Gratitude breaks the spell of Writers Block |
Word count: 511 A nightingale sings Clouds conceal Monday’s sky The coffee is hot Cat on Mom’s covers Holds her in bed this morning She wants to get up Lately I have found myself writing Haiku in the morning. They make quick thoughts about almost anything. All though, I technically I think the subject of Haiku concerns nature. Still I write Haiku about almost everything I encounter in life. I three form poems to write this week for the "Invalid Item" contest. One will meet the requirement for the contest, but since I have written poem using all three forms for the past two weeks I may as well continue. This week’s forms are triolet, ae frelighe, and sestina. I am placing these poems in "Poetry in Motion Poems" . To complete the sestina I need to come up with six words. Words I am considering for this poem are (1) worship, (2) names, (3) coffee, (4) medication, (5) psoriasis, and (6) donuts. I may change the words before I complete the poem. The words are the only things I have for this poem; I have not started writing the line yet, so I am not sure about the words. The more I look at those words, the more questions arise in my mind about the theme. I started this entry this morning before I went to the breast specialist. While I waited to see her and find out the results of my BSG, I wrote several haiku and completed the triolet and ae frelighe. It is amazing what a person can accomplish while waiting to see a doctor. I am putting the haiku in this entry and posting the other two in Poetry in Motion Poems. Patient conditions Prosper at city stoplights Traffic moves slowly Memorize prayers Intone them in the darkness We are survivors I open the book Remembrance of God read Healing assistance The doctor said the BSG look good and showed no signs of malignancy. She wants me to have another ultrasound in about six months. I made the appointment with the doctor for October 4, so I need to get the ultrasound the last week in September. Of course, I will continue to say healing prayers and leave this situation in God’s hands. I feel relieved about the prognosis the doctor gave me today. I am not sure what else to say about the issue with the mass or lump, whichever you want to call it, in my breast. I know this is something I am going to have to keep an eye on and I am going to have to do a better job of self-breast exams from now on. I should be able to find something on my own and bring it to my doctor’s attention instead of the doctor bringing it to my attention. I may write another poem about this experience and the way I feel about it. However, I am going to let that theme percolate in my subconscious for a while. I need some time to figure out an approach and a form. |