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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/689119-New-Days
by Æiri
Rated: E · Book · Other · #1365624
Æiri's Blog
#689119 added March 2, 2010 at 2:20pm
Restrictions: None
New Days
Greetings folks,

I was able to scrape together enough money to submit a 3 month subscription to keep my stories and my Upgraded status. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to read anything I have here. I was scared for a bit that my stories were deleted because my deadline was so close.

Well, that job assessment test did me no good (refer to "Been a while" entry). The company wasn't even good enough to send me a thanks but no thanks acknowledgement. That happens a lot. There's just too many unemployed out there these days to expect anyone's HR (Human Resources Department) to follow through with a little common courtesy. When they do, it's appreciated, it doesn't get me a job, but it's still appreciated. And yes, I am one of those who sends responses in kind for their time and consideration. It just makes good sense because you never know when another chance at getting a job might be or whom it's with.

So, that company was a bust (this time). I submitted more resumes, updated new info on current resumes and I actually got two interviews that went rather well afterward. One company is like the fast food of phone services offering barely over minimum wage and no word on benefits. But the interview turned out to be more of a conversation than an under-the-spot-light grilling, which was nice. I just hate the idea of being offered $2/hr LESS than what my unemployment benefits pay now. The second interview I attended was much closer to my years of training and previous pay and benefits were. I could begin an independent life all over again with this company. I so miss independence and being able to support my family without the help of others. I will find out soon what their level of interest in me is, and I'm on pins and needles waiting.

To better news: my daughter is getting married to her childhood sweetheart either in March or in May depending on how soon her needed certified paperwork arrives. Her life is looking better and I can at least lessen my worries and concerns over her.

Recently I received another manuscript rejection. Is this a bad thing? Not at all. The editor was kind enough to take time out of her schedule to let me know that even though her company won't be extending an offer for this manuscript, she liked my voice well enough that she invited me to submit future stories for consideration directly to her, and I do have stories for her. Normally, when a rejection comes with a critique they tell you what worked for them and what they think should be adjusted to better suit the readership they market to. In this one the editor addressed my actual talent. Adding my rejections up and speaking with multi-published authors I'm told that it appears that my work is being seen quickly and reviewed to the point where the stories are getting to the internal negotiating table among all the other editors who present their newest talents for publication and it's a matter of a numbers game now. When the publisher sets up a meeting with their editors and they're told to select 2 or 3 new pieces to pitch and they foresee publishing 2 for the year (or the identified timeframe) and there may be 10 or more editors pitching their favorites, to get to that table is an accomplishment.

To those who helped in spirit, my thanks and my encouragement to continue as I'm not there quite yet. These are times that try one's fortitude, one's spirit, one's health, and one's soul. I will make it! Again!

My humblest gratitude,


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/689119-New-Days