"Putting on the Game Face" |
The Light Bulb Analogy I do hope my blog isn’t disturbing anyone….better that you laugh and call me a fool than be disturbed or perhaps even annoyed. Maybe if I talk about writing it will provide a common ground and you will find my ranting less intrusive. Yes writing, sigh, what a wonderful thing that is. When the sprit (God) created the vessels in which he placed a small piece of himself he chose a distributed data base rather than a huge mainframe. He did this because the Universe can be a chaotic and dangerous place and feared a catastrophic event killing his awareness in one fell swoop. So instead of living in one grand palace he chose instead many small cottages. You, a reader of this blog, are one of those cottages. Think of yourself as a light bulb….yes that is a fine analogy…a light bulb. It is exactly what the sprit was thinking when he created the first living thing as he pushed the pencil or stroked the keys acting on an idea he had to cheat death and realize immortality. Instead of one big light like the sun he would create instead many little light bulbs. Now consider this light bulb she designed. It was made of the elements…some silicon, some aluminum a twist of tungsten, some copper wires, you get the picture…It was not designed to last forever…indeed not for as we all know light bulbs are prone to failure. They can burn out from within or are carelessly broken or dropped . Anyway this light bulb is what the spirit called life. Now most who are familiar with how a light bulb works are going to be bored for a moment but allow me to bring everyone up to speed. The way it works is that a silicon (glass) globe is blown into an orb and into this is placed a thin pedestal that contains a filament and this filament is connected by wires to an external power source and the orb is sealed and drawn to vacuum so there are no impurities inside to shorten the life of the filament….then energy is applied externally and the light comes on. Now the light bulb would burn forever were it not impurities in the components as well as those that over time find their way into the globe. Sorry to leave you hanging...my wife needs some help with the turkey |