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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1631928
This gives a little backstory before my Season 8 Virtual Series begins.
#682027 added January 1, 2010 at 10:19pm
Restrictions: None
Episode 11 – Lonely Hearts
Slayers Virtual Season 8

Episode 11 – Lonely Hearts


Matt Long as Alex Sanders
Lizzy Caplan as Eliza Sanders
Nanako Matsushima as Shina Taji
Jennifer Ehle as Jennifer Sanderson
And Johnny Depp as David, the Archangel
Navi Rawat as Dana Monroe
Christa B. Allen as Anna Monroe

Written by Kelley Hawkins
Edited by Melody Nation

Disclaimer: The major characters in these episodes/stories are the creations of Joss Whedon and any and all entities who have a share in them such as Twentieth Century Fox, UPN, Warner Bros or Mutant Enemy Productions. The stories are written by fans and are not intended for profit or to infringe upon or undermine the established copyright of those mentioned above. The situations depicted in these stories (sexual or otherwise) are not intended to harm the reputations of those actors associated with the characters involved. The only things that are ©2004 are those characters that are the creation of the Slayers VS8 staff and the original plotlines of the stories.


Buffy awoke to the bright sun on her face. She opened her eyes and muttered, “Stupid sun” and pulled the covers over her head. Obviously, other boyfriends have left her before but as she walked along the dark, dirty streets of Cleveland, she had never felt so alone in her life. Xander was always the one to comfort her after she had been dumped. Xander was the one she could talk to about her feelings. Buffy moaned under her covers just as her bedroom door opened. Dawn walked in the room.

“Well, are you gonna get up today or what? It is after 11 in the morning. Weren’t you going to teach a class at the school? Whadidya call it? “Self-defense with Garbage?”

Buffy lowered the cover to her chin to glare at Dawn. “It is “Self-defense with Unusual Items”. I thought the girls could learn some of my—er—trade secrets.”

“What time was the class?” Dawn asked as she crossed her arms across her chest.

“Ten o’clock,” Buffy said, squealing after saying ten.

“Well, don’t ya think you’re a little...late? Shina has already called to find out why you weren’t there.”

“Could you call ‘em and tell ‘em I’m sick?”

“Sick? There isn’t anything wrong with you. Is there?” Dawn asked, concern suddenly filling her tone.

“Broken heart?”

“Broken heart? Xander? What’s happened now, Buffy?” Dawn asked, her tone indicating that she blamed Buffy for whatever happened between her and Xander.

“What do you mean, now?” Buffy practically shouted and then pushed the covers aside and stood up to walk toward the bathroom. Dawn was close behind her.

“Well, Buffy...you have sent a few boyfriends packing.”

Buffy turned around and glared at Dawn. “That’s unfair to say, Dawn and you know it.”

“Oh, poor Buffy and her relationship traumas.”

“What the hell is the matter with you?” Buffy demanded.

“What’s the matter with you, Buffy?”

Buffy stood rooted to her spot in the hallway as she wondered the same thing herself. She watched as Dawn walked down the hall and then slammed her bedroom door. Then Buffy remembered what day it was and then moaned silently to herself. “Valentine’s Day!”

Act One

Xander sat in his dark motel room on the north end of town. He decided that he did not want to leave town once he was on the road toward Michigan. He wanted to stay as near to Buffy as possible. However, he didn’t know why he wanted to be near her. He was mad at her, right? He wanted to make her miss him a little. Xander’s greatest fear, all of a sudden, was that Buffy was not missing him nor gave him a single thought. What if Buffy felt relieved that he left? What if his leaving made her decision to go back to Angel...or Spike...for that matter, easier? Xander moaned. He truly loved Buffy with all his heart but he couldn’t stay around her knowing what could have happened with her and Angel. He wished that guy would...leave her alone already. Xander realized then that once a man had Buffy and all that Buffy had to offer they didn’t want to leave her alone. They wanted to love her, protect her. Xander laughed then, sarcastically. Protect her? Buffy didn’t need his protection or anyone else’s for that matter.

Xander stood up and paced around his small room. The room smelled faintly of bad odor and bleach. Suddenly, he grabbed his coat and left the room. He was back five minutes later and frantically threw his clothes into his suitcase. He had already checked out of the room and with his suitcase in his trunk, Xander drove.

* * * * *

Buffy stood under the spray of the shower letting the hot water wash away her tears. She remembered Xander telling her that he loved her. Buffy suddenly began to cry harder and she cried as hard as she could. She cried for all those times that Xander wanted her but she gently refused him. She cried for all the times that Xander helped her despite his feelings for her. She cried for Xander. She loved him more than she ever thought possible and she screwed it up with him...again!

There was a soft knock at the bathroom door. Buffy turned off the water.

“Buffy are you all right?”

Buffy sniffed loudly and grabbed a towel. “Yeah, just getting out of the shower,” Buffy yelled back.

“I’m going shopping with Liz. We don’t have school today. Can you believe it? No school on Valentine’s Day.” Dawn yelled through the door. The door opened.

“Why no school?” Buffy asked.

“They closed because there are a lot out with a stomach virus of some kind.”

Buffy shrugged. “Have fun then.”

“You wanna come with?”

“No, just go.”

Dawn rolled her eyes. “Gonna eat all the ice cream again, aren’t you?”

Buffy shook her head, walked into her bedroom, and slammed the door.

* * * * *

Willow knocked on Xander’s door and waited for a few moments. There was no answer. She knocked once more and called Xander’s name. No one answered her behind the door. Puzzled, Willow walked to the window and peered into the living room. She saw the beautiful wood weapons case that he made for Buffy. It was open. Willow saw a white piece of paper inside. She quickly walked back to the front door and tried the door. It was locked. She reached in her small purse and produced Xander’s key. Xander gave it to her for emergencies only and she deemed this an emergency. Willow unlocked the door and charged inside. She made straight for the case and picked up the white paper. As she read, a frown appeared on her face.

“Dammit, Buffy! What did you do now!” Willow whispered angrily in the empty room.
Act Two

After Buffy finished dressing, she picked up the phone from her room. She dialed the number of the Slayer School. Giles answered.

“Giles, I’m not-uh-gonna be in today. I feel all ooggie. I think I have the stomach virus.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon. This –er-stomach virus wouldn’t have anything to do with Xander, would it?”

“Of course not...I...”

“Never mind, Buffy. Just get plenty of rest and –uh-just know that ice cream can irritate your condition,” Giles said and he had the audacity to chuckle.

Buffy stuck her tongue out at him through the phone, hung up and made her way to the kitchen. She retrieved the “chocolate chip cookie dough mint ice cream” from the freezer. There was a yellow Post-it® taped to the top.

“Buffy, please save some this time!—Dawn”

Buffy rolled her eyes and opened the top. Instead of eating directly from the box, as usual, Buffy retrieved a bowl from the cabinet and scooped two scoops...no three scoops into the bowl. “I have Slayer metabolism after all.” Buffy said aloud to herself.

Just as she raised the spoon to take a bite, there was insistent pounding on the front door. Buffy dropped the spoon back into the bowl and walked to the front door. Willow stood on the doorstep. Buffy opened the door and smiled. She was glad to see Willow. She could open her heart up to her and all would be okay. However, the instant Buffy opened the door her smile faded as Willow started in on her.

“What did you do now?” Willow demanded.


“Why did Xander leave to “think about things?” Willow asked sarcastically.

Buffy frowned. “Well, come in and I will tell you, Willow. Why the attack here?”

“Because Xander is my friend and I was afraid this would happen. Buffy, no offense, but you go through men like most people go through underwear!”

Buffy’s mouth dropped open with pure shock. She couldn’t believe that Willow would talk to her that way. First Dawn and now Willow! What was going on here? Buffy simply walked back into the kitchen. Willow slammed the door behind her and followed her.
“So, tell me Buffy what was it this time? Did Xander not shave correctly or something?”

Buffy glared at Willow. She picked up her ice cream and walked over to the table. She sat down and then took a bite. She savored the mint ice cream on her tongue and then chewed on a piece of cookie dough.

“Well!” Willow demanded.

“I am not going to talk to you if you are going to say things like that. What happened between me and Xander is none of your business!”

“The hell it is!” Willow yelled. Her face flashed red with anger and her eyes were solid black. Suddenly, her hair started to turn darker. Buffy looked at Willow in shock.

* * * * *

Faith approached Xander’s apartment. She was shocked to find that the door was slightly open. She pushed on the door and looked inside. Instantly, she saw the beautiful wood case. She walked toward it and knew it was the case that he made for her birthday.

She looked at the case and suddenly she felt a twinge of jealousy. B always got the guy. Faith thought. She looked inside and saw the note. She picked it up and read it. As she read it, she felt angry. “B may always get the guy but she never knew how to keep the guy.” Faith said aloud. “Now, if I can just find him first!”

* * * * *

Xander drove toward his apartment. Next stop, Buffy’s. He didn’t know what he was going to say to her but running away was not the answer. He first had to make one little stop first. Xander walked up to the front door of his apartment. His door was unlocked. That’s funny! Buffy would have locked it if she came here. Maybe she was inside waiting for him. He opened the door but the place was empty. No one was there.

He glanced briefly at the wooden case in the middle of his living room and smiled. For her birthday, he wanted to give her something else but decided to wait until Valentine’s Day. Xander walked into his bedroom and opened a drawer in his night table. He pulled out a small, black velvet box. He smiled. He didn’t know at this point how he’d ask her but he also knew that everything depended on her answer.

Act Three

Buffy stood watching Willow. As she watched, Willow’s hair darkened more by the second. Little veins began to form on her forehead and cheeks. Buffy swallowed hard. She didn’t want a replay of the fight they had after Tara was killed. She had to think fast.

“I love you,” Buffy said. “You don’t want to hurt me, Willow.”
“Bitch!” Willow screamed and then held both hands out in front of her.

Buffy ducked out of the chair just in time. An electric bolt came from Willow’s fingers and exploded the Cow cookie jar on the table.

“Willow, please.”

Willow did not seem to hear her. She raised her hands once more but Buffy was too fast for her. She raised her right leg to kick Willow’s feet from under her. Willow fell to the kitchen floor. Buffy ran to her bedroom, closed, and locked her door. This was ridiculous! Buffy thought. Willow has lost it again and over Xander!

* * * * *

Xander sped toward Buffy’s. He hoped that a cop didn’t stop him but as the thought flashed through his mind, he accelerated his car even more. Finally, he pulled in front of Buffy’s house. He leapt from the car and ran toward the front door just as he heard a crash from inside.

* * * * *

Willow pounded on Buffy’s bedroom door. Buffy hid behind her bed. She didn’t want to hurt Willow just as she didn’t want to be hurt herself. Or did she even care about that any more. Buffy realized with suddenly clarity how angry with herself she was. She never felt anger at Xander for leaving but she felt an unhealthy rage at herself. She reached under her bed to retrieve the weapon she hid there then rose from her hiding place and opened the door to face a further enraged Willow.

* * * * *

Faith went to the first place that she’d think Xander would go. He was not there. She thought that he’d be at the motel on the north end of town. He told her once that he wanted to try the place out if he ever had to exterminate his apartment. He was crazy sometimes.

She went inside and asked the man behind the desk if Xander Harris had been registered there. The man simply smiled at her. Faith reached in her pocket and pulled out a $20. She placed it on the counter.

“Yeah, he was here but took off about an hour ago. Said he had a girl to see.”

Faith frowned and raced from the motel office.

* * * * *

Xander opened the door and rushed inside. He ran into the kitchen and saw the destruction of the cookie jar all over the table and on the floor. He then ran upstairs and stopped in mid-run. Dark Willow stood in front of Buffy. Buffy faced Willow with her own anger. Just as Buffy raised her scathe over Willow’s head, Xander shouted, “NO!”

Buffy looked at Xander and instantly dropped her precious scathe at her feet. A shocked Willow turned to Xander, her hair turned red again, and her eyes were no longer black. Buffy ran to Xander and wrapped herself in his arms.

Act Four

Xander held Buffy in his arms and looked at Willow in shock. He pushed Buffy away from him and looked from her to Willow.

“What in the hell happened here?” Xander asked.

Willow looked down at her feet. Buffy turned away. Buffy felt enraged only moments before but now she felt calm again. It was as if Xander being back made it all go away. But, that was crazy, right?

“You do know you held your mystical axe over your best friend’s head, right?” Xander asked in complete shock.

“Yeah,” Buffy whispered.

“Your hair was black again, Willow and—the veins were back!” Xander said.

“Yeah,” Willow said, looking ashamed. “But I don’t know why I was so mad at Buffy!”

“I do,” Buffy said.

Xander and Willow looked at Buffy expectantly.

“The anger at myself was so powerful it was let loose somehow. This morning Dawn was mad at me and now Willow,” Buffy said as a tear trickled down her cheek. “I was so stupid not to tell you about seeing Angel in L.A...and remembering...but I didn’t want to hurt you, Xander. More could have happened with Angel and with Spike for that matter, but I didn’t let it. Yes, I kissed Angel but it was a goodbye kiss. I kissed Spike, too, but it was a “hello, you’re alive! kiss.”

Xander exhaled sharply.

“Wait, please hear me out. I was finally able to...to say goodbye to Spike and finally to Angel, Xander. Because I love you!” Buffy said her voice shaking with emotion. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anybody and the crazy thing is...I always have. At first, I loved you as my very dear friend and now I love you with that same passion as a woman, a lover. I can’t promise I won’t hurt you again Xander. I can only tell you that I love you with all my heart and it is breaking right now.”

Xander looked deep into Buffy’s eyes at that moment. Willow suddenly smiled through her own tears. Then, Dawn and Faith walked in the hallway just as Xander kneeled on the floor in front of Buffy. He reached in his pocket and pulled out the small, black velvet box. Faith exhaled sharply and Dawn giggled.

“I had everything I wanted to say to you all planned out, Buffy but it’s all jumbled in my head right now. I love you so much,” Xander whispered as he saw Buffy’s shocked expression. “I know you love me, too, Buffy and we were going to spend the rest of our lives together anyway. I just want to make it official,” Xander said as tears welled up in his own eyes. He opened the box to reveal the most beautiful emerald and diamond ring. “Will you marry me, Buffy and make me the happiest man in the world?”

It seemed as if everyone in the room held a collective breath while waiting for Buffy’s answer. Then Buffy leapt into Xander’s arms and covered his face with several kisses as she whispered, “Yes, yes, yes!”

Faith slipped unnoticed from the hallway, down the stairs, and out the door. Dawn and Willow looked at each other with tears streaming down their faces. Willow moved toward Dawn and put her arm around her. They embraced each other. Dawn felt tiny tingles all over her body as Willow held her. Willow loosened her hold on Dawn and then looked deeply in her eyes. Willow could see all of Dawn’s feelings for her right then. “Oh Goddess!” Willow exclaimed as she gazed into Dawn’s eyes. Dawn looked away, obviously embarrassed.

Xander and Buffy continued to hug each other and Xander whispered his love for her in her ear.

”Happy Valentine’s Day, baby,” Xander whispered to Buffy.

“The best day of my life, Mr. Harris!” Buffy exclaimed and they kissed deeply.

* * * * *

David sat in his study reading a book when Faith walked in.

“Do you need help getting rid of the Slayer?”

“Which Slayer,” David asked, tongue in cheek.

“You know who I mean!” Faith answered angrily.

David smiled. “Whatever did you have in mind, Faith?”

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