"Putting on the Game Face" |
Baggage I read a vignette this morning that surfaced the age old “Baggage” question…..This is that as people get older and seek to transition into new relationships they must contend with the carryover of issues from past relationships. This can include offspring of a previous marriage, maxed out credit cards or a homicidal ex-boyfriend (hateful ex-girlfriend)…not to mention some medical issues that most erotica writers prefer not to think about. There can also be an upside which are some great kids, an appreciation for financial discipline, a loving support group and a clean bill of health. These are the physical components but there are also the emotional ones. Abusive relationships, and ones that a spouse accepted to preserve the harmony of the relationship and issues with the children are examples of the down side but the upside can be a healthy attitude towards sex, i.e. the sex was good but the marriage failed for other reasons, a spouse that was faithful but unable to uphold his/her ground in the physical department and kids who were loved and will probably make the adjustment fine to a new parental relationship. The term “Baggage” while it usually has something of a negative connotation also can add things to a relationship that make it that much the better. This week’s class requirement for “conflict”, also the Quickie prompt, takes the couples into an episode charged with conflict. While a contest entry usually focuses on the sensual aspects of a relationship, now this dynamic has to be reconciled with some of those dragons that lurk under the bed. I find that absolutely fascinating and any readers, (if they can handle erotica) might want to take the time to see how the various writers will step up to the plate. |