The Good Life. |
Post at Advice for Business Managers once per weekday. Goal met, but still not ahead for tomorrow yet. Getting there. Post at at least once per week. Pending. Write one Textbroker article per weekday. Pending, and due at 5:48pm. Grow blogs. Dabbling in Domesticity : Caught up. SEO: No change, except that I'm working to improve my social networking presence by posting more often. Launch one new performance repertoire song per week. Goal met: "I'll Fly Away" and "Blessed Be Your Name" Write one new original song per month. Pending. Brand the biz(es.) Goal met. Working on lease review, architect proposals, and soundproofing research. Perform one household chore per day. Goal met. Read a book in print 15 minutes every day. Nope, and this one may be on hold until the weekend. *shrug* You'll have that. Achieve a weight of 145.0 by 6/1/10. 8:00am Cashew granola bar (3) and coffee (1) 11:00am Candy corns (1) 1:45pm Skinny roast beef sandwich (7) 2:30pm Tall, nonfat, no-whip white mocha (5.5) TOTAL POINTS SO FAR: 17.5 As an aside, I've been filling in at church for a friend who had a stroke. She directs the Senior Saints choir, which is made up of elderly singers, and when my friend went out on medical leave, I helped take over. That's been taking up my Wednesday mornings for about a month or two, but this morning was the last session. *whew* They're so much fun! But I'm just so busy. |