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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/689000-633-words-1st-march-2010
by Wybo
Rated: 18+ · Book · Activity · #1580806
This is my daily writing book. The idea being to write at least 500 words a day. Come one!
#689000 added March 1, 2010 at 10:45am
Restrictions: None
633 words 1st march 2010

There’s little left to care for and hardly any reason he can think of to stay alive but he still tries and fights for every day. Killing often as he’d never done before, never fought never lashed out now but yesterday he skewered an old woman with his lance and ate her over the fire, angry that she was old and tough and not as tasty as the little ones he’d caught the other day. He knows that people aren’t the same as animals but he has to think they are has to think of them like a pork chop or a side of beef or a lamb shank, he can’t think of the person, if he didn’t kill them they’d kill him he knew that and so he proceeded, each day, looking for prey and looking for predators.

He used to work in an office, shuffling paper around or shuffling emails and document around and he guessed he would’ve been considered pretty soft and nothing, not a match for any of those hard handed mighty men who worked with their hands and drove vans and leered at women out loud and spat a lot in the street an showed their flesh as often as possible and seemed to be fearless, to him. He knew he felt a lot tougher when he was behind the wheel of his car, back then, he looked at them aggressively in his mirror and swore loudly, occasionally panicking when he saw that they noticed and seemed to be driving after him. He wanted to kill then, occasionally but not really, just a flash of murderous rage when one of them cut him up in their white vans. Most of the time though he kept his anger to himself, or hid it behind a series of jokes and secret underhand plotting movements.

None of that now. He was quick to understand the new world and the new world order it had created. No one was in charge, the usual rules didn’t apply and although brawn could be useful, brains, cunning, that was much more useful.

He knew that most people had resorted to eating each other now and there wasn’t even a second thought, but in the first few weeks and months he had the upper hand. People were too squeamish, too trusting and too slow to realise the extent of the devastation and desperation they now faced. No one was coming to rescue them, the government weren’t all safe in a bunker working out the best way to restore civilisation in a few weeks. There was no government no army, no police force, no jobs no power or water unless you really worked for it and very very little food.

So he befriended a few people, invited them into his hideout and that first time, those 2 sweet innocent teenagers, one quite hunky, who lasted for a week or more, they had no idea. He killed the boy first, he might have been trouble, so he killed him in his sleep. When the girl woke up and realised she screamed, naturally but no one was coming, he just tied her up and made her watch while he ate her boyfriend, bit by bit. He noticed at the end there, after almost a week without eating and maybe longer before that, she didn’t seem quite so disgusted and he saw her looking at the chunks of meat n a different way. No more turning away, no more retching no more insults and desperate pleading. She just stared and occasionally licked her lips. He let her have a last piece and she lapped it up, greedy bitch. Then he cut her throat. Bled her upside down, reckoned it would taste better that way and it did, she was delicious.

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Steve Wybourn

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/689000-633-words-1st-march-2010