Gratitude breaks the spell of Writers Block |
Word count: 539 Falling Asleep at the Keyboard Friday, July 16, 2010 I am so tired that I am falling asleep at the keyboard. When I came home from work, I did not feel tired or sleepy; however, the moment I sat down at the computer and began to write I started nodding off. I have even forgotten what I intended to write. I need to finish this, but right now, I am so sleepy that I do not think I can write anything else. I suppose falling asleep at the keyboard is better then falling asleep in front of the television. For the past few night I have found myself doing that. I am watching a show and nod off. I wake up a few hours later and wonder what I missed. I am not going to fall asleep watching a television show tonight. I am not going to nod off at the keyboard either. Instead, I think I will save this document and see if I can get a little sleep before finishing this entry. Saturday, July 17, 2010 I started this document on Friday evening, I did not fall asleep watching television because I did not turn the T.V. on. I fell asleep just after I finished saying my prayers. I slept well, better then I normally sleep. Before I went to bed, I made sure that I locked the doors, but I did not check the cat dishes. This morning the cats let me know they were out of food, so I fed them this morning. I have to check there dishes this evening when I get home from work. I am tired when I get home from work, sometimes I do not feel tired right away. I have a tendency to fall asleep in front of the T.V. or doze off at the keyboard; I am going to attempt to avoid either for the next few days. There are a few other things I am have to avoid as well; however, I think I will discuss them in a later entry. Lately, I have been lucky to find subjects for entries. I think some of my entries are becoming boring. I have a couple of ideas for less boring entries, but when I set down to write the subject I chose is the subject ne on my mind at the time I compose the entry. Falling asleep was the subject on my mind last night. The subject on my mind this morning is Mom and how helpless she has become lately. I think I will write about Mom and Alzheimer’s disease later. I know that is the reason she is seems so helpless. I am also thinking about writing about how slow my computer is becoming, but that could turn into a rant. I could also write about the virus I spent all day Thursday removing from my system. I could write about many subjects, so perhaps I need to make a list and chose one that is less boring. Maybe I need to take a different approach entirely and attempt to write about something I have never attempted before. I could be in a rut; if I am, I need to get out of my rut. |