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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#701708 added July 17, 2010 at 8:07am
Restrictions: None
The End of Reason
Well, we are coming to the end of my exposition on reason. We have listed the possibilities, analyzed them using criteria, looked at the advantages and disadvantages and compared them with one another. Now it is decision time….Ta da! This is simple enough…choose one or craft the components of several into your choice of what do. This becomes your conclusion and all that remains of the reason part is for you to accept the recommendation you make to yourself.

For example…I am resolved to take the teaching job, but maybe I can wait on tables several nights a week if I am ambitious and fix cars in the garage on the weekends and in the summertime.

Now that you have decided what to do it is time for phase two. Phase Two is developing a plan of action. I hear your groaning already….more paperwork….when am I ever going to get to work…? Next week I will start on how to develop a plan of action. Won’t that be exciting?

Actually I had an interesting time last week. I bought a 1940 Ford two door sedan and worked on my 1953 Ford F-6 Pick-up truck. Further I devoted time to my 1993 Dodge one ton that has a Cummings diesel engine as well as took my Dodge ¾ ton Military in to have it worked on.

Concurrently I split wood that I will burn this winter to heat my house and garage. I purchased twenty full cords ( 1 full cord = 3 face cords. 1 face cord is a pile that is 4X4 with the pieces measuring between 12 and 24 inches in length) at the unbelievably cheap price of $25 a chord. The reason for the great price is because Calvin, the land clearer needed to get rid of it so the land can be planted next year. Consider that a full cord usually costs around $80 dollars.

I have an outdoor wood burner. I used to have it in the basement but my wife made me take it out because the downdrafts in the wintertime sometimes smoked up our house. In addition the insurance companies frown on having a wood burner in the basement.

Like I said, or did I?…I have wood heat in my house and garage/shop. The way it works is pretty cool (HOT?). The wood stove contains a boiler which circulates water into the house just like a car radiator does the heater in your automobile. There is a heat exchanger (radiator) located in the (plenum) heating duct that rises up from the gas furnace in the basement. The blower in the furnace circulates the hot air and heats the house in the winter. If I ever run out of wood the gas furnace is back up…Last year I didn’t use any gas to heat the house. Now that might sound good but before you rush out to buy one be advised that gathering wood is very labor intensive. That is about sixty face cord a year. It costs me about $4,000 a year to heat my house (propane) and garage with gas and that converts to a pile of firewood. It has to be purchased, blocked, split, hauled, stored and stacked. Each of these is a process. I do it more for the exercise and to avoid the treadmill in the basement more than anything else. Right now I am about half-way done for wintertime…which is why my blog doesn’t always get posted in a timely manner….not that very many people read it anyway. Maybe my grandchildren will some day…that’s a thought.

Last night I had a dream that I was lost in Europe trying to get my parents to an airport. Talk about a confused mind and being disoriented…I bet that is what old age will be like…a real shipwreck. I helped my parents until they passed away….It is certainly a rough way to end the adventure of a life time.

Now that I am through discussing reason I think I might blog on my adventures in the field of automotive maintenance. If anyone is reading what you you prefer...planning or cars. In looking at my statistics only twenty people have bothered to read my blog so far and only about ten of those seem active… Yes I think all the bloging on problem solving has been a definite downer…maybe working on cars would generate more interest. Or I could talk about my adventures as a waiter in the food service industry…I was one spiffy food waiter…serve from the left and take from the right and all that…or was it the other way around. Dyslexia is confusing at times…they used to call it “Stupid” but now the operative word is “Challanged.“

Time to go cut wood…more tomorrow.

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