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Gratitude breaks the spell of Writers Block |
Word count: 540 Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 9, went well. My brothers and my sister called, so Mom was able to talk to all her children and some of her grandchildren. I gave Mom a giant Mother’s Day card and she cried because she was happy. I guess you could say it was a Happy Mother’s Day. Mom has Alzheimer’s, she needs a hearing aid (which we will pick up sometime this week), and she needs new glasses (these we will pick up Thursday, Friday, or Monday). This morning she has an appointment with her regular doctor because she needs her ears cleaned out and the doctor won’t write the referral until he sees her. Mom has short-term memory problems and gets angry easily. Both are part of the Alzheimer’s, but it’s her anger that causes the most difficulties. She gets angry over anything real or imagined. She gets angrier over imagined things then real. She gets angrier in the mornings and on cloudy days then afternoons or sunshiny days. Sunday Mom didn’t get angry, so it was a good Mother’s Day. Sunday my siblings all called Mom so it was a good Mother’s Day. I have to remind Mom that they called, but after I remind her she remembers talking to them. This morning Mom is angry because she has to go see a doctor. This morning Mom is angry because she had to take a regular bath instead of a sponge bath because she has a doctor’s appointment. I hope her mood changes when we start to drive to the doctor, but I’m not going to count on it. Sometimes her mood changes when we get out of the house and sometimes it doesn’t. I’m going to close this temporarily, while I take a quick bath and get ready to go. I interrupted this entry earlier today because Mom had an appointment with her doctor. He’s putting her on an antidepressant, if it doesn’t make any difference then we can take her off of it. I don’t know whether it is the right thing or not. When I pick the meds up, I’ll talk to the pharmacist about what side effects I’m to look for. Sometimes it is difficult to get Mom to take all her meds. I hope the anti depressant is the right thing, but the only thing to do is wait and see. Mom and I went to Chili’s today and had lunch. I had a $10.00 gift card so the meal only cost us about $23.00 plus tip. Mom enjoyed herself, which is nice because she doesn’t seem to enjoy herself at home. I have an appointment tomorrow to have a heart scan, so I’m going to take Mom with me. Mom enjoys getting out of the house, Mom always seems happier when she is out of the house doing something or eating. If I could take Mom out to eat every day, I know she would gain weight. Right now Mom weighs 99 lbs. and the doctor wants her to gain about fifteen or twenty more. I don’t know how she is going to do it, but she has to gain the weight. I am weary, I have more post to make online and some reviews. |