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#700181 added August 11, 2018 at 4:15pm
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Create/Edit a Product Review
This tutorial is for creating a Product Review. Any Writing.Com member may write and submit a Product Review. When you hit the Store This Review button at the end, you will create something special that further defines you as an individual on Writing.Com, and perhaps on other sites that may have access to your review. Your Product Review will be assigned its own unique seven-digit ID number. By using this number in any of the WritingML product review links, you and others can easily access this particular product review. For instructions on how to link to a Product Review, please see WritingML Help for pr.

Note: If your device and browser support multiple browser tabs or windows and you would like to create a Product Review while referring to these directions, right-click on the Create New Item link in the main navigation menu on the left to open that page in a new window or tab. In the CREATE A NEW ITEM page, click on Product Review to open the Add A New Product Review page.


Enter a Product ASIN
ASIN stands for "Amazon.com Standard Item Number." Every item in Amazon.Com's catalog has a unique ASIN. (For books, the ASIN is the same as the ISBN. A book can have a 10-digit ISBN-10 number and/or a 13-digit ISBN-13 number.) You can find a product's ASIN on its Amazon.Com detail page. In the detail page URL, the ASIN is the number after the "dp". For example:


Product details
Hardcover: 400 pages
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 1 edition (June 1, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0151010269
ISBN-13: 978-0151010264

If you are unsure of an item's ASIN, head to http://www.amazon.com/ and search for the product you'd like to review.

Enter a product ASIN: Enter the Amazon.Com product number and press Review to continue the review.

Editing Notes: If Amazon discontinues an item and removes its ASIN, the ASIN will no longer be displayed in the product review. The ASIN in an existing product review cannot be edited. If Amazon carries another edition of the item, the product review can be re-created with a current ASIN number.

Content Ratings
As the name implies, this section contains content rating information about both the product and your review. Essentially, this is what people will find when they see your Product Review listed within a search or on a list.

Using the Writing.Com guidelines for "Content Rating System (CRS), determine the appropriate rating for your review content. If you have questions regarding what rating is warranted for your content, post the questions in "Content Rating Support.

*Bullet* Product's Content Rating: This rating applies strictly to the product being rated. For example, you may be reviewing a DVD with an "R" rating. You should rate the product at least 18+, or higher depending on the content of the DVD.

*Bullet* This Product Review's Content Rating: This is the rating you apply to your review.

Product Reviews
This section consists of a series of statement beginnings designed to elicit both informational and emotional comments about the product you are reviewing. The statements may vary depending on the type of product being reviewed. Type your comments into the text boxes provided for each statement.

If a particular box is not needed for your review, just leave it blank. Empty boxes will not be displayed.

Editing Notes: Pending additional programming, if you have already created the product review and want to remove the existing content from one of these sections without replacing it with new content, replace the existing content with N/A and save the edit.

Product Ratings:
Your product will be rated from one (1) to five (5) in each of a series of categories that apply to this specific product. These categories will vary based on the product being reviewed. For example, a Music CD may list Sound Quality as a category, while a book would not. If a rating category does not apply, leave it as N/A and it will not be displayed.

Store This Product Review:
*Bullet* Important Copyright Information: When you post your work on Writing.Com, you maintain complete rights to your own works. By posting to Writing.Com, you grant us non-exclusive rights to display and store your work on our site. Non-exclusive means that you may give these same rights to anyone else as well. We require these rights to show your work to other people who may visit our site. For our complete copyright policy, please see "Writing.Com Copyright Policy.

Additionally, by submitting this work, you affirm that the work is legally yours to post and that posting it will not create the infringement of or on any copyrights. You understand that you may not post any work that is not owned by you, or that you do not have express written consent from the owner to post on their behalf.

Writing.Com may license Product Reviews to other web sites; in each case, the reviewer will be compensated with a link back to their Writing.Com portfolio

*Bullet* Store This Review: Pressing this button will transmit a copy of this product review to Writing.Com

You've just created a Product Review. Your item now has a unique Item ID number associated with it, which will never change as long as the item exists. This item may be edited at any time, and as many times as you wish. This number is located on the line above your title, and may be used to reference this item using WritingML links. See WritingML Help for pr for more on linking Product Reviews.

Remember to save your work before leaving any creation or edit page. Currently there is no automatic save mode on Writing.Com. Your product review may be accessed through My Account/(My Activity) Product Reviews in the left navigation menu.1

Recommended Reading

1  Updated by northernwrites; written by JACE and The StoryWitchress

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The StoryWitchress has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/700181-CreateEdit-a-Product-Review