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"Putting on the Game Face"
#700860 added July 5, 2010 at 8:23am
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"Good/Bad" and considering alternatives
The idea of “Good” and considering Alternatives

Sorry about the interruption yesterday….where were we…ah yes talking about alternatives and the coming storm. Here are four options that illustrate my points.

1. Do nothing: Outcome. Your body will be assailed by high winds (100 mph) and soaked by 100K raindrops. This is neither “Good” or “Bad” conceptually…it is nature’s answer to your plight….nature is neutral.

2. Stand Under/behind a Tree: Outcome. A fifty percent reduction in rain and wind. This is “Good.” It improves upon just standing out there like a moron. Note: This could be a “Bad” if lightening strikes the tree.

3. Stand against the cliff face: Outcome: A seventy-five percent reduction in effects. This is “Better.” “Better” is a variation of “Good” that compares two alternatives. If one solution is superior to another the superior one is “Better.” Note: This could be a “Bad” outcome if there is a landslide caused by the erosion.

4. Go into a Cave: Outcome: One hundred percent reduction in effects. Of the three this is termed “Best.” Another variation of the word “Good” which means “Goodest, or Good as it Gets.” In this case it also is the optimal solution…if the effects are reduced to zero that is the “Optimal Solution.” Note: If a bear was hibernating in the cave and you wake him up and he attacks, that would be “Bad.”

Let me repeat myself and emphasize that “Bad” is taking an action that is worse than doing nothing at all. Getting struck by lightening, caught in an avalanche and eaten by a bear all qualify. This illustrates that as nature seeks to create a harmony in the world, and man reacts, that “Good” and “Bad” are man made forces that collectively are at work to restore the equilibrium.

Before getting back to Snow white let me give another example.

An Oil Company, not to be named, is doing some deep well drilling in the Gulf or Mexico. The CEO walks out of a board meeting with the shareholders after being told in no uncertain terms that he needs to increase dividends. The CEO goes from there to an operations meeting of his staff in London.

“Gentlemen and Ladies,” he says in a forceful tone… we need to increase profits. Any ideas what we can do in the short term to raise revenues and satisfy the shareholders.”

Mr. Jones, the Chief Engineer raises his hand. “We have some more options on our Gulf lease, we could exercise those and drill additional wells….”

“That would take months…you aren’t listening…I said short term… Short term, those are the operative words, do I have to repeat myself, Jones?”

Undeterred the Engineer counters, “We could sell our stock in Universal Pictures and use that money to pay the dividend.”

“What? and lose a valuable tool for influencing public opinion…are your daft… Are Engineers the stupidest group of individuals on the planet or what..?”

Mr. Smith, an accountant speaks up. “Right now we have a deep water well that is operating at only ten percent capacity….we could open the spigot and realize huge profits in a very short time.

“Now that’s an idea…a sad state of affairs it is when accounts are the only ones using the old noggin. Well done Smith. What do you say to that Jones?”

“That is a deep water well…it is over a mile down to the sea bed…the pressures at that depth are enormous… If you start leaning on that well its going to “Pop,“ and there will be hell to pay.”

“I don’t pay you to tell me what I can’t do Mr. Jones….I pay you to make sure everything goes smoothly…. Do you think I don’t know how you Engineers build layer upon layer of redundancy into those wells. There’s back up systems for back up systems…. You would think you’re building the Space Shuttle. Why there hasn’t been an accident in the Gulf in fifty years. All I hear from you is negative vibes…you are a classic example of a glass half empty. Have them turn the wheel a half turn more and get on with it…”

More tomorrow…

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