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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#707399 added October 1, 2010 at 11:33am
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Capitalism and Socialism and Unions
Capitalism, socialism and Unions

As much as I hate politics my latest blog stirred up some interest.. not from members mind you but somewhere out in the ether somebody took note. I am sure I managed to offend just about everyone. That is more than I can say for my blogs on reason, and car building. The most interest I had received here-to-for was when I talked about life on the farm.

I hope nobody thinks I am anti-union. I am just not pro union. If it weren’t for the unions nobody would be out there looking out for the workers. As I pointed out yesterday, the reasons unions came into existence was because the workers were exploited by the capitalists. This is not a bunch of Socialist and Communist word speak….it happens to be true and the social conditions were used by the “Collectiveists” to help sell their defunct and worthless political philosophy.

If management hates the unions they have nobody to blame but themselves…It was like the story the Once and Future King where is was lust instead of greed that led to the conception of Mordred who was the downfall of the king who conceived him…Perhaps greed and lust are ends of the same passion…Then again, perhaps that’s a bit deep. Anyway it was the greed of the capitalists and their ambivalence towards the workers that spawned the unions.

I say ambivalence because capitalists don’t actually hate the workers, rather they see them as a resource…like a lump of coal or a barrel of crude. If you need further evidence go to the personnel department of most enterprises and you will see a sign entitled “Department of Human Resources.“ If that doesn’t express the view of CEOs towards their workers then I will never be able to convince you of anything…you might as well quit reading.

We have not evolved as far from our primitive roots as you may think. Mankind survived because it had a talent for working together to achieve a corporate goal. Hunting, security, food gathering and production…mankind survived not because individually there was anything particularly redeeming about the human species but because collectively we were hard to stop. As a matter of fact doing things together goes to the very core of homo sapien's society and as much as we talk about freedom and wistfully think about being unencumbered by the demands of others we need those others not just to survive but because human interaction keeps our miserable petty little spirits from shriveling up.

Another great example is here at writing.com. People come here for two reasons. The first is to improve individually as writers and perhaps achieve the individual goal of becoming published, however they also crave the social interaction and encouragement of others. This is healthy. It is a blending of the individual need to be creative supplemented by the social need to learn and receive the support of others However, keep in mind that it is the individual writer that ultimately produces the novel not the support group…Writing novels by committee simply does not work and neither does Socialism. When the writer’s quit writing there is nothing for the support group to support. Literature dies

Socialists and Communists for all the empty headed political nonsense they expose have a cleverness…hence the name "Socialism." People like to socialize It’s a great name and they have gotten a lot of mileage out of it. Actually, what it is slavery….slavery to the government…

It amazes me that a minority that will go unnamed, that suffered slavery in this country and should know something about it, flocks to the Democratic Party aka Socialist aka Communist party. Socialism is indentured servitude to the government and Communism is full fledged slavery. That is the difference between the two. Instead of a straw boss cracking a whip the government waves a welfare check. Under socialism capitalism is strangled until it is finally dead and renamed Communism. The problem is, that the chance of a decent life for the masses dies with it. There is still a separation of the classes and a huge gulf between the haves and the have nots…Look at the USSR before it finally collapsed under the huge weight of apathy…when everyone expected a handout. Surely the world hasn’t forgotten that scarcity of consumer products. It occurred because nobody wanted to work and the goods the people wanted did not get produced in the quantities required…there was that scarcity they talk about in Economics 101 and the party members took the lions share of what there was and left the rabble with the crumbs. The Communist Party ended up taking care of their own and everybody else got screwed. If you want to see where the socialist model eventually winds up look at recent history. It happened in our life times and had a hundred years worth of opportunity to sort itself out….It’s passing should have proved to everyone that it was a bad idea.

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