted in these stories (sexual or otherwise) are not intended to harm the reputations of those actors associated with the characters involved. The only things that are ©2004 are those characters that are the creation of the Slayers VS8 staff and the original plotlines of the stories.

Act Three

Willow and Xander arrived to Buffy’s and Dawn’s house within fifteen minutes. Dawn waited for them in the living room. She paced back and forth between the door and the fireplace. Finally, Willow arrived first. Dawn promised herself that she would not act strangely toward Willow but when Willow instinctively pulled Dawn to her and embraced her in a hug, Dawn stopped breathing. She felt a slight tingle flow through her. “This can’t be happening,” Dawn thought.

“Xander here yet?” Willow asked anxiously.

“Nope, not yet.”

Willow nodded and moved to sit on the sofa facing the fireplace.

“So, Faith contacted you telepathically?”

“Yeah, I was totally shocked.”

Willow considered this for a moment then she said, “Well, she must not be hurt because it takes a lot of energy to telepathically talk to someone. Even someone as strong as you Dawn.”

Dawn smiled. “That’s reassuring,” Dawn said.

“But how do we get into the basement to save them?” Willow asked.

“I have a plan, kind of.”

“Well, let me have it!”

“Let’s wait for Xander,” Dawn said, buying some time.

“Sure, no problem.”

Suddenly, they could not find anything to talk about. That was very strange considering they could always strike up some interesting conversations. Dawn chalked it up to her being tense being around Willow. Willow thought that Dawn was still mad at her. Thankfully, they did not have to wait long for Xander. Dawn let Xander in and then Dawn had Willow and Xander both facing her.

Willow asked, “So what’s your plan, Dawnie?”

* * * * *

Dana and Anna were amazed with the penthouse. Dana smiled at Wesley and again Wesley was amazed at the transformation of this girl –er- woman.

“I trust the accommodations are sufficient?” Wesley asked the girls in his cool British tone.

“Y-Yes,” Dana said, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

Wesley noticed Dana’s withdrawal and suddenly moved toward her. He expected her to flinch but she stood immobile in the middle of the room.

“Dana, you’ve been through a great deal in your life and since we sent you to Buffy you’ve made a marvelous transformation. That is something to be proud of Dana. Please don’t ever feel ashamed. That maniac made you suffer for his own pleasure. Remember that you are not to blame for the evilness of that man,” Wesley told Dana.

Tears filled Dana’s eyes. “I was so close to giving up and then I had a dream that my sister Anna was alive,” Dana told him, pulling her sister to her side. “Then I knew I had to live and be strong for her. She needed me.”

“You are very brave and strong, Dana. Don’t you forget that.”

“Think Spike will ever forgive me for –er- cutting his arms off?”

Anna gasped.

Dana glanced at Anna. “Spike’s a vampire and...well I heard they had very good surgeons to fix him again.”

“Cool...I think,” Anna said.

“Spike understands that we can all go a little crazy sometimes”, Wesley said and then smiled. “You two get some rest. Buffy should be back soon.”

Wesley walked to the elevators. He didn’t know what to expect when Buffy called to tell him they were coming. He expected to find Dana just as she left them but she was completely sane once more. “It’s funny what the love of family can do to a person,” Wesley thought to himself.

* * * * *

“Luv?” Spike asked Buffy as he held her back. Buffy still crouched on the ground in an almost fetal position.

“I remember. Oh God! How could he have known what we had all that time?” Buffy looked up at Spike then. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her eyes were wet with tears. Buffy straightened up then when she saw the concerned look on the vampire’s face.

“Remember what, Buffy?”

Buffy ignored his question. She rose to her feet and then quickly ran her hands over her face in an attempt to wipe away the tears. Under her eyes were probably black with mascara but for once she didn’t care. “I have to go to him!” Buffy yelled and then took off running toward Wolfram and Hart headquarters.

Spike quickly followed her. He was very concerned with her condition and wanted to make sure she got back all right. He couldn’t fathom what she went on about. What did she remember and whom did she have to go to? Angel? Spike cursed himself when he felt the familiar jealousy course through him. She no longer needed him. To her he was only a past memory. She had Xander now and he was a “real” boy. Spike continued to follow Buffy trying not to think about what he lost.

* * * * *

Buffy raced to the building and took out the card key. Once she had access to the building, she ran to the bank of elevators. She pressed the number for Angel’s floor. She waited impatiently while the elevator made its descent. Finally, the doors opened to what appeared to be an apartment. She had to be the wrong floor. She stared at all the things around her. She turned back toward the elevators to try again when she heard his voice.


“Angel,” Buffy whispered.

Angel stood before her. He wore only his black pants. His chest was bare. He moved toward the chair and quickly grabbed his black shirt. When he turned, she saw the tattoo on his back. He put on the shirt but didn’t bother to button it. He moved toward her then. He took in her unkempt state and her red face smeared with makeup and knew she’d been crying.

“What is it, Buffy?”

“I remember, Angel. I remember everything!”

Angel’s heart would have stopped now if he had a heartbeat. He moved toward her and took her in her arms. He knew what she remembered and it tore him in two.

* * * * *

Dawn didn’t speak for a moment and then said, “David is obsessed with Buffy, right?”

“Yeah, so? Buffy is in L.A. right now. How is that little fact gonna help us now?” Xander asked sarcastically.

“What about a glamour spell?”

Willow smile broadly and Xander simply looked confused.

“Willow and I can do a glamour spell so that I look like Buffy. From what I’ve read about David he is very psychotic. He may not see Buffy as a danger as he would one of us. Especially if I...er...try to seduce him.”

“NO!” Willow shouted. “Out of the question.”

“What? Do the glamour spell on Xander there?” Dawn asked and Xander visibly flinched at that thought.

Dawn faced Willow and looked her directly in the eye. “And you’re all gay now!”

It was Willow’s turn to flinch.

“Dawn, this could be dangerous. If Buffy were here, she would not allow this.”

“If Buffy were here she would do it herself. Willow, not only am I a powerful witch, I can handle myself if a fight. Once I free Faith she can help us get out of there.”

Willow walked to the couch and sat down. She looked down at her toes while she thought about it some more.

“You’re right, Dawn. There’s no other way!”

“Have you both ate the mystical Wheaties this morning because you have both lost your minds!” Xander said, annoyed.

Willow simply gave him a resolve face. “We are doing this Xander. This is the only way. We can’t let Faith and her sister die at David’s hands!”

Xander nodded finally realizing that he could not fight two witches.

Act Four

“When did you remember, Buffy?” Angel whispered.

“Tonight! I had to kill a Mohra demon. His blood mixed with my blood. After Spike and I...”

Angel let go of her and then held her at arms length. “Spike?”

“He followed me when I went for a walk.”


“After Spike and I killed it I was brought to my knees with a pain in my head. Then the pain was a moving picture. It was almost like watching a movie, Angel,” Buffy said and a small whimper escaped from her.

She took a deep breath. “Can we sit down?”

“Of course,” Angel said as he guided her to a black suede couch.

Buffy sniffed and then looked up into Angel’s eyes. “I saw you walking out into the sunlight just before you kissed me. It was like a dream come true. For so long I had wanted that for you. For us...”

“Buffy, I...”

“You knew about it all this time and you didn’t tell me!” Buffy suddenly shouted. She stood up and faced him. “How could you do that to me?”

“You needed to get on with a normal life, Buffy. Normal is not in my vocabulary,” Angel told her.

“Since when is normal within mine?”

Angel cursed and stood to his full height. He thought about asking Buffy to leave but she turned toward him then.

“I felt your heart beat,” Buffy whispered in the semi-dark room.

Angel moved toward her once more and gathered her in his arms. He surprised her with what he said next. “How would Xander feel about this?”

Buffy gasped and looked into his eyes. “He’d hate me...but only if...”

Angel placed two fingers over her lips. Once he hushed her, he took her lips with his own. He kissed her deeply, losing himself in her softness. Buffy pulled away from him.

“After all this time, I know now, more than ever, why we can’t be together. In those visions, I could also feel how you felt when you asked the Powers that Be to change you back. I felt how much you loved me. So much that you gave up the dream of being human. How did you do it Angel? How did you go on with life knowing what we had, what we did?”

“Knowing you were safe was all that mattered to me, Buffy.”

“It’s too late for us now. I know that, Angel. I belong with Xander, now,” Buffy said through tears as she looked down. Angel felt her hair brush his chest through his open shirt. He simply held her tighter and let her cry.

* * * * *

Willow prepared the ingredients for the glamour spell. Included was a picture of Buffy. Dawn felt nervous but knew this was something she had to do.

Willow lit a pink candle.

“Gaze into the light, Dawn”,

Dawn began to gaze into the light of the pink candle. “Blazing Fire as you dance, call upon my sacred glance. Call upon my second sight; give me Buffy’s appearance with your sacred light. Blazing fire shining bright, give me now my second sight.”

Willow had her eyes closed while concentrating with Dawn. Dawn repeated the chant two more times. Once Dawn completed the chant for the last time, Willow opened her eyes.

“Did it work?” Dawn asked.

Willow smiled, “Hey, Buffy!”

Xander came into the room at that moment and then dropped the ax that he held when she saw Dawn as Buffy.

“Now, that is just creepy!” Xander said, even though he wanted to kiss the fake Buffy.

Dawn laughed, “You loooove me...you want me....”

Willow and Xander looked at Dawn.

“You look like Buffy but you still sound like Dawn,” Willow exclaimed.


* * * * *

Buffy pulled away from Angel then and simply walked from the room. There were no more words to say to him. It was finally over. The finality weighed heavy on her heart but she felt good inside. She felt Xander’s love for her as she never felt it before. She turned to Angel just before the elevator door opened. She smiled at him. He smiled back at her as a tear trickled down his face.

Buffy reached the penthouse floor and when the elevator doors opened, she found Spike staring at her.

“What the hell are you doing here, Spike?”

“I wanted to see if you were all right, pet. And now that I see you are, I’ll be going right about now.” Spike turned toward the open elevator door.

“Wait,” Buffy said.

Spike turned toward her.

“I’m sorry I left you like that. I just had to see Angel.”

“So it was Angel, was it?”

“Yes. The operative word being “was”.

Spike’s face brightened. Buffy rolled her eyes. “Spike, we need to talk.”

Buffy led Spike to the white leather couch. She looked about the semi-dark room and was pleased to find that Dana and Anna had already went to bed.

“Spike, seeing you alive – or – here really surprised me.”

“And you are deeply devoted to Xander now”, Spike said.

Buffy looked deeply in to Spike’s eyes. “Yes, Spike, I am. I never thought I could find the happiness that I always wanted. Turns out, he was right there all along.”

“I knew even when you told me you loved me – at the end there that you were lying.”

Buffy looked down and then quickly looked back up. “No, Spike, at the time I did love you but it was more of a goodbye, just as it has to be now.”

“I understand, pet. But why did you kiss me when you saw me?”

Buffy looked embarrassed suddenly and she blushed. Spike smiled at her slight discomfort.

“Oh, God! Why do you vampires have to analyze everything I do and say?” Buffy exclaimed and then looked up at Spike and laughed. He laughed with her too. They both realized that they would be okay with the way things were and their friendship would never end.

* * * * *

“So, you can just keep your mouth shut when you break into David’s fortress”, Xander told Dawn/Buffy.

“Yeah, Xander that should work at seducing him.”

Willow laughed as she drove toward the mansion. “You aren’t seducing him! Only flirting with him while Xander and I get Faith and her sister out of the basement.”

Dawn/Buffy rolled her eyes. She looked so much like Buffy that Willow and Xander laughed together.

“This isn’t funny, you guys. We must concentrate now.” Dawn scolded them.

Within a few more minutes, they approached the mansion. Willow parked the car out of site. They moved toward the gate and then Willow called out, “Lax!”

The gate opened before them. They moved across the grounds toward the massive house. Dawn moved ahead of them. She went to the front door and rang the doorbell while Willow and Xander moved to the back of the mansion.

A female vampire in full vamp face answered the door. “The slayer!” She cursed.

“I need to see David. It’s an emergency.”

The vampire smirked at her. She had been given explicit orders that if the Slayer were to visit this mansion they were to let her in immediately.

The vampire opened the door allowing Dawn/Buffy to enter.

“Right this way.”

Dawn/Buffy followed her to a closed door. She knocked once. Her heart began to pound when she heard David’s reply. “Come in, if you must.”

“The Slayer is here to see you, Sir.”

“Send her in”,

Dawn/Buffy walked in to David’s study. He sat in the chair behind the huge desk.

“So, I see you are here to save your people.” He said people like a curse.

Dawn/Buffy did not say anything. She just moved toward him then she began to cry. David looked at her in complete puzzlement.

“Whatever is the matter with you, Slayer.” He cleared his throat. “Er-Buffy?”

Dawn/Buffy just continued to cry. He moved toward her then and patted her on the back clearly uncomfortable in this roll. “There, there.”

* * * * *

Willow and Xander reached the back door entrance nearest the basement. Once more, Willow called out, “Laxo!” The door opened before them. Instantly, a male vampire sprang toward them. Xander was ready with a stake and immediately plunged it into the vampire’s heart. He turned to dust with a surprised expression on his face.

Xander and Willow walked into the basement and were not prepared for what they found. David had Faith chained to the wall. She cried heavily, her voice horse. No visible tears fell, almost as if she had no more tears to cry. Another woman, beautiful, with long, dark hair had also been chained to the wall, but she didn’t move.

Faith looked up at Willow and Xander. Her eyes held fear as well as sorrow.

Willow chanted a spell to release Faith’s bindings. Once Faith was free, she quickly moved to her sister. She simply looked at Willow. Willow chanted once more and Jade fell into Faith’s arms. They moved quickly out of the basement and then to the backyard. Xander and Willow led Faith to the car.

Then once they were all safe inside, Willow sent Dawn/Buffy a message.

* * * * *

Dawn/Buffy continued to cry as David looked at her as if she were suddenly insane.

“Why are you hear Slayer?”

Dawn heard Willow’s message at that same moment.

“For this!” Dawn yelled as she placed a high kick to the vampire’s chest. He fell back into his heavy desk. Dawn/Buffy made a run toward the door. She knew the vampire would be on the other side. She yelled the latin word for “to burn”, “Aduro!” The female vampire turned to ashes right before her eyes. She moved toward the door and another vampire came toward her. She kicked him in the knee as hard as she could and once the vampire was down, she pulled a stake from her pocket and plunged it into his heart.

She was out the door instantly after the last slaying. She ran toward the car not bothering to look behind her.

* * * * *

Willow, Xander, Dawn and Faith carrying Jade ran into the Slayer school. Faith immediately took Jade to the medical ward. The doctor was patching up a younger Slayer by the name of Meg.

“Please, help her!” Faith cried.

The doctor immediately moved toward Faith and Jade. He checked Jade’s vitals. “She’s alive but her pulse is very slow. What happened to this girl?”

Everyone, including Faith shrugged their shoulders in complete ignorance.


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