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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/687948-Immoving-out-in
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
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#687948 added February 19, 2010 at 3:41am
Restrictions: None
I'm...moving out. (in)
Greetings Studyees...if you don't know by now, now you know...the once "CWC" and I have secured a house to call our own. I've taken a break from the work/packing/moving process to stop by and say hi. And voice my concerns/complaints/rebuttals...

*Bullet* When I'm doing anything, having to shut off iTunes annoys the Bejebus outta me.

*Bullet* Yes, I'm a pessi-mess. And that is because everytime I've hoped for the best, the best has failed to deliver for me. In the Northeast, it's a birthmark that you can't see, but you feel it, like a phantom limb. And why am I pessimistic in this particular moment? Because said significant other has thought every night for the past week that she hasn't accomplished anything. Hence, my politically incorrect Facebook update of: After J and the kids had Chinese while I was at work, her fortune cookie said "Your burdens will soon be lifted". I asked her "How high, and what will the impact look like once they crash down on you when they drop?".

She has been driving me nuts with the feeling of her not having accomplished enough. Add to that the fact that we have different theories on how a move should be handled, Stoggers, this woman has been doing a kick-ass job at getting packed, motivating the kids, and letting me get the rest of the crap I have outta 542. She has also acquiesced and is allowing me a MAN-CAVE in the basement. What she fails to realize is: 1) all she sees are boxes, and not the empty spaces, which would validate her work...and I really think so, but she disputes my claim as having "more to work around in the new place"....but I say "get as much outta here as we can with the car and my uncle's Explorer and put it in the right places in the house so we don't HAVE to work around them".

I'm officially eschewing bullet points because I've had a crazy day at work and I want to rant a little...because if everyone else is this house can rant, so can I.

I've got the next four days off. We're moving for good on saturday and fine-tuning on sunday. I've worked and prepped for the move the last three days. She has to work tomorrow. We have two vehicles, one of which is now borrowed as the Saturn is now "cold-weather friendly" . I am totally sleeping in, but she knows my plan. Whether or not she remembers it, I can't tell you. I can't remember something she told me her mother said to her that she relayed to me two weeks ago, and she can't remember something I said to her 15 minutes prior to her finding out about it.

I will say this, though...as if it isn't a known fact already...I get freaked out easily. And after a good day/evening when we packed in the morning and I worked and we caught up, right before she went to bed she playfully threw something at me. She announced her intentions of going to bed, made it all the way up the stairs, and snuck down to whiz something that she claimed to be a stuffed animal right over this guy's dome, I got pissed. My bad aim made my slipper look bad...but when you know I hate people intentionally freakin' me out, DON'T DO IT. Your kids know that I hate it and still intentionally do it...and you wonder why I think they're ignorant. I can have all the fun with the best of the fun-havers but these kids...have no idea, and I'm not going on...it's officially Lent, and i have have bigger fish to hopefully get fried. She's all lovwy-dovey,,,

More to the story soon....

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